Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"My part in Yoshitsugu's plan was to frame the Date for Yukimura-sama's death...! I had to plant the Date crest on his body..!" She ran inside and came back out with a torn crest from an army flag, "I wasn't allowed to know anything that they were plotting for Masamune-sama...! I swear, Megohime-dono...!" She looked Megohime in the eye as she spoke, hoping the older woman could see she was telling the truth
((Time to crush Mego~?))

Megohime snorted and turned. "She's a traitor and undead, this is bullshit." She said, though she seemed to have accepted Akihime's words, walking to her horse.
((As soon as I understand why Mego said it was bullshit if she believed it xD))

Akihime frowned and humbled herself, "Thank you for hearing my side of the story, Megohime-dono..."
((She isn't gonna say that Akihime sounded 100% right~ She's stubborn~!))

Megohime stopped before mounting her horse, making a noise. "Sorry, Masamune-sama says I should try to be more "friendly" when talking to others." She said, turning to face Akihime. "I believe you didn't burn down our home and try and kill my husband and me." She said, though it sounded bland and not enthusiastic in any degree. "But you're still a damn cow." She muttered and turned again.
Akihime smiled, "For an old Dragon Hag, you're still so beautiful, Megohime-dono...thank you for believing me..." Masamune chuckled as he moved to mount his horse, "Sorry for the misunderstanding, Sanada. Maybe next time we can have a real fight."
Megohime blinked in surprise and she blushed, looking away. "U-Urusai.." She said, mounting her horse. Yukimura made a small noise. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." He said.
"He needn't apologize to me, Yukimura-sama...apologizing to you is enough for me...I forgave him as soon as he realized he was wrong." Akihime said. Masamune nudged his head, "I wasn't wrong. It was a misunderstanding." "Hai. Gomenasai." Akihime bowed her head and Masamune looked to Kojurou and Megohime, "Are we ready?" "Hai, Masamune-sama."
Yukimura nodded and turned to thank Amaya, but she had already vanished. "Right... Why don't you go inside then?"
Yukimura almost flinched when Shingen yelled , but it wasn't uncommon. He gave a look to Akihime that said sorry before kissing her temple and going to see what his master wanted.
Akihime went inside and prepared the tea anyway. Shingen sat in his lounge with Sasuke; the ninja had told him about Masamune's unexpected arrival. "Why was Date Masamune and his wife here fighting you and Akihime?" Shingen asked
Yukimura bowed before his master. "Date Masamune had been under the impression that Akihime had burned down their home." He said.
"No, we have come to an agreement that it was Kanbe who destroyed the Date manor, and Akihime was simply framed for it." He said.
Akihime sat playing her shamisen as she waited for the tea to come to a boil. She thought about her father's plans while she played, trying to think of his true intentions
Yukimura entered the room and closed the door behind him, setting his spears against the wall and taking a seat in front of Akihime.
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