Mass Effect: Traynor and Williams (Javorcek X MellowYellow)

Part of Samantha considered forfeiting. She had gotten a taste of her juices off her fingers earlier and Ashley had tasted simply divine, and to eat her out fully...but cunnilingus was kind of a big deal if you wanted to be with a woman, and Ashley would need to learn at some point. Sooner rather than later, right?

Still...Ashley wasn't the pushover Sam had been expecting. She was a wise chess player and had a very aggressive style Samantha wasn't used to, and it seemed her victory wasn't exactly assured. It was like a Batarian trying to bomb a crafty Quarian out of her foxhole.

It was all coming to a head now, and Sam was trying to puzzle out her next move. She moved her bishop diagonally, claiming one of Ashley's knights for herself. She could take the queen from here, she was sure of it...but Ashley also had a path clear for Samantha's own royal family.
Ashley knew that oral was going to be a big part of the sexual side of their relationship. That was what lesbians did right? Lots of oral sex, strap ons and fingering? So it was inevitable...she'd have to get used to it eventually. But if she had to go down on Sam because of a silly bet, Ash wasn't going to submit to the Specialist so easily. Sure, the marine was a little curious about what her new girlfriend tasted like and the logistics of pleasing a woman with her mouth, but she wasn't going to throw the game in order to find out. Ash was a very competitive woman after all.

Ashley moved her rook to the side, setting up her pieces to corner the king. more move and she could get her queen forward to get a checkmate. She tried to keep her face straight and not get too cocky. But she was pretty certain that she could get Traynor!

Well..maybe not. You never know. Ashley was pretty good but Traynor's finesse had caused her to lose quite a few pieces already when she least saw it coming. The Lieutenant was slowly learning not to underestimate the little shy Specialist.
Samantha was damn near cornered now, for if Ashley were to move in the right way then she was fucked. Well, she honestly didn't have THAT much to lose, since she had licked enough pussy to grind her tastebuds down. Still, she wouldn't throw the match just yet, there was still a way to turn this around.

"Well Ash, I'm certainly impressed. This has been one of the toughest matches I've ever had to play." Samantha remarked with a sweet smile on her face. The fuzzy bunny of a woman roamed her hands over her available pieces "But if I do lose, I think it'll be one of the only times I'll be glad to do so."

Her dark fingers gripped the sloped tip of her bishop, and then with a swift motion she took Ashley's queen down. Now there was a diagonal line linking her bishop to the taller marine's king. "Buuuuut...Well I don't plan on losing just yet. Check, my dear." Samantha cooed.
"I'm glad your impressed because so am I." Ashley smiled right back at Samantha. It was rare that people knew how to play Chess anymore in this day and age. What a funny coincidence that they both knew how. Sometimes, the Lieutenant believed in such things as fate and destiny; and right now part of her was wondering if perhaps she was fated to be with Samantha. This nerdy little dork had a lot more in common with her than she would have thought; and even though their personalities were different it was like they made up for what the other one lacked.

Ash looked down at the board with a bit of horror to see that her Queen had been taken. least Samantha had done it with that sexy British accent; it made the pain of losing the piece less severe.

"Good move. Looks like I'll be needing some Chess well as...uh, heh...maybe some pussy licking ones." Fuck...she -really- needed that Queen. Damn Traynor and her red shirt! Well...damn herself and her tunnel vision that came with being so close to victory. That little assault by Samantha set her back about 10 moves. Now Ashley had to totally scrap that plan off attack and try to get one of her pawns across the board. Well that or try to annihilate Samantha's forces until there was nothing left. She herself didn't have enough pieces that could move the right ways on this board that was growing more and more empty. It was starting to look like they were playing a game of Checkers now rather than Chess!

Stuck with no other alternative than to take her King out of Sam's Queen's path, the Lieutenant moved her piece one space down. Hopefully that little move wouldn't screw her over too bad.
"Oh I'll be sure to give you lessons. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow." Samantha purred in response, waiting to see Ashley's reponse. They had really decimated each others forces, and the board seemed so sparse now. Still, with a queen in her hand she felt quite confident that she could win this.

