Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime snorted. "Yeah, sure... I bet he'd just be doing that so he could get with a concubine.." She muttered.
"And how would you know!?" Megohime hissed back, glared at Kojurou over her shoulder. "I've dishonored him by giving him a daughter instead of a son! Of course he'd get someone else!"
"Hey! I can hear you!" Masamune called, crossing his arms tighter. Kojurou was growing very tired of Megohime and her bullshit very quickly. "You listen here, Tamura...! The way you act and the way you dishonor him everyday, I'm honestly surprised he hasn't found a concubine! But, he hasn't! You do not give him nearly enough credit!" "Kojurou!" Masamune rode over and scowled heavily, "Knock it off." Kojurou lowered his head and snorted
Megohime only kicked her horse and rode faster, grinding her teeth and gripping the reigns hard.

((She blames herself that she couldn't give Masamune a son and beats herself up for it~ She doesn't think she's good enough for him~))
((I'm gonna have fun crushing her~~~~))

"God dammit." Masamune growled under his breath, "Maybe I should get a concubine! At least she'll fucking listen to me!" He yelled after her
Megohime heard Masamune's words, but she only lowered her head and pushed her horse to go faster, trying to stop the tears that welled up in her eyes, blinking them away. She veered off the path and rode through the brush, only stopping once she was far enough from the rode not to be seen, slowing when she spotted a river, stopping beside it and dismounting. Cupping her hands she splashed her face with water and steadied herself to keep from crying, gnawing on her lip and kicking herself mentally.
Megohime looked over her shoulder and blinked, wiping her tears away quickly and standing, looking around and moving forward silently to see what was coming.
"God damn that Yoshitsugu...! Making me walk all the way to Oshuu...!" Kanbe grumbled angrily, "Again...! 'You didn't kill them, go back and do it right'. Son of a bitch."
Megohime stiffened, hiding behind the tree and covering her mouth. So Akihime wasn't lying, crap. She needed to tell Masamune, no matter how much she was hurting. She moved forward silently, moving towards her horse, but before she could get closer to the steed, she stepped on a twig and it snapped loudly, making her freeze.
Megohime stood perfectly still, hoping he didn't know what she looked like. "A-Ah, I'm just leaving." She said, biting her lip.
Megohime's eyes widened and she bit her lip hard, she'd never mount her horse in time and she wouldn't be able to beat him in a fight. She turned quickly, kicking her sandals off and running back toward the road, hoping Masamune hadn't gone by yet.
Megohime heard the large ball being thrown at her, but didn't have time to react. The crushing force slammed into her and knocked her to the ground, making her cry out in pain, all air rushing from her lungs and as soon as she hit the ground she heard cracks. Grinding her teeth in pain she struggled to stay awake and to breathe, struggling to get out from under the large weight. She knew she was beaten completely, trapped under the large iron ball, so she swallowed her pride. "Masamune-sama!!" She screamed, hoping he'd hear her and at least be warned that Kanbe was still after them. She knew she was going to die, all he had to do was crush her more than she already was and she'd die for sure. Dark spots danced in her vision and she wheezed, panicking as no air filled her lungs.
"Megohime!!" Masamune's voice echoed out and Kanbe removed the ball from her frame, moving and picking her up as he dragged his 'burden' to the horse
Megohime felt woozy, but she kicked and punched Kanbe in the head, trying to get him to drop her. "Let me go!!" She snarled, bringing her elbow down hard on his nose.
"Mego!!" "Ah, shit..." Kanbe moved onto the horse as fast as he could, holding the chain for his burden and Megohime, kicking the horse into full gallop. Masamune hissed; it was an Oshuu horse, it was the fastest breed in the Land of the Rising Sun; he would have a hard time catching up, even with a steed of the same calibur
"Masamune-sama!" Megohime only got a glance of her husband before Kanbe mounted the horse and sped off, Kanbe's grip not loosening at all.
Masamune gripped the handle bars of his horse in a death grip, urging it to go faster, hoping he got to Megohime before they lost Kanbe in the forest
Megohime hung limp on Kanbe's shoulder, the combination of her broken ribs and his tight grip making her fall into an unconscious state, still struggling to breathe.
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