Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime whimpered softly, struggling to keep her eyes open. "... Tasukete... Masamune-sama..." She reached out weakly, vision going black again and she fell limp against Kanbe once more.
When Megohime woke again, she was trapped in a cell, on the floor, ribs still aching. She sat up with a groan and winced, holding her ribs and wheezing. "Shit.."
"Good evening~" The familiar voice of Yoshitsugu greeted as he entered the dungeon. He moved towards her, white eyes smiling, "And how are you, Megohime-dono~?"
"Oh I'm so glad you asked, well you see I was nearly crushed to death, I'm in quite a good amount of pain and I have a freak grinning at me like I'm some prize." She hissed.
Yoshitsugu chuckled darkly and Mitsunari walked with purpose, throwing open the cell door and stabbing his katana into her leg, "You will not speak to Yoshitsugu that way, lowly filth." "Calm down, Mitsunari~ its alright~"
Megohime's eyes widened and she screamed in pain, clenching her fists and biting her tongue, a wave of nausea and pain washing over her, her leg feeling as though it had been run through with a hot metal rod. "Y-You bastard..." She ground out, trembling in pain.
Mitsunari removed his blade and held it to her throat, "I could kill you now and send your head back to your worthless husband if that is your wish."
Megohime ground her teeth and glared death at him, clenching her fists so tight her knuckles turned white, but she held her tongue.
"Why do you intend to kill us? And even if you do succeed in killing me, what makes you think you'll be able to kill Masamune-sama?" She asked lowly.
"It won't be hard to kill a man after he's been broken~ which reminds me~" Yoshitsugu moved closer, "How is young Yukimura and my daughter, Akihime~? I hear she's with child now~"
"Wouldn't know, your daughter and I aren't exactly good friends." She said, moving back as he moved closer, then her eyes narrowed. "And what do you mean broken? There isn't anything that can break the Azure Dragon."
((She's so self-assured~~))

Yoshitsugu's dark smile slowly widened under his bandages, "Even a powerful dragon has a chip in its armored scales~"
Megohime scowled, grinding her teeth. "And what is the chip in his scales?" She asked, leg throbbing.

((Haha, yeah~))
Megohime's eyes flashed with fire and she clenched her fists hard. "If you even look at my child I'll gut you like the slimy bottom feeder that you are, do you hear me!?" She hissed angrily.
Mitsunari's hand flew fast and connected harshly with her cheek, "Hold your tongue, woman." He hissed. Yoshitsugu chuckled and moved to the exit, "Have your fun with her, Mitsunari~ just don't kill her~" "We'll see."
Megohime hit the ground and held her cheek, grinding her teeth in pain. She glared up at Mitsunari, struggling into a sitting position before spitting at his feet, a scowl on her face.
Mitsunari hit her again, this time with the sheathe of his katana. When she was knocked down, he kicked her with extreme force in her injured ribs; over and over until his leg grew tired and his body forced him to rest
Megohime was wheezing and coughing at this point, her vision blurred with tears. He had definitely broken more then a few of her ribs, if not nearly all of them. She groaned softly in pain and held her ribs weakly, pushing herself back to her knees slowly, pain nearly knocking her unconscious.
Mitsunari grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up, growing annoyed when he saw she was barely even conscious. He snorted and threw her down, marching out and locking the cell behind him before leaving the dungeon, "I tire of this nonsense. There's no point in staying if I can't kill you."
Megohime hit the floor and groaned weakly, rolling onto her side and curling up in a small ball, she'd definitely be getting some wicked bruising on her stomach, if she made it past tomorrow. She touched her swollen cheek, wincing and frowning softly.
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