Mass Effect: Traynor and Williams (Javorcek X MellowYellow)

She almost felt as if she was about to be knocked off her feet, that was the problem when bumping into a woman who was basically a curvy brick wall by comparison to her shorter frame. Still, Traynor was able to catch her balance before she made even more of a fool of herself, looking up at Ashley and a little hesitant to meet her gaze.

"Oh a-ah...yes, quite fine. Very." Samantha said awkwardly. Now this was very odd. Ashley had been going to great lengths to avoid her, that much was obvious, but now the Lieutenant was looking for her? Certainly strange.

Maybe she needed help with the extra-net or something. That or the hamster had finally been caught.

"P-private?" she squeaked, the word coming off a little awkward as it made her normally refined accent falter for a moment. "Yes well...I-I wouldn't be opposed doing that. But...Well the only private place on the ship is your...your cabin..." she explained finally.
"M-my cabin?" Ashley blinked. was true that it was the only place on the entire ship that didn't have any thru-traffic coming about all the time. And she did have that lock on the door that only responded to her clearance level and above so no one else could get in... But the thought of being locked away with Samantha in a room with many horizontal surfaces was pretty scary. What do you have to be afraid of? She's probably too chicken to do anything. Look at her, she's so tiny and quirky and adorkable! No way can she overpower you and pin you down to the bed! Plus you're both very, very sober, you're safe.

"Sure thing Traynor...let's go."

The Lieutenant led the way back towards the lift and waited for Samantha to hop in before pushing the button for her floor. Ashley was very quiet during the elevator ride, trying to figure out what exactly she was going to say. She wasn’t good with ‘feelings’ and ‘talks’; it took her a long time to figure out exactly what she wanted to vocalize. Part of her realized that the silence between them was growing slightly uncomfortable…but she was reluctant to really say much of anything. And part of her realized she probably reeked of sweat, Alliance issue deodorant and gun oil. It wasn’t an entirely unpleasant smell, -she- liked it anyways. But she doubted a more girly girl like Traynor would appreciate it. Damnit…she probably should have showered before starting this nonsense.

Could this fucking elevator go any slower!??!?!?! GAH!

Her cabin was clean, as could be expected from a career marine. Everything was kept in perfect order with very few embellishments except for the bookshelf that contained printed copies of Tennyson, Whitman, Heinlein, etc. There was just something magical about having an actual book in her hands rather than a datapad. The only bit of disorder was the desk that was covered in model ship pieces...Ashley had been disassembling them so that she could put them back in their boxes and return them to Shepard.

“Sorry about the mess…um. How about you take a seat. Would you like anything Traynor? Something to drink? Water? Juice? Serrice Ice Brandy?”
The ride up had certainly been awkward, and Samantha spent the whole trip up pondering what Ashley wanted from her. Couldn't be anything too bad, right? Being stuck in close proximity with her crush only made her body heat up, and the scent of sweat and gun oil was so primal to Traynor's nostrils, unlike anything she had gotten from past girlfriends.

Once in the cabin she let out a low whistle, clearly impressed. "So this is where the top brass calls home..." she murmured, letting her gaze run over the exotic fish swimming around the tank. She looked to the books, glanced curiously at the model parts,and then she went on her way to a seat at the desk, looking over at Ashley.

"Well...drinking again probably is a bad idea on my part. I'll just have water please." she replied, managing to smile at her boss. And now they were alone, together, with all their awkwardness free to be released.

Samantha waited until Ashley had given her her drink before she spoke up. "I wanted to...apologise for last night. It was...unprofessional of me to kiss you, like that." she met Ashley's gaze and quickly averted her own "I ah...I know that you're probably straight, so...I should apologise on that front too. I wouldn't want to...bring you into something you didn't want."
"Heh...yeah...I don't know how brass deals with a place like this. It's really big. It's actually a bit lonely sometimes...I miss the bunks, reminds me of having to share a room with my sisters back home. Though I do like that I have my own shower." Ashley offered a bit of a smile as she grabbed them both two bottles of water from her mini-fridge. Then she moved over and had a seat by right by Traynor and handed her a bottle. She twisted the top off of hers and took a couple of sips while the other girl talked and apologized. Ashley didn't want her to feel bad about the whole thing. Traynor had been so much prettier when she was smiling and laughing last night.

Stop fawning over your subordinates!

