Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"I can ask my lord now if you wouldn't mind me taking my leave?" He asked.

Megohime sniggered over her shoulder and went inside, closing the door behind her and heading to her room.
"Not at all...!" Akihime said joyously. Sasuke sat on the roof and listened, "This is gonna end beautifully..." He muttered

Masamune struggled to chase her but Kojurou held him steady, "Control yourself, please!"
Yukimura headed out and down the hall after bowing and closing the door behind him. He stood outside Shingen's door, bowing his head. "Oyakata-sama, requesting permission to enter."
Yukimura entered and moved to sit in front of Shingen, bowing his head. "She has awoken, and her name is Otani Akihime and she has been disowned by her father, Otani Yoshitsugu. I think that she should stay here until she gets on her feet again."
"Disowned?" Shingen repeated, "And you think that she should stay here until she has started her own life?" Sasuke sat and listened, "Here we go..." He muttered. Shingen was on his feet in a flash, fist connecting hard with Yukimura's cheek, "You fool!!"
Yukimura grunted loudly in pain as he was sent flying, slamming through the wall and hitting the stone wall outside. He fell to the ground and stood, stumbling back over to Shingen quickly. "Oyakata-sama, she has no other place to go!"
"And how do you suppose a disowned woman would make her own life? By marrying someone of importance. If she is unmarried, she's as useless to us as a dried well!" Shingen yelled. "S-Sumimasen..." Shingen turned his gaze and looked to Akihime, who sat humbly a distance away from the Tiger of Kai. "Please forgive me, Shingen-sama, if my presence here is a burden to you. But, I swear to you, I am not useless. I can prove my worth; I will do all I can around the estate...and I can fight, as well!" She told him.
"Not to be rude, Akihiime-dono, but I would not want to let you get in harms way, though I do not doubt you are a very capable fighter, I do not want to risk you getting injured either." Yukimura said.
"Sanada-san, it is fine, really. I want to prove myself." Akihime said. Shingen made a face, "Show me your skill and I will see your worth." He said. Akihime nodded and Shingen looked to Yukimura, "You will fight against her, Yukimura."
Yukimura looked rather surprised. "Oyakata-sama!" He protested. "I do not think it would be wise for me to fight someone who had just woken from being ill, no much weaponless!" He said, then quickly looked to Akihime. "Not that I do not believe that you cannot fight, Akihime-dono! I am sure you are quite skilled at fighting...!"
Akihime smiled and shook her head, "It's quite alright, Sanada-san. I am well enough to fight. Shingen-sama, would you, by chance, happen to have a rather large tessen?" "Here, Akihime-dono..." Sasuke appeared, holding out a tessen that was nearly as tall as she was. Akihime smiled greatfully and took it, "Arigatou. The area for battle shall be of your choosing, Shingen-sama." "You will battle in the courtyard. Let's go, Yukimura." Shingen said and began to leave.
Yukimura still looked a bit unnerved, but he grabbed his spears anyway and followed Akihime and Shingen out to the courtyard, taking a stance a few feet away from Akihime once they reached their destination.
Akihime took a defensive stance as Shingen and Sasuke stood a few feet away, "Whenever you are ready, Yukimura." Shingen said gruffly
Yukimura nodded and took in a breath before letting it out, then charging at Akihime, aiming an attack for her left side with one spear, while aiming for her feet with his other to knock her off balance.
Akihime snapped open the heavy fan to knock off Yukimura's spear to her left, swinging the fanto knock his spears together and to the side harmlessly
Yukimura brought his spears up quickly to knock Akihime's fan back before jumping back a bit and attacking again with his spears.
Yukimura scowled softly as his spears were taken from his grasp and he stopped all movement, frowning heavily.
Yukimura moved away from Akihime and moved to face Shingen, awaiting for him to make his report.
"She appears quite capable on the battlefield...I suppose she could be of use to us." "Arigatou, Shingen-sama!" Akihime bowed gratefully, smiling brightly
Yukimura smiled brightly, bowing to his lord. "Arigatou, Oyakata-sama!" He said, going to retrieve his weapons.
Akihime picked up his Jumonji Yari and held them out to him, "Here, Sanada-san. You are a very spirited fighter...even when you're holding back...!"
Yukimura took the spears from her and bowed."Arigatou, Akihime-sama." He said, then looked up sheepishly. "Was it really all that noticeable...?"
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