Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime gave a small nod before leaving, mind swirling with different accusations and problems. She needed to tell Masamune soon.
After a few moments of discussing the rebuilding of the estate, Masamune went looking for Megohime. When he found her, he pulled her aside, "What did you need, Mego?"
By this time, Megohime already thought out the worse possible scenario. "I went looking through the ashes and I found this." She pulled out the good piece of cloth and held it out for Masamune to look at. "It looks like it was from Jingu's kimono... And it's torn.."
Masamune took the fabric and stared at it, "Are you saying you think Jingu did this...? Where did you get this...? Was it near anything, was it with what started the fire?"

"... Yeah... It was relatively close to were the fire started..." She said, frowning. "If she's the one who burned down our home, I'm gonna kill her."
Masamune's eye slitted, "Not if I get to her first." He hissed and stormed over to Jingu. Kojurou noticed Masamune's war path and tried to intervene, "Masamune-sama, what's going on?" "What's going on? I'll tell you. Jingu abused my hospitality and tried to kill us! She started the fire!" "What!? Masamune-sama, you can't be serious!" Kojurou snapped
Jingu looked over when she heard Masamune and Kojurou yelling, frowning softly and setting down the burnt pillar, starting to head over to them. "What is wrong? What's going on?"
"You traitor!" Masamune lurched forward but Kojurou shoved him back, "Calm yourself!" He snapped. Masamune growled and punched Kojurou hard in the face, "Shut up, Kojurou! Don't defend her!"
Jingu gasped and moved to Kojurou's side, looking to Masamune in surprise. "Masamune-sama, I do not understand..!"
Masamune threw the torn piece of fabric out her, "This was found in the area where the fire was started. I will not tolerate this! I will have you beheaded!"
Jingu's eyes widened and she looked down at the torn fabric, then at her torn kimono. "Masamune-sama, I did not burn down your home nor try to kill anyone here..!" She defended herself. "I do not remember tearing my clothing, but it must've been durning the fire."
Megohime obeyed withou question, not wanting to get any part of his wrath. Returning with his swords, she handed them to Masamune before moving aside. Jingu took a step back, frowning softly. "Masamune-sama, please, I did not do this." She said, but was eyeing one of his warriors swords in case she needed to use it.
"I will not tolerate any more lies." Masamune hissed and unsheathed all six of his claws. Kojurou rubbed his jaw, "Masamune-sama, listen to reason!" "Urusai, Kojurou!"
Jingu took another step back and grabbed the hilt of one of the Dates army mens sword, holding it in front of her in a protective stance.
Jingu blocked, the only thing she really could do without her naginata, not knowing much on how to use the katana. She pushed back and took another step back, on the defensive.

"Masamune-sama, stop!" Kojurou yelled, but Masamune ignored him, continuing his assult on Jingu. Kojurou looked to Megohime pleadingly, "Onegai, Megohime-dono, stop him!"
Megohime looked to Kojurou, then glanced back at Masamune and Jingu still fighting- well more of Masamune beating Jingu. "But she started the fire..." She frowned, looking down at the ground. She never did really see Jingu start the fire, so there was no hard evidence. Setting her jaw she moved forward quickly, stepping in between Masamune and Jingu. "Masamune-sama! Stop!"
Masamune stopped before he could hit Megohime. His breathing was ragged as he stared down at his wife, "Why did you interfere? You know I hate when people interfere...!"
"There is no actual proof that Jingu started this fire..! Maybe it was a mistake, or wrong place, wrong time? I don't know, but she's the only help you've got, you can't go and slash her head off..! Please, let's talk about this...!" She said, trying to reason with him.
And then, something happened. Something that has never happened before. Masamune dropped his claws and actually listened to his wife.
Megohime let out a small relieved sigh and Jingu lowered the katana, but still looked wary. "We need to talk this out or come to some sort of compromise." Megohime said calmly, moving closer to Masamune, placing a hand over his and looking up at him, staring at him in the eye. "And if you still suspect it was her, keep her under lock and key, or under your watch." Jingu's warriors had all drawn their weapons, looking to be on edge.
"Jingu-dono..." Kojurou looked absolutely mortified and apologetic. Masamune exhaled slowly and nodded, "You're right...I jumped the gun...we should talk this out..."
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