"It' fault too Traynor. I just about dared you to do it. I didn't think you'd go ahead and do it after all. You're just so a little fuzzy bunny. I didn't think you'd be brave enough to kiss a girl like me." A girl...hah...more like a weapon molded by years of Alliance marine training that was probably easily fifty pounds of muscle heavier than the little Specialist. Ashley knew she could look intimidating the time really. So it had been especially surprising that Traynor had just taken what she wanted last night. Her behavior had been so different from the nervous tech that was sitting infront of her right now.

"But ah...Shepard used to say...'No one ever fell in love without being a little bit brave.' So...I don't want you to be sorry, or scared of me, or afraid to take chances. But ah...we probably shouldn't let it happen ever again." Ashley gave her head a firm nod, as if that was that.
"A girl like you? Christ you make it sound like you're a reaper with breasts." Samantha replied, giving a small giggle. She took a long gulp of water, her dark cheeks flushing a little darker. God her CO was hot, and it was actually kind of cute to see her flustered right now. So unlike the badass woman who took on Collectors and Saren.

Made her seem far more approachable, reminded Samantha that she was human.

"I might have been more confident back then...but I spoke exactly what I wanted to say all this time." she added. The British officer turned and this time she managed to look Ashley in the eye "You are...a beautiful, and intelligent woman. Skilled, brave, strong as an ox...and hell, you're a hero! I was afraid of saying anything because you're out of my league."

She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose "I don't know why I'm saying all this, because I know that you...that you don't swing this way, but I wanted you to know that I still...have a crush on you."
"You know what I mean Traynor!" But Ashley couldn't keep from chuckling at the image Samantha managed to conjure up in her head of a Reaper with giant breasts. Well that made the alien race bent on destroying them all much less scary to think about at least. So with a laugh between them, a very nervous Ashley managed to relax, if only a little bit.

Good Lord, how could Traynor talk so nonchalantly about all this stuff?

Usually very good at maintaining eye contact, Ashley looked away, her brown eyes pretending to be very interested in the label on her water bottle. Huh...Ingredients: Purified Water. With a slightly paler complexion than Traynor's, it was easy to see her embarassment all over her now very pink face. Sam thought that she was out of her league? "I think it would be better to say that -you're- the one out of my league, Specialist." She wasn't a hero, she was just a grunt, she did her job, she shot some bad guys, that was it. But everything else Sam had said had been really sweet...a lot sweeter than any of her ex-boyfriends had ever said.

"It's...very kind of you to say all that stuff Sam. And...well...I suppose since we're both being honest. I'm not quite sure which way I swing anymore. You make things very...difficult." Ashley gave the Specialist an accusatory glare, but there was a smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth. Part of her liked difficult.
"H-hehe...? Really? C'mon, I'm just a nerd who works behind the scenes. You and Shepard and Liara T'Soni and Garrus and all those thers are the heroes of the galaxy...even if you don't get the recognition you need or deserve." Samantha explained awkwardly. God she was nervous, heart pounding in her ears.

She had one chance at this, one chance to get close to the most gorgeous woman she had ever met in her life.

Samantha hesitantly approached her commander and then sat down beside her, feeling so small and frail beside the badass soldier. She certainly felt like a helpless fluffy bunny right now. "Okay um...Look, this is going to sound stupid...because it is stupid." She laughed awkwardly and placed a hand on Ashley's own "Look, you could experiment with me, and then we could find out how much you really like being with a woman."
Aw come on! Samantha was a nerd that had gone to -Oxford-! Ashley was just a colony girl that had joined up with the marines the second after she had earned her high school diploma. But she didn't want to argue with the other girl. Ashley wasn't very good at taking compliments; but she understood sometimes you have to just bite your tongue, nod, and politely smile when someone gives you praise.

She had to admit, having Traynor sit so close to her wasn't so bad. Even when the other woman reached out to take hold of her hand, Ashley didn't flee for her life as though she were afraid of catching the gay. She knew you could't 'catch it' but...for as long as she had been alive, she had always figured herself as being straight. And while she was curious about Sam's little proposition, the prospect also terrified her.

"I-I don't know Sam..." Ashley said quietly after a moment's thought. "I'll be terrible, I won't know what I'm doing." This was totally uncharted territory. It was like they were flying right off the Galaxy Map and straight into the Outer Rim territories. She was used to being good at physical things...but when it came to lesbian sex, she was going to be a bumbling novice.
"Oh?" Samantha said, giving her lieutenant a coy grin. "So what you're saying is...if we were to do'd be the one following my lead?" she said with a low purr in her distinct accent. Now that was an arousing prospect, knowing that she'd be in control in the bedroom...well, for a little while, at least.

