Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime bit her lip, resting her forehead on his shoulder. Once he was fully sheathed she kissed his neck gently. "Okay..." She nodded, signaling him it was okay to move.
Megohime tensed up, it being uncomfortable, then slowly becoming pleasurable. "Masamune-sama..." She breathed, biting his neck lightly.
Makise began to move her hips in sync with Masamune's, her moans growing louder, sucking on the junction of his shoulder and neck.
Megohime let out a surprised squeak when he bit her shoulder and she wrapped her legs around Masamune's waist, her cheeks painted a dark red.
Their love making continued for what seemed like hours; the entire estate echoing their noises. Kojurou had fled to his vegetable garden, seeking peace and to get away from the horrid images of his master and his wife making love
Megohime panted heavily, making a soft noise as Masamune rolled off of her and she looked over to him, moving to rest on her side beside him. Sweat made her hair stick to her forehead, bitemarks and bruises covering her body.

((Soon~ Jinju arrives soon~ Butnotyet!))

Megohime rested her head on Masamune's chest, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. "Daisuki... Desu." She murmured, panting.
Megohime closed her eyes, snuggling closer to Masamune.


The feint thundering of many horse hooves could be heard from the Date estate and Megohime looked up from her training, having been practicing her sword play since early morning. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and turned to face Kojurou, who had joined her not to long ago. "Kojurou?" A large group of women on horseback came riding up, but most of them stopped just outside the gates, and four of the warriors continued up. The horses slowed to a stop and one woman dismounted and moved forward, pulling out a piece of paper. "Hajimemashite, Kojurou-dono, I assume?"
"Hai." She nodded and bowed back to him. "Chiba Jingu." She said. "I received your letter about assistance for defeating the Western army and have accepted. I Date Masamune here? I think it would be best for all of us to speak together."
Jingu ordered her women to stay where they were until she returned, following after Kojurou and Megohime to meet Masamune. Megohime sheathed her blade and put the sword over her shoulder.
Kojurou took Jingu to Masamune's lounge room, where he was relaxing with a bottle of sake, "Masamune-sama, Jingu is here as you requested." "C'mon in, Kojurou." Kojurou opened the door and allowed Megohime in first before Jingu
Megohime moved inside and moved to sit beside Masamune, placing her katana in front of her. Jingu moved inside and removed her helmet, allowing for her long pale braided hair to fall down her back, bowing before Masamune. "Chiba Jingu, desu. I am here to assist you against the Western army."
"Please forgive me, Masamune-sama. My army and I came as fast as our horses could carry us, but we are here to help now, and that is all that matters, is it not?"
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