She was mildly curious to see the pawn make a move downward, but she thought little of it. Merely a desperate little move to buy more time, right? Sam supposed Ash wasn't the sort to surrender no matter how dire, and she supposed she could respect that. She knew far too many quitters as it was, she didn't want her new 'girlfriend' to be one too.

Still, Samantha decided to take a moment to bolster her defenses a bit. She slipped her shirt off, now leaving her upper half clad solely in her bra from earlier. Maybe the distraction would coax Ashley into surrendering? Nah, not likely. She moved a rook forward, just to stop anything movin in on her flank.
"Oh yeah? Three days of lessons...I don't think I'll need -that- many to get you screaming." Ashley grinned, the memory of how easily she had made Samantha reach her peak earlier was still fresh in her mind. Part of her was still apprehensive about going down on a woman for the first time...but the knowledge that Sam was easy gave her quite a bit of confidence.

Brown eyes went wide in surprise as Samantha gripped the hem of her shirt and began to tug. Oh Traynor wanted to play -that- game hmm? Ashley smirked a bit as the Specialist tossed the red bit of fabric onto the ground. Two could play at this game of sexual warfare! Ash easily undid the buttons of her shirt, revealing a teasing strip of toned, tanned skin. The white fabric was -barely- clinging and hiding her large breasts that hung in perfect teardrops on her chest. She was dressed for bed after all...which meant no pesky bra under her pajama top. Though now with her shirt entirely unbuttoned, she had to be careful about how she moved, otherwise Samantha would get a free peek.

Moving pawns down the field takes a long, horrible, terrible time. Every time her pawn moved, she had to move her rook and bishop along with it. It was sort of like running a little escort mission to try to get it down the chessboard in one piece.
"Oooh...well hello there girls..." Samantha cooed, taking her sweet time to oggle the free cleavage Samantha left on display. Of course the effects worked just as Ashley had hoped, leaving her distracted and unable to notice her moving her pieces into a more advantageous position.

"You managed to get me when I was excited. I cum like a virgin when I'm that excited." the short specialist replied, pouting at her lover. Which was true, usually she could contain herself pretty well, but Ashley had also surprised her with her thorough knowledge of the female body touching almost every weakpoint she could have.

Samantha pondered her next move, noting that her lovers king had moved out of her reach for the time being. She looked to her bishop and found a way to reach it in three moves, netting her a win. She slid it diagonally across the board, claiming another pawn for her collection.
"Uh huh." Ashley couldn't help but giggle at Samantha's statement. It sounded like something her old boyfriend used to say. He had been a well endowed guy...but his stamina had been lacking, very very lacking. Well at least she knew that Samantha was excellent in bed, even if it had been with only her hand. But Ashley was growing more and more curious to see what the darker woman's tongue could do.

Ashley knew she was going to lose, but rather than tip her king over and concede defeat, she kept moving her pieces along and would fight until the very last man. Hmmm...did it count as winning if she could get Traynor so distracted that that they abandoned the game all together during the Specialist's turn? Or perhaps she could get the smaller woman so worked up she'd just jump clear across the gameboard to get at her and Samantha would knock her own king over.

Sometimes you just need to fight a little dirty.

So Ashley shrugged the shirt off of her shoulders so that it fell halfway down her back and still rested around her arms like a shawl. Strong shoulders and large breasts were fully bared to Sam's honey-brown eyes. The light pink nipples immediately hardened in the open air, looking as though they could use a nice warm mouth to help keep them warm.
Samantha looked up as she was about to put her last move into effect. Goodness those shoulders, and those magnificent breasts. Ashley seemed half a goddess compared to her, with her magnificent muscles and her incredible curves. She counted herself very, very lucky that a woman of such beauty would even look her way, and the erotic sight before her was certainly distracting.

She gripped her bishop again before standing and leaning over the table, she kissed Ashley with a passion, working her well trained tongue into Ashley's mouth while still subtly moving her hand across the chess board. There was the sudden soud of pieces clattering before the cheeky specialist pulled back.