"Come now. You can fight off all manner of space monsters, and you're telling me you're afraid of getting cooties?" she added in a teasing tone. Now that would certainly get under Ashley's skin, she wouldn't shy from a challenge.

The dark skinned girl leaned in a little closer, pressing her nose to Ashley's own. She was going to go for it god damnit, if Ashley wanted to experiment than experiment she would. "After all...what do you have to lose?" she leaned in and then suddenly she was kissing Ashley again, her technique much more refined than the drunken tongue waggle from last night.
Ashley's dark eyes narrowed dangerously as she surveyed the other woman. Was Traynor...taunting her?! Challenging her?! Who did this little pipsqueak think she was!? Oh you know...just a nerd that knows more about having sex with girls than you Touche. But Ashley didn't back down from dares or challenges, she rushed into them head on. It's what made her such a good grunt...though what made her a good Lieutenant was finally breaking free of that tunnel vision and actually using her head sometimes.

Did she -want- to experiment? She had been pretty certain she had just been talking in hypotheticals and hadn't given Samantha an answer one way or another. What did she have to lose? Probably nothing...right? It was becoming very hard to think clearly and use her higher reasoning skills with Sam's lips pressed against hers. The way that her tongue teased and batted her own around with such finesse made her moan appreciatively into their kiss.

It was strange kissing downwards. Ashley had never been with someone that was shorter than her. She didn't know if she liked the change or not. So she just tugged Samantha into her lap, maneuvering the other woman around as though she weight nothing; effectively giving her enough of a boost so that she was just a smidge taller so that Ashley could tilt her head upwards and find something a little more familiar.
A muffled yelping noise escaped the smaller woman as Ashley effortlessly moved her body into her lap. Now this was something new. Her ex girlfriends had usually been like her, shy nerdy girls, and she had never been with a woman she could consider a 'jock.' Still, this was a very welcome change of pace.

Samantha let out a few soft moans into Ashley's mouth while she adjusted to the new angle. Her hands slowly roamed down Ashley's back, just barely teasing the upper rim of her asscheeks, before pulling them back up. Did she want sex? Well...Samantha assumed Ashley wanted as much. They were in bed together after all.

Still, she'd let Ashley decide that. For now she was just happy to make out and evolve from there.

"You're a fast learner. But We've only just scratched the surface dear." Samantha said in a soft and husky tone. She gave Ashley a quick peck on the cheek and then let her lips trail down until she was kissing down the side of Ashley's tanned neck.
"S-Sam...I- Oh fuck..." Ashley stammered, her breathing starting to come out in quick, lusty pants. Her neck was her one major weakness, attention to it always drove her wild and got her heart pounding. She loved having it kissed and nibbled and as the Specialist began to do just that, Ashley began to squirm underneath her and whimper needily. The soldier tilted her head to the side, offering up more of her throat that was probably the only delicate thing on all of her body.

Damnit! How the hell was she getting so turned on by a scrawny little tech nerd that was so unlike the big, muscular jarheads she was used to spending her nights with? Maybe it was because of the soft, silken lips that felt so good on her. Or the smooth skin that lacked any sort of scruff.

Or maybe it was just their incredibly weird power dynamic. One might expect Ashley to be the dominant one; but Traynor's experience with girls was definitely giving her the leadership role, at least for now. Ashley wasn't a passive lover by any means.

Ashley pulled Sam's uniform shirt out from under her belt, just so that she could run her hands along the smooth plane of the other girl's back. Ash's hands were rough, strong, and calloused; hands that were made for doing manual labor or holding a gun. As the other girl kept working along her neck, Ash's blunt nails dug lightly into her back, urging her on. While she didn't know how eager she'd be if clothes were coming off, this little make out session was something she could definitely handle.
"Fuck..." the smaller woman mumbled, just as Ashley's rough hands caressed her smooth dark skin. Was this what it was like to be felt up by a guy? Well there was some appeal to it she supposed, but the soft womanly curves combined with her rougher elements made for something truly spectacular. So new compared to what Samantha was used to.

