Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime pushed herself to her feet, a dark aura rolling off of her. "You bastard..!" She ran at the cell bars, slamming her fists against the iron. "You fucking bastard, you listen to me and you listen good, if you so much as even think about pulling a hair from her head, I will tear you limb from limb with my bare hands and feed you to the strays around the estate!" She hissed, ignoring the pain that made her want to double over and throw up. "Give me my baby now you wrapped piece of shit!"
"Temper~" Yoshitsugu tutted her again, "That's quite the threat, Megohime~ let's test it~" He moved to grab a single thread of Irohahime's hair and plucked it without a second thought
Irohahime let out an ear splitting screech and Megohime tensed hard, eyes wide. "I'll kill you!" She punched the iron bars hard, splitting her knuckles as she tried to break the cage door open. She fell to her knees, gripping the bars hard, head hanging in shame. "Don't... Don't hurt her... Please.... What do you want..?" She asked defeatedly. "I'll.. I'll do whatever you want, just please don't hurt her..." Blood dripped from her knuckles, and she frowned at the ground.
"I just want you to bring Masamune here so we can kill him and conquer Oshuu. If we can defeat the Azure Dragon, we can certainly defeat Ieyasu~" He stated, "If you behave and don't move when I open the cell, you can have your baby~ agreed~?"
((If Mego had the chance she'd hang his corpse from the front of the estate. :'3))

Megohime bit her lip so hard she tasted blood. How could she betray her husband? She clenched her jaw and nodded slowly, hair over her face to hide her shame; she just wanted her baby. She sat on the ground perfectly still, sending a silent apology to Masamune hoping he wouldn't come, but she knew he would, she had dishonored him and this is how she would pay.
Yoshitsugu opened the cell and gently handed Irohahime over before locking up again, "There, now~ isn't that better~? Its almost like home~" He said

((Haha I don't doubt that~))
Once Megohime had Irohahime in her grasp she moved to the back of the cell, cradling Irohahime against her chest and looking her over worriedly, making Irohahime whimper and whine as her mother fussed over her. She faced her back to Yoshitsugu, nuzzling Irohahime once she had made sure her baby wasn't hurt. "I already know I won't be leaving here alive... What about my child..?" She asked quietly.
Megohime nodded numbly, closing her eyes and holding Irohahime tighter, wishing she could just be back in Oshuu with Masamune.

((Time to rip Masamune's heart out of his chest~?))
Jingu nodded, giving her warriors the signal to wait until further notice, dismounting her horse and patting it's neck.
Masamune dismounted and rubbed his face. He was so stressed. Kojurou gave him some water before moving to Jingu, "How are you holding up, Jingu-dono...?"
Jingu nodded. "I'm fine, I only worry for Megohime-dono's safety. I brought out medic along just in case.." She murmured softly so Masamune wouldn't hear.
"That is why you are here, no?" She gave a soft smile, then turned her attention to the castle when she saw movement from the corner of her eye.
Jingu's eyes widened at the sight before her. Megohime was being dragged out hands bound in front of her with shackles, barely able to stand, falling into Mitsunari a few times before falling to her knees in the dirt, kimono torn and ruffled, hanging off one shoulder. She seemed distraught even though she seemed to be struggling to stay awake, and that reason was very clear when Yoshitsugu appeared, holding a crying Irohahime in his arms.
Masamune turned sharply and his eye slitted, unsheathing all six of his claws, "MEGOHIME!!" He yelled. Yoshitsugu smirked under his bandages, "The Azure Dragon finally appears~"
Megohime looked to Masamune, eyes tearing up. "Masamune-sama..!" She called weakly, then she keeled over. "RUN AWAY!" She screamed. "I can be replaced, but you can't..! If you stay here, we'll both be killed... You need to live... Onegai, Masamune-sama... Don't die..!"
"Kojurou, Jingu! Let's go!" "Hai!" Kojurou nodded and followed his lord inside Osaka castle. "I won't die, Mego! We're gonna get out of here together!"
Megohime pulled on the chains, watching Masamune through slightly swollen eyes, her lip split and bleeding. "Masamune-sama.." She clenched her jaw and nodded, perking when Irohahime started to scream loudly, face red and tears streaming down her pudgy cheeks. "Irohahime..." She murmured, glancing at Mitsunari's blade. Would she have a chance to grab it?
Irohahime only screamed more, tiny hands reaching up to try and grab for the long locks Yoshitsugu did not have, only making her cry more. "Iroh.... My baby... C-Can I have my baby.." She struggled to her feet. "You said I could have her..." She lifted her bound hands, bruised and weighed down by the heavy iron shackles.
Yoshitsugu looked back at her before turning, "I did, didn't I?" He mused, "I don't recall Akihime making so much fuss. I suppose that's what happens when a dragon raises a child."
Irohahime tried to suckle at Yoshitsugu's chest, whining softly. "She's hungry." She forced out, her vision going black for a moment, making her stagger. "I don't suppose you have anything suited for the job of feeding her, do you?" She hissed.
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