Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((He's probably freaking out~~))

"Ren, get out of here. Go make Akihime some food." Motochika ordered. Akihime blushed, "I-I can cook..." "You're our guest! We'll care for you until we reach port." Motochika told her
Ren nodded and stood, hurrying off to make Akihime some food. He was glad he only got off with a glare, his captain wasn't unfair, but he wasn't soft either.
Motochika stayed with Akihime to make sure none of the crew members didn't harass her. "Do you recall where you came from? How ya got here?" He asked her. Akihime shook her head, "I don't remember anything...gomen, Motochika-sama..."
((To Yukimura~!))

Yukimura had been sitting in his room for almost a straight week, having touched no food in all this time. He sat in the dark with bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, looking drained of any happiness.
((Why is he sad that Akihime is gone, m'love~~?? They aren't married yet, 'member~?))

Sasuke sighed softly, sitting at the door, "Master, you have to come out and eat. Lord Shingen will throw a fit."
((But he loved her~ He was going to ask her to marry him, but was to late and never got the chance~))

Yukimura kept his eyes down on the ground. "I am not hungry..." He murmured, keeping his back to the door.
((Haha he wasn't gonna prolong it like he did in the old one? xD))

"Master, please, I have ninja's searching for her everywhere, I'm sure she's fine...please, eat?" Sasuke pleaded
((Nonono! He was gonna marry her, but not right away, after some saving and stuffs~~))

Yukimura shook his head. "No... I'd like to be left in peace now.." He said and closed his eyes.
((Hell. Yes.))

Megohime was pulled from another dreamless night by the putrid smell of smoke. She opened her eyes and groggily looked around the dark room, blinking sleep from her eyes. Sitting up from the futon she laid on beside Masamune, she carefully slipped from the covers and over to he door. Sliding it open as quietly as she could, she was met by hot air and heavy smoke. She put her sleeve over her mouth and nose, squinting her eyes that were being stung by the ash. "Masamune-sama!" She alerted him. The estate was on fire.
Masamune woke with a start, sitting up quickly and coughing heavily, "Shimatta...!" He covered his mouth and moved towards Megohime, taking her hand and pulling her out of the room. He stopped when fire burst from one of the rooms and he shielded Megohime as he pulled her to the exit
Megohime coughed heavily into her sleeve, barely being able to see as thick black smoke poured into the room. Following Masamune the best she could without being caught on fire.
Megohime nodded, coughing heavily, trying to clear the smoke from her lungs. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said, watching the burning house.
"Masamune-sama!" Megohime's eyes widened and she hurried after him, using her sleeve to cover her mouth and nose. She tried to follow the sound of his fast foot falls, but soon ended up loosing her way in the smoke filled halls. She stumbled over a fallen pillar and gagged and coughed as thick smoke filled her lungs.
"Megohime-dono!" Kojurou called and ran over, placing a damp cloth gently over her mouth before lifting her into his arms and carrying her back outside, "What were you thinking...!? It's dangerous...!" Masamune's army was throwing bucket after bucket onto the flames to try and kill them, the process slow and seemingly unhelpful
Megohime struggled to break free of Kojurou's grip. "Masamune-sama is in there!" She said and demanded to be let go. "I need to go back in and get him!"
"Megohime-dono, you stay put! I'll go get him!" Kojurou set her down and grasped her shoulders, "I will return with Masamune-sama. Just, please, stay here...promise me."
Megohime looked to the flaming inferno, then to Kojurou, nodding. "Please save him.." She said hoarsely.
Kojurou nodded and took the damp cloth before running back inside to get Masamune. The men helped Jingu and her warriors before the fire spread to them, helping them gather their most important things before escorting them outside to safety
Megohime watched Jingu and her warriors as they moved the horses from the stables and got more water to try and save what little part of the estate that wasn't on fire. She stood frozen, waiting to see Kojurou return with Masamune.
After a few minutes, Kojurou came out of the burning estate with Masamune on his shoulder and his Six Claws under his arm, coughing hard and stumbling.
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