Samantha moved her head in a little closer, her hot breath blowing into Ashley's ear "Well...I'd say you're certainly getting into it..." she replied. "It makes for a new experience, doesn't it? When your partner knows exactly where to touch to drive you wild, I mean."

The Brit gave her commander another peck on the lips, letting herself get acquainted with the inside of Ashley's mouth, before turning her focus back to her lovers neck. Tasty. She nipped Ash on the throat, sucking slightly on the exposed flesh.
"" The overwhelmed Lieutenant panted. She had half a mind to pounce ontop of Sam and have her way with her. Too bad she knew she wouldn't know what the hell to do with the other woman when she had her in her clutches. "I like it though..." Ashley didn't think she had ever felt the urge to pounce on someone before. Traynor was definitely bringing out some new feelings for her.

"No hickeys...Mmmm..." Ashley groaned softly as Samantha started to suck on her neck. It felt really good... but she didn't want to have little purple marks all over her neck to have to explain to Cortez or Joker next time she hung out with them. Her back arched up into Sam's body, pressing their breasts together in the most delicious way. Ash's nipples were already hard from excitement. Her body felt so unbearbly hot. She decided shedding the top half of her blue, lightly armored suit wouldn't be so bad.

So she squirmed around a little bit under Sam as she struggled to undo the zipper and get it off. Of course she wasn't naked underneath, the Lieutenant had a white compression t-shirt on still. But feeling a little bit better and more free, her hands returned back under Traynor's shirt, lifting it slightly as she reached up higher. Strong hands grabbed onto her shoulders, rubbing and massaging the bit of muscle Samantha actually had as best she could even though her movements were rather restricted under the other woman's uniform.
"Aww...But those are always so fun to give..." Samantha said, faking a pout. She couldn't help but lick her lips when she saw Ashley remove the upper portion of her outfit, revealing a tight t-shirt underneath, Ashley's pointed nipples fairly noticable under the tight fabric.

Samantha smiled and then brushed a hand over the generous mound, lightly squeezing it through Ashley's shirt "Now would you look at that. It seems I'm better at turning girls on than I thought." she said teasingly, looking into her lieutenant's eyes.

Effectively she had her CO under her power, and she was hardly going to pass it up. She reached back and worked to undo her thick Alliance uniform shirt, the heavy material hitting the floor with a thud once she tossed it away. She had a tight red shirt on beneath, designed to leave her dark midriff exposed "You are so hot..." she purred, kissing Ashley again, and then in a swift motion she had Ashley on her back on the bed, her lips still claimed by Samantha's.
"Maybe it's just a little cold in here." Ashley managed a little bit of bravado to help cover how much her body was indeed enjoying this. Though the act immediately fell to pieces once Sam's delicate fingers brushed against her breast and then gave it a teasing squeeze; that little bit of attention caused a needy little whimper to sneak it's way out of Ashley's throat. Good God how she wanted this woman right now...

Fuck...God was going to be so pissed off. Well...maybe not God, but probably her grandmother and mother. She really shouldn't be doing this. Maybe it wasn't too late to call the whole thing off? At least, stopping this debauchery had been her idea, until Traynor removed her uniform top. Fuck...she looks good in red. was all that she could manage to think before full lips pressed to hers.

"Mmmph!" Ashley let out a muffled little yelp of surprise as Samantha pushed her back onto the bed. Truth be told, Ashley did always love a little bit of aggressive play. And as strange as it was to be under a woman, the Lieutenant actually didn't have much urge to complain. Sam's weight didn't bother her...she wasn't heavy, hard and overpowering like a military man; instead, the darker woman was light and soft...the feeling of her body pressed so snugly against Ashley's was more reassuring than anything else. Feeling just a bit more comfortable, her strong hands began to roam about a little more aggressively. She was even so bold as to finally bring her hands down from Traynor's back and let them rest on the fleshy mounds of her rear, giving her cute little ass a bit of an experimental squeeze.
Rough hands trailed down Traynor's back, sending tingles up her spine. The squeeze of her cute ass caused a small moan to pass her lips, echoing into Ashley's mouth. "You know just where to touch sweetheart..." Samantha purred as she pulled her lips from Ashley's maw. She pushed her hips back, letting Ashley grip more of her buttocks.

"Now...what to do, what to do?" Samantha said teasingly, trailing a finger down the side of her lovers neck. Part of her felt like she was in a dream, looming over the object of her desire and actually being in charge in the sack (Though that likely wouldn't last on). But the heat beneath her, that was all too real.