"Nice try love. Almost had me." Sam purred, lifting her hand up to expose Ashley's king and the bishop that had seized it. "You are a cheeky girl distracting me like that. I'd spank you if you weren'y so shockingly strong." she added in a low coo.
"Mmm..." Ash moaned happily into the kiss. It amazed her how easily something as simple as a kiss from Traynor got her going. As the marine's heart began to beat faster, her hands came up to gently cup the Specialist's cheeks. Poor Ashley was only ver dimly aware of the sound of chess pieces moving about as her body heated up in anticipation.

It was only when Samantha pulled away with her king in hand did it feel like an entire bucket of cold water had been dumped on her. Of course she had known her odds of success were slim to none after the loss of her queen. But now it was finally starting to sink in that she was going to have to use her tongue to pleasure her new girlfriend. Ashley was a good soldier, honor bound and true to her apprehensive as she was about going down on a girl for the first time, she wasn't going to flake out of their agreement.

"Awww...I was so close..." Ashley gave a little mock pout which turned into a little grin. "Don't tempt me with promises of spankings Traynor." The brunette gave the other girl a little wink. It should come as no surprise that a girl built like a tank enjoyed a bit of rough place from time to time. " about...a shower before bed and then I'll out your winnings..."
"Oh thank goodness.I haven't had a proper shower in god knows how long. Those communal showers have awful water pressure, and I don't like being exposed to people. Well, with some exceptions." Samantha replied. She hummed softly and traced a finger down the side of Ashley's creamy neck, stroking in an affectionate manner.

"Don't pout dear, I'm not a cruel woman. As a matter of fact I usually keep something around that should help you get into it." She reached down to her belt, opening one small pouch on the side. Slowly but surely she pulled out what she had been talking out, a small pink vibrating egg, clean and contained in a small equally clean plastic packet.

Sam smiled and set it down on the table "It's for if I have a particularly tiring shift or a stressful day." she added "As long as I have a datapad nearby I can remotely control the speed and power behind it." She slid out of her trousers and her panties, giving Ashley a teasing little wag of her butt, before trotting into the private shower.
"Mhmm..." Ashley tilted her head to the side, arching her neck into Sam's gentle touch. Usually she didn't like people touching her neck. It was a marine thing: neck's the most vulnerable part of your body, don't let people near it, end of story. But Samantha was just so small and looked so adorable and had such a sweet accent, friendly accent that Ashley couldn't help but be lulled into a sense of docility by the Specialist.

The Lieutenant was pulled from her enjoyment of the soft stroking by the sight of a little pink ball. The gears in her head began working to figure out what the hell the thing ones and finally she realized that the egg shaped thing must be a vibrator. Silly tech geeks, of course Sam employed tech in the bedroom too!

Well that was weird...Ashley had never used a toy before. She felt a little apprehensive thrill travel up her spine of the thought of that little thing being inside of her.

"You don't use that thing during your you?" Ashley asked as she stood up from her seat. She wriggled out of her shirt, then her short black shorts before striding purposefully right after the Specialist. She gave that waggling little butt a squeeze on her way past the other girl to start up the shower for them and hop under the warm stream of water
"Not every shift. Usually if it's a slow day..." Samantha replied simply. She let out a teeny yelp as Ashley groped her ass in passing, a naughty smile crossing her face. "Ooooh, Lieutenant Williams is butt-grabber." she teased, grinning then once she saw her lover turn on the shower. She finished undressing and then jogged in after.

It felt so refreshing to let the hot water coat her body, steam slowly rising off of her dark skin while the water dribbled down her body. She pulled the taller woman in and kissed her with a passion, one hand resting on the back of Ashley's head and treading through her long black mane that was gradually getting wetter under the spray of hot water.

The water was exactly what she needed after a long workday, and it was all the sweeter to do it with the gorgeous marine beside her. Samantha took a step back, lacing her arms around Ashley's neck while her doe eyes looked into Ashley's own as if trying to puzzle out her thoughts. "Heh. You have really pretty eyes."
It was strange assuming the male role in the relationship. Ashley was used to tilting her head upwards instead of downwards when kissing someone. And usually it would be -her- arms laced around some tall marine's neck, not the other way around. But those things just weren't going to happen with Samantha being so much smaller than her. So in light of their physical differences, Ashley had to wrap her strong arms around Samantha's narrow waist. The marine's battle-worn hands gently rubbing the Specialist's back.

