Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


Masamune and Kojurou made it back to the estate and Masamune marched to find Jingu, Kojurou directly behind him to make sure he didn't do anything to harm Jingu
Jingu was cradling Irohahime gently, sitting in the shade of the deck as she waited for Masamune to return.
Jingu stood up and blinked, glancing to Kojurou. "Marching on Osaka?" She frowned, noticing Megohime wasn't there. "Is Megohime-dono..?"
Masamune moved passed her to get his claws ready and Kojurou frowned, "Kuroda Kanbe has kidnapped Megohime-dono under orders of Otani Yoshitsugu and Ishida Mitsunari." He told her softly
Jingu bowed to Masamune as he passed and looked to Kojurou, frowning softly. "Alright, but what should be done with Irohahime-dono..?"
((Is Kojurou's sister gonna die?))

Jingu nodded and handed Irohahime to Kojurou. "I'll gather my troops and prepare for battle." She said, bowing before taking her leave.

Kojurou took Irohahime to Kita, "Onee-sama..." The older woman looked up and frowned, "Kage-nii...what's wrong...?" "No time to explain; take Irohahime-dono to the safe house as quickly as possible and stay there until we return." He instructed. Kita took the tiny princess and nodded, "Hai. Be safe, Kage-nii." "You, too, Onee-sama." Kojurou bowed to his sister before hurrying off to help Masamune prepare
Jingu had gathered her warriors and was dressed in her armor, weapon on her back as she helped saddle the horses, awaiting Masamune's orders.
Masamune rode up with Kojurou and looked to Jingu and her warriors, his own men assembling on their horses, "Are we ready to get this party started?"
Jingu nodded and mounted her horse. "Hai, I shall follow you into battle and hell if need so." She said.
"Then let's go! To Osaka!" He gripped the handle bars of his horse and turned it, "GET CRAZY, GUYS!!" He yelled in English before kicking his horse and galloping off, Kojurou and the entire Date army following
Jingu followed after Kojurou and they started their ride to Osaka. Megohime hissed softly when she was slapped, being beaten for the second time; hitting the wall with a grunt and holding her reddening cheek she staggered before steadying herself against the wall so she wouldn't fall over, her entire body aching.
"Aren't you tired, Mitsunari~?" Yoshitsugu asked. The silver haired man scoffed and grabbed Megohime by the hair, "I'll be tired when she's dead."
Megohime gripped his wrist, scowling in pain, being forced to move closer to Mitsunari. She ground her teeth and gripped his wrist tight, bringing her knee up into his groin, but even that seemed to cause her pain.
A bead shot out and connected rather harshly with Megohime's knee before she could do any real damage. "Tsk, tsk, tsk." Yoshitsugu tutted.
Megohime wailed and dropped to her knees, only causing pain to flare in her scalp. She winced and tried to stand as well as pry her tangled locks from Mitsunari's grasp. "F-Fuck you, freak." She hissed.
Megohime hit the wall with a cry of pain, landing hard on the ground. She didn't try to get up this time, curling up with her back to Mitsunari, praying that they'd just go away.
Megohime's lower lip quivered and she bit her hand hard, trying to be quiet. "Tasukete... Masamune-sama..." She whispered, tears streaming down her face.
((DontworryMegoMasamunewillbetheresoon!! Dx Maybeafterthisyou'llappreciatehimmore! >c ))

Masamune forced his horse to go as fast as it possibly could all the way to Osaka, resting the horses for a few moments for water befre forcing them to go again
((Trust me~ She will~))

Megohime laid in her cell unmoving for quite some time, listening for any sounds of footsteps of horse hooves, waiting to see who would come first, Masamune to save her, or Mitsunari to beat her again.
A faint sound came in the distance. Then grew louder and louder. It was the ear splitting screams of a baby; not just any baby. The door opened and Yoshitsugu entered, craddling Irohahime, "And so, the final piece arrives~"
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