Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime made a soft noise and looked over to Jingu. "Hai, Masamune-sama." She said quietly.

((So~ when does the thing with the handmaidens happen~~?))
Megohime snorted. "We didn't agree, we simply came to terms with each other." She said, looking the other way.

"Whatever, think what you want, Masamune-sama." Megohime said, sweeping her hair over her shoulder with one hand.
((I do~!))

Megohime was training hard one afternoon, brows furrowed as she swung her sword, making a soft grunt. Something seemed off to her, around now would be the time where one of her maidens would come and fetch her for lunch, but she hadn't seen any sign of any of them. She stopped swinging her sword and wiped her forehead, looking around the eerily quiet estate before heading towards the porch and heading inside, looking around. She scowled, there was no sound inside the estate, and there was no smell of food. She headed towards where her hand maidens typically gathered and opened the door angrily, but stopped dead in her tracks, staring in horror at the sight before her.
Masamune stood with the bodies of her handmaidens at his feet, katana dripping with blood. His body personified his unadulterated rage as he looked towards Megohime, "Just who I wanted to see." He gripped his katana harder
Megohime's mouth was open slightly and she was speechless, dropping her katana she moved back slowly, letting what was in front of her sink in. "Masamune-sama... What have you done...!?"
"What does it look like?" He took a step closer, "I guess I've been too soft with you - if you've gone so far as to hire assassins to kill me. Or maybe it was your doting father, unhappy with the fact that I own him and your pathetic clan."
"Assassins...!?" Megohime's eyes widened even more and she shook her head furiously. "I don't know what you mean, Masamune-sama!"
Megohime froze, knowing all to well how just how fast Masamune could use his blade. "I'm not playing dumb...! I don't know what you mean!?" She began to sound panicked, thoughts flooding into her head. "I didn't send an assassin!"
Masamune growled, far too enraged to believe anything she was saying. "Maybe I should send your head back to your father. Surely, that will teach him not to mess with the Azure Dragon."
Megohime backed away quickly, bumping into the wall behind her. "I promise you Masamune-sama, neither my father nor I have sent an assassin after you!" She said quickly.
"Don't lie!" "Masamune-sama!" Masamune swung his blade to behead Megohime but Kojurou's own blade stopped him, "Run, Megohime-dono!" Kojurou ordered
Megohime didn't protest, grabbing her katana and running for the door and once outside she kept running, not stopping until she reached Kojurou's vegetable garden.
Megohime fell to her knees in the garden, dropping her katana next to her and breathing hard, eyes wide with fright. "Megohime-dono?" A voice came from behind her and she spun to see who it was. "Jingu..." She turned back around when she saw it was only Jingu. "Is everything alright, Megohime-dono?" "Yes, I'm fine, you can go..." She muttered.
((Don't be pushin' away the only help you'll get at this point!!

A gentle breeze rolled through the garden, pushing some hair into Megohime's face
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