The whole position felt...awkward. Nice...but still awkward. Maybe it would just take some getting used to.

A little blush came to her cheeks at the compliment but there was a huge smile on her lips. Samantha was very sweet...and that kind of thing she could -definitely- get used to. "Thanks're a sweetheart." A little kiss to the tip of the other girl's nose was given before Ashley backed away, just enough to grab some shampoo and start to actually wash up.
"Well when I'm not working. It'll be awkward, but I'll try and be all business when on-deck." Samantha said, graciously taking the shampoo bottle from Ashley once she had gotten her own ready. She slowly lathered her hair and sighed in relief. Now this was real shampoo, not that bland crap the locker rooms supplied. Basically scentless, solely used for cleaning purposes.

"Don't take any offense or anything if I seem distant. It's just. know how important it is for us to maintain a professional air when around others, so we don't wind up getting penalised for fraternization." Samantha explained. Trying to teach her new girlfriend all about sex was one hurdle to cross, the other was trying to keep their romance a secret.

She kept lathering and rinsing of her body off, soft hands rubbing along her lovely bust. Samantha also allowed herself to give a teasing grope to Ashley's various curves, rubbing her thighs and toned stomach. "So...Are you excited for our fun before bed? I'm sure you'll be a natural with your tongue."
"You're fine Sam, I'm not going to take offense. Though...if I do hear you talking dirty to the ship's AI again I may grow a little jealous." Ashley giggled as she teased her very techy girlfriend. She had heard Traynor saying something or other about wanting to 'pin her voice against the wall and run her tongue along it's collarbone.' Though immediately after hearing that, Ashley had turned on her heels and left, not wanting to embarrass the Specialist or ask for a status report.

Pretending that they weren't together while on deck didn't seem like an especially daunting task to her. Assuming more distance roles might be good...should help her work out all this new lesbian feeling junk. But Ashley had worked -very- hard to get an officer's rank. She wasn't going to throw away her life's work for some girl. ...Even if that girl was really cute when her hair was all sudsy. And she did look absolutely wonderful when wet.

Even with a nearly unlimited supply of hot water, Ashley was still used to taking 5 minute military showers. She washed and conditioned her hair with a fruity smelling shampoo and conditioner...something her sisters had sent her in a care package from home. Then she went ahead and began to lather up her lean and muscular body. Samantha seemed to want to 'help' and Ashley couldn't help but laugh and try to bat her hands away.

"Hey! Come on...we're never going to get out of here and make it to the bed if you keep doing that." The marine was having a fun time with their play though. Now squeaky clean she closed the little bit of distance between them and pressed her body fully up against Sam's softer one. Fingers that were incredibly dexterous began to play along her new girlfriend's hip bone, even trail backwards towards her firm rear to squeeze. Excited for their fun before bed? Sure...if by excitement Sam meant -terrified-.

"I'm...nervous to be honest. I've never done that sort of thing before..." Ugh, she didn't even like to go down on guys. It was just so...subservient. But hopefully oral sex with a girl would be much, much different and more fun for her to do.
"You heard that?!" Samantha yelped, her heart almost leaping out of her chest. "That was just...a training exercise. I needed to test to see if EDI was...I needed to see the limits of her emotional abilities and see what she was capable of." As it turned out, she turned out to be far more perverted than even the specialist herself. It certainly didn't help that Joker had several terabytes of rather dirty porn on the database. Quite into hardcore stuff for a guy with glass bones...

The specialist yelped when she felt Ashley feel her up, her breath hitching. "Oh you dirty hypocrite..." she murmured. Samantha leaned back, letting Ashley's hands roamed where they pleased. "And you were the one scolding me for feeling you up. Is this just the commander benefit you're taking advantage of?" she teased.

Ah, so Ashley was nervous. Well it was understandable she supposed, Samantha had been fairly nervous the first time she ate a woman out. Worries about hygiene and doing a good job mainly, but she had been nervous. "It'll be fine sweetie. It's...Well it feels really good to give and receive. I'll prove it to you tomorrow." With that she turned off the flow of hot water before she could start pruning, her hands drifting out and grabbing towels for both of them.
Commander benefit?! She was just inspecting Traynor of course...making sure all her 'equipment' was in working order. Another squeeze to the Specialist's rear was given, eliciting a little gasping yelp from the raven-haired woman. Yup...everything seems to be in working order here!

