Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime's eyes moved to look at Masamune, letting out a snort. "Make your own damn tea.... And it's Megohime, desu..." She muttered sourly before standing and leaving to go make tea. Jingu sat down across from Masamune, sitting perfectly still.
"My Bugeisha and I are all skilled in hand to hand combat as well as sword fighting, we can also treat minor first aid to wounds on the battle field." She explained. "We fight for the country and we fight for what we believe is right."
Masamune smirked and Kojurou felt his heart skip. She was such a valiant warrior indeed. "Don't double cross me and you're good. Welcome to the dysfunctional family for now."
Jingu bowed to Masamune once more. "Arigatou, Masamune-sama." Megohime returned with the tea, sitting down and pouring two cups, placing one in front of Masamune and the other in front of Jingu, who bowed her head. "Arigatou, Megohime-dono." She said and picked up the cup.
Megohime muttered softly and returned to sit beside Masamune. "If there is anything else, I should inform my troops that we have made an alliance." Jingu said, taking a sip of her tea.
"You're free to go. Although, Kojurou should show you all where you'll be staying." "Hai. We made special arrangements for you and your warriors." Kojurou said
Jingu set her cup down and bowed one last time before standing. "Hai, arigatou. I will take my leave then." She said and turned to Kojurou. "Will you lead the way, Kojurou-dono?"
"Yes, of course." Kojurou stood and led her out, "We have an unused portion of the estate that we have decided to allow you and your Bugeisha to use for housing."
Jingu nodded and continued after Kojurou. "Thank you, Kojurou-dono." She said gratefully.
"We have been dealing with men giving us plenty of trouble before, Kojurou-dono, do not worry. My warriors and I can handle it." She said. "But if I need your help, I will ask, thank you."
Jingu shook her head and bowed to him, then though for a moment. "Actually, is there anywhere available for us to train?"
After getting all the horses into the stable, Jingu sent her women to go get situated before she changed into proper attire, and went to go train. Bringing her naginata with her she set to training.
Megohime came out to sit beside Masamune, hair wet from just having washed up. "Do you think she'll be able to do anything for your army?"
((You put Megohime twice, love~))

"She's all we really got, Mego. Do you want the Western Army to kill me?" He looked to her, asking her seriously
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