Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu headed towards the weeds and crouched down on the ground, grabbing the weeds firmly and pulling them out by the roots.
Jingu was careful not to bump or pull up any vegetables, watching her step as she worked beside Kojurou.
((*chucks Kojurou under the bus*))
Kojurou grabbed a weed and pulled at it, scowling at how deep the roots were. He gripped it firmly and tugged until it gave way; making Kojurou fall into Jingu with a grunt of surprise
((Dare I do the thing...? Imma do the thing. *evil laugh*))

Jingu fell to the ground and grunted as Kojurou landed on top of her, wincing slightly, then blushing when she felt that Kojurou had braced one of his hands on one of her breasts. Her cheeks flushed and she avoided eye contact. "K-Kojurou-dono..."
Jingu sat up, quickly brushing dirt from her hair, face quite red. "N-No, it is okay." She said quickly. "I know a man of your standing would not do such a thing on purpose..!"
Jingu nodded. "That sounds wonderful." She said, waiting for him to stand before standing.

((Masamune is gonna be so supporting...~))
((Of Jingu and Kojurou always hangin out~ *wiggly arms*))

Jingu stood and started walking, heading back to the estate with Kojurou.
Jingu was silent as she walked, but when she reached he porch, she turned to Kojurou. "Lead the way, I do not wish to get lost."
((So, I have an idea...we could more than likely do more Akihime and Yukimura well as Akihime's...important task...))
((Let's do this~!))

In the few long weeks of her stay, Akihime had become a very dear member of the Takeda clan. She sat on the porch, playing her shamisen while Yukimura trained, using it as a secret excuse to watch him train
Yukimura had been training non-stop for the past three hours, sweat accumulating on his forehead, not really minding Akihime's presence.
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