"Alright...I'll try anything twice as long as it doesn't kill me." One does not die from lesbian sex...right? It just sort of kills your soul? Ugh...maybe she'd just focus on the second half of the Bible where Jesus loves everyone...rather than the first half where God is -really- pissed off at everyone and everything.

Ashley wrapped her fingers around her long dark locks to ring some of the water out of them. She accepted the towel when it was offered to her and ruffled her hair up with it. The rough treatment left her hair looking wild; so different from the usual meticulously groomed look she sported in public. Then she wrapped the military issue towel around her body and carefully stepped out of the shower. Bare feet padded softly against the cool metal floor as she made her way back towards her bedroom and sat on the edge of her very large bed while she waited for the Specialist to give her a little direction.
Samantha took her sweat time drying herself off, focusing on some of the more essential areas. She made sure to dry off her dark hair, took time removing the moisture on her feet and legs so she wouldn't leave wet footprints wherever she went. Once the specialist was satisfied with her towel work, she headed out to meet Ashley on her bed.

"I won't kill you. I hardly have any diseases Ash." Samantha replied, sticking her tongue out. She was unaware of her girlfriends religious tendencies and background, but she wouldn't have cared either way. Samantha was an atheist herself, and while she wasn't going to belittle Ashley's faith she certainly wasn't going to be ashamed of her sexuality.

The specialists lightly plucked up the vibrating egg she had taken out earlier, lazily pushing it into Ashley's warm folds. "Seems you missed a spot with your towel, you're soaking wet." she teased. With that Samantha headed toward the datapad on the table, linking in to the vibrating egg and turning it on, sending slow steady vibrations throughout her girlfriends puss.
"Smartass...that's all -your- doing." Well...that was entirely true. She wouldn't be wet at all if Samantha didn't look so cute in nothing but a towel. Plus the anticipation was driving her crazy as a thousand different sexual fantasies ran through her head.

Ashley let out a groan as egg was pushed inside of her. So far she was onboard with the toy. It left her pussy with a nice feeling of fullness. But as the pink vibrator began to send a humming sensation throughout her body, she just about flew off the bed. Holy hell that was really, really weird! She squirmed slightly on the bed, clapping her thighs shut and wriggling about. Apparently the Lieutenant wasn't quite sure of she liked the invading thing in her pussy or not.

"Well that'" The brunette gasped as all that wiggling had managed to position the toy just millimeters from her most sensitive spot. Fuck...bringing this toy into the bedroom was like bringing a rocket launcher to a fist fight! " I supposed to focus on eating you out with this in me?"
"Really? That's one of it's lowest settings dear." the smaller woman said, blinking in surprise. "Have you really never used a toy in the past?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. Samantha shrugged and then gently dialed the power down until the vibratng sensations were a much lower humming sensation.

Though this did raise an interesting question. How would her lieutenant react to the egg going at full speed inside her lady parts? Oh that would be wondrous to see! She'd certainly be sure to crank up the power after she had cum, just to see if she could make the great Ashley Williams writhe for her...

Samantha left her legs spread, and she promptly reclined on the bed. "Okay sweetie, this should be easy for you to get to grips with. I'm sure you already know all the anatomy you'll need to know, so just lick where the best reactions come from, and try dip your tongue in if you want. I've been told I have a good taste to boot."
"Well you checks in boot getting stationed on a bunch of backwater planets...not a lot of time to go sex toy shopping." Ashley offered her girlfriend a sheepish smile. As a grunt, there is very little privacy. And while the thought had crossed her mind to maybe go out and pick up a sex toy so she could have some easy 'stress relief' sessions, she never had for fear of someone accidentally finding it...or walking in on her using one in the bunks or something super embarassing.

Fuck...this was one of the lowest settings?!?! It already felt like every inch of her pelvis was humming! She'd probably die if it went much higher. Ashley was actually rather relieved when Samantha turned it down. Now the tingling sensation was much more pleasant; it was almost exactly how she felt when she was turned on and pulsing in anticipation. A much more natural feeling suited her just fine.

