Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura shook his head quickly. "N-No! That's not what I meant at all! Please forgive me, Akihime-dono!" He bowed deeply, cheeks flushed.
Akihime giggled softly and waved her hand, "It's alright, Sanada-san...shall we?" She allowed him to enter first, bowing respectfully
Yukimura nodded and followed after Akihime, cheeks flushed. "You do not have to bow to me, Akihime-dono." He said as he entered the room.

While Masamune and his men made some small talk while Kojurou looked over war plans with Jingu, Megohime entered, smelling heavily of smoke. She closed the door behind her and moved to sit beside Masamune, a lit tobacco pipe in one hand, acting like it was an everyday occurrence. She rose the pipe to her lips and inhaled then lower the pipe and tilted her head up slightly to blow the smoke into the air, looking as bored as ever.
"Yes, I do, Sanada-san...! I have to show the Vassel of Kai the highest respect!" Akihime protested

Masamune reached out and snatched the pipe from her hand, glaring darkly. "What the hell are you doing smoking, Megohime? This shit can kill you." He growled

((Oh, God, Mego, why? X'D ))
Yukimura nodded and took his seat, watching Akihime and feeling awkward. Wasn't Akihime his guest? Shouldn't he be doing things for her?

Megohime glared back. "I'm enjoying myself, now give it back." She said in a growl that could almost match his.

((Welp! I hope Kojurou's ready!))

Akihime prepared the tea calmly, "Has Shingen-sama made any new plans to conquer any of the Waring States, Sanada-san?"

"You enjoy killing yourself...!? Should I just save you the damn trouble and kill you instead...!? Make it quick!?" Masamune hissed. Kojurou took a breath, knowing that this was going to end far more badly than it should have.
((Isn't he always~?))

Yukimura looked up at Akihime, watching her fluid motions as she prepared the tea. "H-Hai..! He has." He said with a nod. "Oyakata-sama is always very busy."

Megohime's eyes narrowed, noticing that the room had gone deathly quiet, even Jingu had stopped speaking with Kojurou. "You've seemed to want to kill me quite a lot as of late, so why don't you just give me my pipe and I'll leave? Wouldn't a slow death be better to watch than a quick one?"

(( >33 ))

Akihime smiled softly, "Good...I would be devastated if my gracious host and his young ward were to be over-come by an enemy." She finished the tea and offered it to him, bowing her head

"Why you-!" "Masamune-sama!" Kojurou lurched forward and grabbed his lord's wrist before he could unsheathe his blade, growling as Masamune resisted. But the Azure Dragon pushed himself forward and Kojurou tried to pull back, "J-Jingu-dono, tasukette!" Kojurou struggled as some of the men tried to hold back Masamune as well
Yukimura took the tea and bowed his head gratefully. "Yes, that would be most unfortunate." He said as he took a sip of tea. "This is wonderful, Akihime-dono!"

Megohime flinched, but did not move as she watched the Date army try and hold him back from killing her. Jingu jumped to her feet and took ahold of Masamune's other arm, planting her feet into the ground to keep him from attacking his wife. Finally Megohime stood and headed calmly for the door. "Why would I want to live and cherish my own life when my husband despises my very existence." She said before leaving, closing the door a little roughly behind her.

((She's kinda all sayd cuz she thinks Masamune doesn't love her~ :'3))
((That is a bullshit lie~~ C': ))

Akihime blushed softly, "Arigatou..."

"Get back here, Megohime!!" Masamune hollered. Kojurou forced Masamune to the ground, "Get ahold of yourself, Masamune-sama!!"
((Yeah~ But she don't know that~))

Yukimura drank his tea happily, savoring the taste.

Megohime walked quickly out onto the deck, walking hurriedly to her and Masamune's room so she could retrieve her back up pipe, knowing that a situation like this would occur. Pushing the door open quickly, she entered the room and moved to the far side, lifting up the folded kimonos to pull out another thin pipe and a small folded piece of paper containing tobacco. After putting some tobacco into the pipe and lighting it with a lanterns flame, she took a long drag and exhaled. Jingu looked to Kojurou with a concerned look. "Should I pursue Megohime-dono?"
"Master." Sasuke appeared outside the door, "Shingen-sama has requested your attention."

Kojurou nodded, "I will try and calm Masamune-sama." He said
Yukimura perked up at the sound of Sasuke's voice and he set his tea down. "Of course, please excuse me." Yukimura said and stood, bowing to Akihime.

