Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Megohime-dono?" Jingu's voice broke into Megohime's thoughts and she looked up, seeing Jingu crouched in front of her. "M-Masamune-sama tried to kill me because he thought I had sent assassins after him..." She said. "Did you?" "No! Of course not...! I... I love him, I wouldn't want him to die..." She whispered, feeling tears sting her eyes. "Do not cry, Megohime-dono." Jingu said softly, putting a hand on her superiors shoulder.

((Hehehehehehehehehe- Yea, no.))

Sabu, Masamune's pet dog, jogged up the trail and nestled into Megohime's lap, tail wagging slowly
Megohime pat Sabu's head, sracthing behind his ears. "Megohime-dono, why don't I make you some tea?" "Arigatou, that'd be nice..." She said softly; Jingu nodded and headed back up the path, going to bring some tea to Megohime.
Megohime pat Sabu's head one last time before standing and turning, heading back towards the manor with clenched fists, passing Jingu on the way inside. "Megohime-dono? Your tea...?" "You can have it." She answered shortly; Jingu bowing as Megohime entered the room she shared with Masamune, sitting on the bed, thankful he wasn't in here at the moment.
"Shh, Sabu..!" She hissed at the dog, untying her hair and brushing her hair out. "Be quiet or go back outside."
Sabu whined and the door slid open. Masamune stood there, staring darkly. "I take it dying sounds like a good idea to you, Tamura?"
Megohime stiffened, brush hesitating for a moment before she continued. "I live here as well, Masamune-sama. You said to leave your presence and I did, you followed me." She said.
"I didn't tell you shit. Kojurou was the one who told you to run. You coming back just tells me you accept your death with honor." He growled
Megohime's eyes narrowed and she spun to face Masamune. "Do you think if I wanted you dead, I would bed with you...!?" She hissed. "Do you think if I wanted you dead, I would care if every time in battle that you might die!?" She clenched her jaw. "If I had hired an assassin... Then why do I still love you even after you had tried to kill me!?"
"So then your father is to blame for this!" "Masamune-sama...! The Tamura clan is not to blame!" Kojurou ran in quickly and Masamune's dark gaze landed on him, "Get the hell out, Kojurou."
"Can't you just get off your high horse and see that it wasn't my father or me...!?" She said, then a thought popped into her head. "Where is this assassin? I've never seen one, and with all this talk about it, you have me curious."
"That is why I am here!" Kojurou said and Masamune calmed down slightly to listen to what Kojurou had to say. Kojurou stepped into the room, "Megohime-dono's previous handmaidens were missing for some time before the one's that Masamune murdered were brought in. I went through their quarters and found this scroll," Kojurou reached into his coat and pulled out a scroll, "It holds specific instructions on how to assassinate Masamune-sama; Souma Yoshitane made the order." Masamune's eye widened, "So...Mego..."
Megohime's eyes narrowed and she shot a glare at Masamune before pushing past him angrily. "Excuse me." She said, moving past Kojurou and heading down the hall, beyong angry with Masamune.
((She's mad because Masamune killed the assassins who pretended to be her handmaidens? Does she realize that they were gonna kill her, too?))

"Megohime-dono?" Kojurou asked curiously. Masamune stormed after her and snatched her arm, "Are you serious right now...!? Pulling this shit after finding out it was your handmaidens who were sent to kill me!?"
((She's mad cuz he almost cut her head off! Wouldn't you be mad too...!?))

Megohime smacked his hand away from her arm. "I'm not pulling any shit, Masamune-sama! I have a right to be angry! You almost cut my head off...!" She snapped. "Sorry for being angry about that."
((Oh...! I thought she was mad about the handmaidens xD))

"Can you blame me for being paranoid...!? Look, I'm sorry, alright! It would have been the biggest mistake of my life, killing you! Even if we're always at each other's throats! Dammit, Megohime, I-!" He stopped and backed off, "Forget it."
((Bah! She don't give no fucks about them!))

Megohime made a face, crossing her arms over her chest. "You what?" She asked. "Go on, say it."
Megohime made a surprised noise and she stumbled slightly when he pushed her up against the wall, but she kissed him back, cheeks flushed.
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