"I'm going to assume that everything we say is still off the record, right?" Samantha asked, looking Ashley in the eye while a warm smile graced her pretty face. "So...would you be offended if I said I wanted to fuck you here and now until you were screaming my name?"
"Mmmm....I absolutely love your voice..." Good Lord that accent was such a friggen turn on it was almost unbearable. Ashley shut her eyes and tilted her head to the side as she relaxed under Sam's expert touch. Just that one finger trailing down the side of her neck was winding her up even tighter. Was there anything the Specialist could do that -wasn't- going to make her want to jump her bones?

"Sam everything you say -and- do is off the record right now." Ashley opened her big brown eyes and blushed a bit as she looked up at the other woman. She wasn't sure how much of this she'd regret later, she still wasn't sure how she'd handle being into women if that was what ended up happening. But right now all she cared about was how very right having Traynor ontop of her felt...she didn't want to think about what was going to happen later.

"I-..." Of all the things she had expected the other woman to say, that dirty little sentence about fucking her had definitely not been one of them. "I don't think you have it in you to make me scream your name, Traynor." A little teasing smile curved Ashley's pouty pink lips. "Just because you're more experienced than me doesn't mean I'm going to make things easy for you."
"Ahhh but that's all part of the challenge Ash. I certainly wouldn't be as interested if there wasn't an air of challenge to all this." Samantha explained, a teasing smile crossing her face. She reached for the hem of her red garment and promptly pulled it up over her head, revealing the powder white bra keeping her C-cup breasts in check. Then with a swift motion that was gone too.

With her top half exposed it gave a fairly good view of Traynor's body. She wasn't built like Ashley was, true, but the military lifestyle meant that she didn't have any unnecessary fat on her body, she was decently toned all over.

Samantha took hold of one of Ashley's wrists, raising her arm up and pressing her hand against her bare dark breast. "It doesn't bite. You've got an impressive pair of your own, you should know that." Sam's free hand undid the belt on the lower portion of Ashley's suit, helping to pull the pants down her long legs.
Ashley had seen many, many naked women throughout her career in the military. But she followed the usual shower etiquette: eyes forward, don't stare at a damn thing that isn't yours, etc. So never before had breasts been so incredibly close to her face...or in her hand for that matter. Traynor was cute...Ashley liked that she wasn't harder and a little more sculpted like she was. It made the whole 'Holy fuck Samantha Traynor is half naked ontop of me' thing a lot less intimidating.

"Heh...well...they're ah...very nice..." She had noooooo idea how to talk about breasts...but she did indeed think they were pretty awesome. The fleshy mound she was holding was the perfect size for her hand. A bright new blush came to Ashley's cheeks as she gave Sam's breast and experimental squeeze. Personally, Ashley despised her own breasts. They were big, even in a sport's bra. They made it hard to hold her assault rifle, were a pain in the ass to run with, and very few male superiors took her seriously since she had a nice rack.

She hesitated for just a moment as Traynor began to tug her lightly armored pants down. Did she -really- want to keep going and escalate this entire experiment even further? Hell yeah she did! So the marine arched her back and dug her heels into the sheets, lifting her weight and Sam's right off the bed so that the pants could come off. Ashley owned very few things that weren't Alliance issue and her underwear was no exception: she simply wore panties that were that infamous military green. Her legs were long and for as long as she held up her and Sam the muscles bulged and were well define. But the moment she rested her butt back down after her pants had come off, she looked a little softer and more feminine once more.

Dear God...she was almost -naked- under Traynor now!!
"Well would you look at that, you're just as hot out of the armour as you are in it. I was worried that you'd have some sort of girdle thing going on underneath." Samantha remarked. She leaned in and gave her a small peck on the forehead "Just teasing, I knew you'd be super sexy."

Was she really going to go through with this? Fuck her superior officer? A large part of her mind was telling her that this was a terrible idea in the long run, and that all she'd succeed in doing was earn herself a transfer. Fraternization could be very problematic if you weren't important enough in the eyes of the Alliance.