As Samantha situated herself, Ashley took a good look at her pussy. It wasn't too scary...the same shade of darker brown that matched the other girl's nipples. And it was already glistening in anticipation. The Lieutenant moved between her girlfriend's legs, getting herself comfortable since she didn't know how long she'd have to do this for in order to get Sam to cum. Brown eyes looked up her lover's lithe body, making eye contact as she inched her mouth closer to Sam's pussy. Warm breath glided over the slick folds as Ashley exhaled. Upon inhaling she got her girlfriend's scent...sweet and slightly musky with a little bit of the lingering scent of the body wash, she decided that that wasn't all too bad at all. So she leaned forward enough to finally get close enough to run her tongue slowly up her slit to give her a try. Sweet but was a much lighter and delicate taste than a guy.

Alright...Ashley could do this. Sam wasn't lying when she had said she had a pretty good taste. Now her tongue began to give experimental licks through her folds and along her clit, even toying with her tight entrance. Her eyes stayed fixed on Sam's face so that she could see what drove the Specialist crazy.
"There we go..." Samantha whispered reassuringly, feeling hot breath strike off her most sacred parts. How long had it been since she had another woman between her legs? Too long to say the least. At least several months before she was assigned to the Normandy for a retrofit. Now though she was getting to train someone else to do it.

Finally Ashley's hot tongue began gliding up her wet gash, the sensations making the hair on the back of Samantha's neck stand to attention. "Yeah...just like that." she whispered, closing her eyes softly. It felt magnificent, and as ever Ashley proved to be a fast learner, finding some of the more sensitive spots on the specialists puss, increasing the volume of juices between her legs.

"Now then..." Sam's breath hitched from the pleasurable sensations on her clit, and it took a little extra focus to recall what she wanted to say "I um...You shouldn't be a-afraid to push your tongue in a bit, explore the depths." While she spoke her hand gently roaed over to the datapad, making small adjustments to slightly increase the speed of the vibrations inside Ashley's folds.
Ashley had been gripping onto Samantha's thighs; more or less just gently holding and caressing them since she wasn't quite sure what she should be doing with her hands. But as soon as the darker woman turned up the intensity of the toy, her nails dug into the Specialist's thighs. A shiver of excitement went up her spine, hips giving an involuntary little buck. Good God this toy was absolute torture! All it did was make her insanely horny and unable to find release!

When Samantha gave her a little bit of direction for what to do next, she nodded, inadvertently waggling her tongue a little harder against her girlfriend's clit. A slightly clumsy tongue managed to work it's way downwards to her lover's tight entrance. She swirled the tip against the soppy wet hole, collecting more of that delicious arousal that Ashley was growing more and more fond of with every lick. After a bit of exploring/teasing, she finally went ahead and stiffened up her tongue. She plunged it straight into Samantha as deep as she could go.

Fairly knowledgeable about female anatomy, Ashley was a little curious to see if she could reach Samantha's most sensitive spot with her tongue. So she angled her head a little bit and curled the tip of her tongue as best she could, trying to tickle that spot that would get the Specialist screaming.

They were in a soundproof cabin after all, might as well make use of it.
And scream she did. Traynor threw her head backward and arched her spine, feeling Ashley's tongue dig into her hot depths "Fuuuuuck!" she hissed, digging her free hand into the fabric of the bed. The pleasure of a tongue in her pussy and the pain of nails digging into her soft thigh mixed together into one incredible sensation, earning soft moans and yowls from the specialist.

"D-damn you...I was hoping it'd take you longer to get used to doing this..." Samantha whispered, giving Ashley a half-lidded gaze. Her womanhood was just getting wetter and wetter. But she was already holding out than she did in their last session together, fightng off the incoming tide of an orgasm.

She wasn't about to go down easily and give her lover something to gloat about however. The specialist quickly reached over and amped up the power on the datapad, increasing the vibrations in Ashley's puss. The egg chugged along, going like a wriggling fish inside Ashley's pussy, the growing speed sending some of her lustful juices dripping down onto the duvet.
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