Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime rushed over to Masamune, helping Kojurou carry him away from the fire. She brushed his hair out of his face, checking to see if he was on fire or even burned. "Is he alive?" She asked, looking over the soot-covered Masamune worriedly.
Kojurou coughed and panted, nodding, "He's just unconscious...he'll be fine out here." He answered, "Care for him, I have to check on everyone else."
She nodded and helped lay him down, laying his precious swords beside him and sitting by his side, back to the fire, holding his hand.
Masamune wheezed slightly and coughed every now and again, trying to clear the smoke from his lungs. Kojurou helped put out the rest of the fire before checking on the men and Jingu, as well as her warriors
Jingu turned to look to Kojurou, smudged with soot. "Everyone got out of the estate safely, the horses are alright as well, but not much was saved.." She said, looking to what was left of their home.
"Gomenasai, Jingu-dono...we will do everything we can to replace the things you lost." He told her. Masamune wheezed and coughed, eye slowly peeling open, "Mego...?"
Jingu shook her head. "Do not worry about it." She said. "Not much was lost, and I'm just glad my warriors all made it unscathed."

"Masamune-sama...!" Megohime frowned worriedly. "You're fine, don't move." She said.
Kojurou nodded slightly and offered to help her out with anything she needed doing.

Masamune looked to her, vision still a little hazey. He reached out and touched her cheek, "Are you ok, Mego...?"
She took his hand gently, leaning into his touch. "Hai... I'm fine..." She said.

((She's so pissed at him~))
((Yeah~ But she's more worried that she was gonna loose him~ So she's not gettin mad~ Also she's terrified of Kojurou~))

Megohime leaned down and kissed him. "Don't do that ever again..!" She scolded lightly, holding the sides of his face gently.
Megohime started at him in disbelief, then turned to glare at his swords, smacking the pile and sending two scattering away across the ground. "Fuck your damn claws! You almost died! What would happen to Oshuu then!? You stupid bastard! What would I have done if you'd have died!?" Tears started to make her vision blurry and she clenched her fists.
Masamune pushed himself up, "Mego, if I lost my claws, I'd lose Oshuu...what then? I would be killed, you'd be sold off as some concubine! My people would be slaughtered by the hundreds! Is that what you want!? Do you want that to happen to our home!? To me or you!?" He snapped, "Yes, I ran the risk of dying in there! But I didn't! So, calm the hell down!"
"Even without his Claws, the Dragon of Oshuu can still fight any battle and win." Megohime said, rubbing her tears away.
Megohime shook her head. "Baka.." She muttered stubbornly. "It was a stupid thing to do... I'm just glad you're alive."
Megohime grumbled but leaned against Masamune, waiting for morning to come. Once it did come, Megohime went picking through the ashes, looking for anything that made it through the fire, but finding no such luck. Making her way across the rubble carefully, something caught her eye. Moving over she picked a gold swatch of fabric that caught on part of the burnt and ragged pillar and tore off something. By the feel of it, it must've been off of a dress. She looked over and watched Jingu work in the ash with everyone else, with a torn dress.
Masamune and Kojurou were already discussing renovations as the soldiers as well as some villagers helped clean up the remains of the estate
Megohime tucked the fabric inside her sleeve and moved out of the rubble, heading towards Masamune, glancing at Jingu. Was she a traitor? Did she really set the estate on fire? She shook her head and stopped in front of Masamune, clearing her throat.
Megohime rubbed the back of her neck, looking away. "Can we talk... Later?" She asked. " it's important.."
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