Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Hai. The Vassel of Kai would not fight so poorly, even if sparring. Do not be afraid to give it your all if we are to cross on the battlefield; as enemies or as training partners. All right, Sanada-san?" She smiled genuinely at him, hoping to encourage his to fight with all his might
"Hai..! Thank you for the advice, Akihime-dono!" Yukimura said and stood up straight. "But are you sure you'll be alright? You did have a fever when we found you."
"I am naturally a fast healer...! A small fever won't do me in...!" She assured. She placed her hand to her head and groaned, "Demo...I should probably lay back down...I feel rather dizzy..."
Yukimura moved over. "Please, let me assist you, I would not want for you to injure yourself." He said, truly concerned.
Yukimura shook his head and hooked his arm under hers, helping her return back to where she could rest beneath the Armor That Needs No Shield. "Please forgive me for touching you so freely, Akihime-dono."
Yukimura nodded and bowed his head to her after helping her lay down. "Would you like for me to stay with you?" He offered.
Yukimura sat on the floor beside her bed, smiling at her. "Of course...! It wouldn't be proper hospitality if I left you all alone..!"
"He's so gentle and kind...I want to spend every moment of my life with him..." She thought. She then suddenly frowned and stared at the ceiling, heart weighing heavy
Yukimura blinked and looked at Akihime with confusion. "What is wrong, Akihime-dono?" He asked.

Megohime sat in with the meeting as Masamune and Kojurou went over war tactics and battle statigies, remaining silent for once as she sat a ways behind Masamune, listening as Kojurou spoke.

"Hm? Oh...nothing...forgive me...just thinking about my father..." Akihime muttered sadly

((Its ok!))

Masamune looked generally annoyed, having been defeated by the Western Army time and time again. He was running out of men, and he didn't want to take anymore sons and husbands from families. "What is there left to do, Kojurou?" Masamune asked lowly. Kojurou looked through his reports and blinked slowly, "Well, there has been word of a group of warriors for hire." He answered. Masamune perked up, "Who leads them?" "A the name of Jingu. She leads a large group of female warriors called the Bugeisha. She has never lost a battle." Kojurou explained
"I'm sorry." Yukimura bowed to Akihime. "I did not keen to pry." He said.

Megohime made a noise. "You gonna hire her? Or gonna pass cause you like getting the shit beaten out of you?" She said, looking over maps to pass the time, not even looking at her husband.
"Oh, no, Sanada-san, it's quite was my fault I was disowned in the first place. I prefer this punishment over the alternative." Akihime said softly

"Shut it, Mego. You aren't helping." Masamune growled, "Can you send word to them, Kojurou?" "Hai, Masamune-sama, I can summon them immediately." "Make it so." Masamune said and stood, "I'll be out training."
Yukimura frowned and placed his hand on Akihime's. "Don't worry Akihime-dono, I will ensure that your stay here is most enjoyable." He smiled at her.

Megohime muttered something under her breath, waiting for Masamune to leave the room before she stood and followed him out to watch him train.
Akihime's face heated up, her hand tingling and her heart pounding, "He's...touching my hand...!"

Kojurou wrote a letter to Jingu, requesting that she come to Oshuu with her army to ally herself with the Date army. Masamune stood in the courtyard, training to occupy his time
Yukimura blinked when her cheeks turned red. "Akihime-dono...? Is everything alright?"

Megohime watched Masamune, still a little embarrassed that Masamune had beaten her in sparring so easily. "So you think this woman could really help?"
Akihime nodded quickly, "I-I'm fine...! I-I must be more feverish than I realized...! Thank you, Sanada-san, for your concern...!"

"I can only hope, Mego." Masamune answered as he focused on training
Yukimura blinked. "You better lay down then, Akihime-dono, do you want me to get the healer?" He asked.

Megohime made a face. "It's Megohime desu." She said, still watching him train, and she had to admit, he was quite skilled.
Yukimura nodded. "I'll stay and keep you company."

Megohime scowled and stood up, moving over to Masamune. "My name is Megohime, and you shall call me as such...!" She hissed, getting in Masamune's face.
"Arigatou..." Akihime muttered and closed her eyes, soon falling asleep

"I will call you whatever I damn well please, Mego." Masamune growled
Megohime clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes. "You are such an asshole, I just-" she let out a noise of frustration.
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