Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime's cheeks flushed and she placed her hands on his chest, pressing herself up against him as she returned his kiss.
Megohime nodded, cheeks still flushed. "And I do not gripe or nag..." She muttered, pouting slightly.
"I do not...!" Megohime protested. "Their relationship is very odd, is it not?" Jingu spoke to Kojurou, having returned from outside and had watched everything play out , not wanting to get between a man and his wife.
"Their marriage does cause a bit of a headache, that's for sure..." Kojurou muttered, "Sometimes it makes me glad I don't wish to marry just yet..." / "You do, too!" Masamune argued
Megohime gave a small stomp of her foot. "Am not!" Jingu covered her laugh with her hand. "Hai, it does tarnish marriages' name a bit, doesn't it?" She smiled lightly.
"Are, too!" Masamune growled. Sabu trotted up to them and yipped, wanting them to stop. Kojurou smiled softly, oddly loving the sound of her laughter, "Hai..."
"I am not!" Megohime picked back, spinning on the dog. "Shut it, mutt!" She hissed. Jingu glanced at Kojurou when he he smiled, blushing ever so faintly.
Sabu flinched and whimpered. Masamune scowled heavily and picked up his dog, stalking off. Kojurou blushed and cleared his throat, "Right, then..."
"Would you need any help?" Jingu asked, watching as Megohime stalked away in the opposite direction of Masamune.
"Your garden is very well taken care of." Jingu noted. "You must put great amounts of time into this garden."
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