Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime took the baby and held her the best she could with her hands bound, backing away and turning her back to Yoshitsugu. It'd be useless to try and run, she could barely stand let alone walk. She collapsed to her knees and fixed her kimono so Irohahime could latch onto her breast, suckling greedily with soft noises. She looked up to where Mitsunari had left, hoping Masamune was okay.
Masamune charged at Mitsunari and locked blades, "Jingu! Kojurou! Go get Megohime!" "But Masamune-sama!" "GO, GOD DAMMIT!!" Masamune hissed
Jingu nodded, face set as she broke away from Masamune and ran to find Megohme. Megohime had moved as far from Yoshitsugu as she could as the chains would permit, clutching a now sleeping Irohahime to her chest, praying silently.
Kojurou hesitantly followed after Jingu, not wanting to leave Masamune, but there was no way Jingu would be able to handle Yoshitsugu by herself.
Jingu rounded the corner and spotted Megohime instantly, frowning and wielding her spear with a scowl.
Jingu frowned more, seeing Megohime's condition up close didn't do much for her. She clutched Irohahime to her chest, looking to Kojurou with a sad frown. "Masamune-sama..? Is he okay..?" She asked weakly.
"Go help him...! I mean nothing if Oshuu is conquered..!" She coughed, groaning and holding her ribs. "Please Kojurou... You need to help him.."
Kojurou looked to Jingu worriedly, "I need to protect Masamune-sama...please, be careful..." He said softly. Yoshitsugu's eyes flashed, so Kojurou was in love with this mercenary?
Jingu nodded, taking her eyes off of Yoshitsugu for a moment to meet Kojurou's eyes. "Hai, I'll be careful, now go." She said, facing Yoshitsugu once more.

((Is Yoshitsugu gonna be a dick and do something bad~?))
"Asking for you to release Megohime-dono would be a wasteful task." She said, frowning softly and twirling her naginata and bringing it down hard on the chains. "Your strife is with me."
Jingu's eyes narrowed slightly and she moved to Megohime, helping her up and moving her out of the way whilst keeping her eyes on Yoshitsugu. Once Megohime was out of the way she sat her down against the wall and moved back, taking a stance and waiting for Yoshitsugu to attack first.
Jingu gripped the staff of her weapon, frown deepening. "I do not see how my relations with Kojurou-dono matter." She said, eyeing the orbs.
Jingu dodged and swatted at the orb, deflecting it and sending it off course. "Threatening someone close to me will not work, Kojurou-dono is a talented man and I have faith in his abilities. He can fend for himself."
((What's he plannin..!? :O))

Jingu had to really push herself to deflect each orb, frowning. Why was he suddenly so interested in her and Kojurou? She raked her brain, keeping her attention on Yoshitsugu, he wasn't attacking seriously, something was off. "What are you playing at?"
Yoshitsugu's eyes flashed and he merely pointed to where Kojurou and Masamune were fighting. As Kojurou made sure to guard Masamune's back, a large iron ball flew out at him and connected harshly with his body, sending him flying. "Kojurou!!" Masamune called and hissed when Mitsunari slashed at him
Jingu's eyes widened and she gripped her naginata hard, resisting the urge to run to Kojurou's aid. If she left now, Megohime and Irohahime might be slaughtered, and then their efforts would be in vain. She steadied her voice as she spoke, advancing slowly. "Attacking a man who has his back turned is a cowardice move, made only by lowly men." She said lowly.
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