Jingu nodded and released Masamune's arm, moving over to the door and exiting, going to find Megohime, who was sitting out on the porch taking deep drags from her pipe and blowing the smoke into the air.
"Of course!" Akihime bowed slightly and Sasuke waited before sending his shadow bird in quickly to trip Yukimura

Masamune struggled more and more before calming down, breathing heavily
Yukimura's eyes widened as he tripped over the unseen bird, toppling over and falling on top of Akihime, catching himself before he could crash into her.

Megohime glanced over her shoulder as she heard footsteps approaching. "I don't want to speak about anything, especially not you." She said bitterly, taking another drag. "Megohime-dono, please hear me out." "I said no."
(( D:< Mego, don't be a hoe!))

Akihime gasped and fell back, staring up shyly at Yukimura, "S...Sanada...san..." She muttered. Sasuke vanished without a sound, smirking to himself

"Are you done?" "No." "I've told you to control your anger." "And how often do I listen?" "Not as often as I would like." Kojurou huffed, pinning Masamune down still
((She's always a hoe...!))

Yukimura's cheeks flushed dark red and he quickly moved away from her, bowing repeatedly, forehead touching the floor. "Gomenasai, Akihime-dono."

Jingu frowned softly, crouching behind Megohime, who scowled and blew out smoke. "Go away." "Please listen to what I have to say, Megohime-dono." ".... Fine, whatever.." Jingu nodded. "Masamune-sama only worries for your health-" "That's funny, it didn't seam that way when he was going to behead me." She snorted.
(( D'x ))

"I-It's alright, Sanada-san, I forgive you!" Akihime said quickly

Masamune finally calmed down and went off to sit quietly somewhere. Kojurou sighed softly and went to go find Jingu and Megohime
Yukimura looked up at Akihime. "A-Are you sure..? Though my actions were not on purpose they are still unexcusable..!"

At this point, Megohime was simply ignoring Jingu, refusing to hear anything about Masamune and how he was truly sorry, but just had a hard time showing it, unless it was coming from Masamune's mouth. She just sat there, inhaling and exhaling the toxic smoke.
"I-I forgive you, Sanada-san...! Don't worry...!" She assured.

Kojurou found them and frowned, "Jingu-dono, perhaps you just leave her...she's being stubborn and childish like her husband."
Yukimura nodded and bowed his head one last time before he slowly stood, rubbing the back of his neck. "I should go see Oyakata-sama now.." He said.

Megohime scowled. "I don't need to hear this from you too, Kojurou, and the only one being childish is my husband."
"Of course...!" Akihime nodded, smiling softly

"Says the woman sitting on the other side of the estate and pouting. Very well. Masamune-sama is at fault yet again. It does not matter. Come, Jingu-dono, leave her to her thoughts." Kojurou stated

((Kojurou is noooooot happy.. >.> ))
Yukimura nodded and let quickly, not wanting to keep his lord waiting any longer.

"Fine, leave with your fuck buddy, what do I care." Megohime blew out smoke and Jingu's eyes widened in surprise, looking from Megohime to Kojurou, her cheek tinted pink. "Please Megohime-dono, we have no such affiliation." "Sure you don't. I've seen the way he looks at you and the way you look at him." She said. "Who's to say you two haven't done it in the privacy of the stables? A fitting place for you two actually."
Kojurou's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed crimson in embarrassment and rage. He stormed towards her and snatched the pipe, throwing it behind him and having it break against the wall. He snatched her wrist in a crushing grip and forced her to look at him, "My patients has worn thin with yours and Masamune-sama's antics! You two are not 12 years old anymore! You both are grown adults and should have the maturity befitting your roles! But no! That is not the case with you two! You are constantly bickering and fighting and it is pointless and stupid! You are the princess of a high standing clan and you act as if you were raised by lowly thugs! You enjoy picking at my Lord's nerves and I will not stand for such disrespect any longer! It is my duty as his Right Eye to protect him! So I shall! Learn your place and show respect to your honorable husband or I will be sure that you are never allowed in Oshuu again! Is that clear, Tamura Megohime!?" He snapped, amber eyes glowing with rage as his body trembled slightly to control his unbridled fury.
Megohime's eyes widened, her wrist throbbing with pain at the near crushing force he was delivering. She flinched every time Kojurou rose his voice at her, looking away from him and staring at the floor as he scolded her. Jingu said nothing, keeping out of the way, not wanting to get involved. "Please release my hand, Kojurou..." She murmured quietly, embarrassed she had been scolded in front of another.
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