Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura let go of Akihime's hand, pulling his spears from his back he took up a stance with a scowl. "I will not have you speak that way to my wife, Date Masamune. You come here accusing my wife, but do you have more proof than a piece of fabric?"
"Who the hell else would it be, Sanada!?" Masamune unsheathed his six claws, glaring, "You wanna defend her so bad, then let's freakin' go!" "M-Matte...! Let's try and discuss this!" "Mego, you take care of the princess while I beat the shit out of Red." Masamune hissed
"It'll be my pleasure." Megohime said, drawing her sword. Yukimura frowned more and took up a stance. "Akihime, please go inside." He said, blocking both Masamune's andMegohime's way. "Move..!!" Megohime hissed, taking her own stance.
Megohime moved forward and took a swing for Akihime's head with the back of her blade, leaving Yukimura little time to deflect the blow from hitting Akihime. "Akihime go inside!" Yukimura pushed Megohime back, but she quickly regained her footing and attacked again.
Megohime went after Akihime, swinging hard, but Amaya appeared before Akihime in the blink of an eye, blocking Megohime's blade with her own.
Akihime moved inside quickly and peeked out from behind the door, "Arigatou..." She muttered. Masamune ground his teeth, "Why won't you let her fight, huh? She's got you strung up like some puppet, I bet."
Yukimura scowled and resisted the urge to run to Akihime and protect her, but he knew Amaya would do anything to protect her. "No, I'm not letting her fight because she is with child!" He said.
Yukimura blocked quickly and shoved Masamune back, thrusting his spear forward to attack. "I am telling the truth!"
Yukimura blocked the attack and launchd his own, trying to push Masamune back. "She did no such thing because she had been attacked before your home was burned down!"
"She was sent to Aki to deliver a message from my lord, she never made it because she was attacked on her way there, then she went missing." He said, struggling to keep Masamune at bay.
"She was with Motochika-dono on his ship with his crew." Yukimura shot back. "She was with them to quite some time before they reached here!"
"So...she didn't do it..." Masamune muttered. He moved away and looked, watching Megohime struggle to get passed the ninja to get to the terrified Akihime
Megohime smashed her blade down repeatedly, but Amaya held her ground, taking a couple hits when she couldn't block. "You leeching cow...!" She hissed at Akihime.
Megohime scowled and shoved Amaya back, sheathing her blade. "Coward." She hissed, turning on her heal and headed back toward Masamune. "Fight me when you find your balls again."
Akihime moved quickly to Amaya's side and frowned, looking to Megohime, "I know who destroyed your home!" She said. Masamune's eye slitted and Kojurou tensed at the heavy malice radiating from him
"Ojou-sama..!" Amaya moved protectively in front of Akihime, holding her arm gently. Megohime stopped and turned. "Who?"
"Yoshitsugu forced Kuroda Kanbe to work with him. Kanbe-san had to do what he was told or be thrown back in his cell. I didn't know of Yoshitsugu's plans for the Date until just now...! They must've framed me with an old kimono; none of mine are torn!" Akihime answered, "I would never wish harm on you or Masamune-sama, Megohime-dono, I swear to you...!"
Megohime made a face. "Kanbe?" She frowned. "Yeah, sure. Say he did burn down our home, but how can we be sure you weren't still apart of the plan?"
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