Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu glanced nervously to Megohime, then Masamune. "You better damn well pick my husband..." Megohime ground out, barely awake. "Megohi-" "I said go..!" She hissed, Jingu grinding her teeth and nodding rushing to help defend Masamune, moving in between Kanbe and Masamune, pointing her blade at Kanbe.
"How many of you Date are there...?" Kanbe asked, sounding disappointed. "Shut your mouth and attack!" Mitsunari snapped. Kanbe made a noise and swung his iron ball at Jingu, but Kojurou moved and tried to block it as much as possible, "H-Help Masamune-sama.." He ground out weakly, "I'll be fine.."
Jingu nodded and moved to stand beside Masamune, pointing her blade at Mitsunari. "Forgive me, Masamune-sama, Megohime-dono forced me to aid you." She said, attacking Mitsunari as fast as she could.
Mitsunari shoved Masamune back and moved away from Jingu's attacks, shifting his foot before suddenly disappearing, a purple streak slashing across Masamune and Jingu's armor
Jingu froze, part of her armor falling away she stumbled back and held the deep slash wound, coughing up blood and taking up a stance once again, looking around for Mitsunari. "Masamune-sama... Are you holding up?" She asked, a good amount of blood spilling from the wound.
Jingu shook her head. "I'll be fine, where is Mitsunari?" She asked, turning to see if Kojurou needed assistance.
Kojurou was handling Kanbe well enough. Masamune kept his guard up and Mitsunari appeared behind him, "Masamune-sama!!" Kojurou called and Masamune turned, only to get upper cutted and knocked back by the sheathe of Mitsunari's blade
Mitsunari brought his blade up and blocked but couldn't account for Masamune, who brought his claws across Mitsunari's armor. The Commander of the Western Army stumbled back, holding his wound, "Damn you!!" He yelled. Masamune smirked, "Come on, Mitsunari. Get crazy." Masamune taunted
Jingu attacked again, hoping to draw Mitsunari's attention on her so Masamune could attack again.

((So when can we beat Mego down and break Masamune's heart~?))
((Hella~ Would you like to start us out~?))

Jingu panted softly, more and more blood spilling onto the ground, her head spinning and black spots dancing in her vision.
Suddenly, the ear splitting screams of a baby could be heard. Masamune looked quickly and saw Yoshitsugu holding a screaming Irohahime while crushing Megohime with his beads. "Mego!!" Masamune called
Megohime clawed weakly at the beads around her throat with one hand, reaching for Irohahime with the other. Her mouth opening to inhale much need air into her lungs, but the beads only closed more around her neck.
"Mego!" Masamune called, grunting when Mitsunari knocked him down with his sheathe and stepped on him, "Be still." "Masamune-sama!" Kojurou moved, only to have Kanbe smash his ball into him and send him into a wall
Jingu had collapsed down on one knee, pale and panting, holding her bleeding stomach weakly, losing the feeling in her feet slowly. Megohime's struggles became weaker and weaker, her face and lips starting to turn blue. She looked to Masamune, the light fading in her eyes and she reached out weakly eyes pleading before her eyes closed and her arms fell to her sides, her body falling limp.
Masamune's eye widened and Yoshitsugu threw Megohime aside, making her drop before Masamune. "M...Mego..." He muttered. He reached out weakly, "H-Hey...! Wake up, dammit...! You better not be dead, Mego!"
Megohime landed on the ground like a rag doll, eyes partly opened to stare blankly at Masamune, just out of his reach. Her bruised face was relaxed, her arm laid limp on the ground, a small object tangled around her slender fingers: three Jade beads on a red string, the only thing she could salvage from the house fire, part of the necklace Masamune had given to her on their wedding day.

((*rips Masamune's heart out*))
Masamune's heart jumped into his throat before dropping hard into his stomach. Using all his strength, he shoved Mitsunari off and moved quickly over to Megohime, gathering her into his arms, "M-Mego...hey...c'mon, this isn't funny...wake up..." He ordered weakly. Kojurou panted, trying to regulate his breathing as he watched, "Onegai...Megohime-dono..." He rasped.
((Ne wanna hear something even more sad~? Megohime knew she was going to die, so that's why she fed Iroh in the middle of the battle, cuz it was the last time she'd ever get to hold her baby~ :3))

Megohime's lips parted slightly her cloudy red eyes staring up at the sky and her head rolling back, not moving, not breathing, not blinking. A heavy silence hung over the air, only pieced by Irohahime's screeching.
((My feels!!! *rolls into the sea*))

"M-Mego...?" Masamune cupped her cheek, "C-C'mon, this isn't funny anymore...! Wake up! Wake up, dammit!!" He shook her gently, "You can't die, dammit!! You aren't allowed to die!! You said I can't be replaced, well neither can you! Y-You're one of a kind! You're...!" Masamune burried his face in her hair, body trembling, "You're the only woman for me, Megohime...please, I can't lose you...I love you, do you hear me...? I love you...."

((Imseriouslycryinggoddammit ; 3 ; ))
((Hm~ Should I kill her~?))

Jingu frowned softly, Masamune looked broken, holding the broken and battered body of his wife, his only daughter in the hands of the enemy, screeching like a banshee. Even at a young age, she seemed to know the loss she shouldn't have to experience for many many years yet to come, yes, Megohime had been killed far to young, a murder fit for a monster.
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