Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Kojurou nearly threw her aside had he not been controlling himself. "You will apologize to Masamune-sama, Megohime, and it will be a sincere apology. He has done everything out of care and love for you and you disrespect him at every turn. It is disgraceful; not only to yourself but your clan as well." He stated. He then shook his head, "I don't even know why I bother. You don't listen to Masamune-sama, why on Earth would you listen to me?" And with that, he turned and walked off briskly, not wanting to fly off the handle again.

((He's so mad..))

Megohime listened to the sound of Kojurou's and Jingu's footsteps as they walked away, rubbing her wrist that had finger shaped red marks on it. She frowned, noting that it'd probably bruise and swell later on. She stood up, fighting the tears that wanted to spill down her cheeks, and headed quietly to the bedroom. After removing her clothing and putting on something more appropriate or sleeping, she brushed out her hair and sat on the floor, examining her wrist, shaking from Kojurou's anger, which had surprised her.
"Mego...? You in there...?" Masamune stood outside the door, having heard it open and close; he was heading to the bedroom so he could rest or something, "Listen, Mego...if you wanna smoke, I guess you can...I just kinda...ugh...I worry, ok? You're my wife and I have to take care of you..."
There was silence for a moment before the faint sound of fabric rustling, then foot steps. The door slid open and Megohime stood in front of Masamune, ego still bruised from Kojurou's scolding. "I guess I only smoked because I... I dunno..." She muttered, not looking at him.

((So how shall we start out the Pirates~?))

"To be honest, it tastes horrible." She muttered, cracking a small grin and massaging her wrist with her fingers.
((Well how do we start it...?! Dx))

"Yeah, I think I sprained my wrist when I fell, I'm okay though." She lied easily, waving it away as though it was nothing.

"A few minutes ago, I was out in the hall and I tripped. Broke my pipe too." She said nonchalantly, brushing her fingers through her hair.
Masamune made a face, "Alright...maybe you should have the healer look at it?"

((Boy is he gonna be mad when he finds out that Kojurou hurt Mego~! :D))
(:)'3 Oh gods~))

Megohime shook her head. "I'll be fine, it's probably nothing." She said, turning and heading back into the room.
Megohime nodded, sitting down on the futon, opening her mouth to speak, but then something caught her eye. A bruise had started to slowly form in the shape of a hand around her swollen wrist. She instantly closed her mouth and sat silently, fixing her obi before pulling the covers over her.
((Do you wanna just skip to Akihime then? Because when she was first a pirate, she and Yukimura were married....and they kinda....aren't married...))

It was a few weeks after the wedding of Akihime and Yukimura and life went on peacefully. He was training out in the courtyard, making small grunts of effort.

There goes, like half the rp x'D))

Akihime sat on the porch with tea, smiling softly as she watched
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