Still...this was going to be her only chance to set down a relationship.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Samantha slipped a hand under Ashley's panties, her hand resting against her mound but not yet touching her pussy. "We can stop at any time, just so you know. Not that it wouldn't be hard for you to throw me like a ragdoll." And with that she sunk two fingers into Ashley's wet folds, starting to pump away at her core.
Ashley began to wriggle a little bit as Samantha's hand made its way under her panties, resting not-so-innocently on her shaved mound. She was still a little unsure about this whole thing. As turned on as she was, once they crossed this line there was no turning back. Would this be a reoccuring event? Or just a one time thing. Poor Ashley had absolutely no idea...but if Same could get her this wet every time from just kissing, she was kind of hoping that there might be a repeat performance after this.

The marine's core was radiating heat, her slit already plenty wet from their little make out session. Good God...she absolutely -loved- the way Sam's hands felt on her smooth skin, and the other girl wasn't even doing anything yet! They were just so soft, slender, and delicate. Hands that were made for precise, complicated work...fuck she couldn't wait for them to start working on her already swollen clit. But she wouldn't get that kind of treatment, instead Sam drove straight into her tight little pussy, making the marine gasp and buck.

Hah! Stop at any time?! That wasn't going to happen, at least not with Traynor fucking her slit so exquisitely. Ashley moaned, spreading her legs a little wider, offering herself up entirely to the other girl.

"Ohhh...oh fuck...don't stop Sam..." Ashley panted before she leaned up to kiss and bite at the darker woman's slender neck. "Faster...please...make me cum." Her strong hand that had been cupping the Specialist's breast now move to start teasing and toying with a darkened, hard nipple. She rolled the hardened pebble between her thumb and forefinger, lightly pulling and pinching every once in awhile just to jolt Sam's nerves with a different sensation.
"H-hehe, are you sure you're sober? You're making this far too easy for me Ash." Samantha replied in a breathless tone, while Ashley's teeth nipped at the most sensitive spots of her neck. She was a fast learner, that was for sure, but Traynor wasn't about to back down from the challenge.

The attack on her hardened coffee-coloured nipple sent chills down her spine and spurred Sam into action, her fingers pumping deeper into Ashley's sopping pussy. Oh yes she was eager, it was like stuffing her fingers into the most amazing pussy ever.

Samantha leaned down and kissed Ashley in a hungry fashion, moaning softly into her mouth as the assault on her nipple grew all the more vigorous. A wicked idea crawled into her head then, and the specialist started to roll her thumb over Ashley's engorged clit, grinding it againt her digit.
"I can make this about 30 times more difficult for you if you want." Ashley groaned softly. Part of her was tempted to take Traynor, flip them both over, and pin the other girl down to the bed just to illustrate her point. But feeling that thumb on her clit gave her pause. Oh God...that little friction on her swollen bundle of nerves was not going to let her last long if her pussy kept getting fucked too!

"Mmmph! Sam!" Ashley's muffled moans and cries into Samantha's mouth immediately grew louder and more frequent. She could feel the muscles in her abdomen tightening and her hands flew away from Sam's breasts. They reached around to her back, scratching and clawing at the other girl's vast flat plane of flesh as she came. "Ohhhhhh! Yes, yes, YES!"

Ashley's back arched up like a bow, lifting both of them clear off the bed as she shook and trembled, hitting her peak. Wave after wave or pleasure coursed through her body and she cried out. Having Sam finger her to her first orgasm felt waaayyy better than doing it herself. As Ashley came down from her high, panting, a little sweaty, and fairly satisfied, she draped her arms around the smaller girl and pulled her in close for a bruising kiss.

Pulling away, her fingers began to lightly stroke the back of Samantha's neck. Ashley was quiet for a moment...thinking pretty hard before she finally spoke again. " you think I could try to make you cum too?"
Samantha was fairly surprised for two reasons: first was just how quick she had made Ashley cum. She was expecting a war of attrition with the seasoned soldier, that her fingers would be bony stumps before they got the older marine to cum. Second was just how powerful her orgasm was, almost launching Samantha off the bed were it not for the strong fingers digging into her back.

Samantha gave a dreamy smile, content to watch Ashley come down from the mind-numbing sensations. She pulled her slick fingers up, took a moment to take in her CO's scent, and then she began to suck her fingers clean of her warm, tangy juices.

She was taken slightly aback when Ashley suggested getting her off. It wouldn't be that easy, she was sure of that much, but anyone could learn to pleasure a woman. "Well...fair's fair, lieutenant" she purred. She took a mment to slip out of her trousers and panties, now leaving every inch of smooth ebony skin on display for her boss to see. She crawled around on the bed and laid down on her side, inviting Ashley to make a move.
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