Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

I'll just do it...))

Akihime rode her horse down to Aki to deliever a message of peace to Mori Motonari for Lord Shingen. She had assured Yukimura that she would be able to make the journey well enough on her own and she seemed to be doing well so far. She pulled her horse to a stop, a soldier from Motonari's army stood in her path. She slid from her horse and moved over. "Are you here to escourt me to Motonari-sama?" She asked. "Motonari-sama does not wish to form any alliance with the Takeda and has sent me to kill you." The soldier said and Akihime went to argue until she was shot with an arrow. She dropped and the soldier knocked her unconscious before ripping her kimono and rolling her into the river leading to the ocean. Tying the torn piece of cloth to her horse, he sent it back to Kai before returning to Aki to report to Motonari

Yukimura sat waiting anxiously for Akihime's arrival, staring at the road that lead up to the Takeda estate without moving an inch. When he saw a small moving object in the distance, he perked, locking onto the small dot as it made its way up towards the estate, and as it got closer he noticed it was AKihime's horse. But only her horse. He paled and jumped to his feet, dashing forward to meet the horse. Once it entered the grounds and slowed to a halt, Yukimura grabbed the reins and looked around frantically, maybe Akihime was playing s joke? But then something caught his eye. A torn piece of her kimono was tied to the saddle. He reached over and pulled it off carefully, looking at it with a stunned expression.

"Man over board!!" Motochika looked up and moved to the rail, looking out, "Is it one of our own?" "Nay, Aniki! Its a woman! Lost at sea!" The sailor in the crow's nest called. Motochika scowled, "Well, don't just stand there, you sons of bitches! Bring her aboard!!" He hollared and everyone went to work to try and rescue the fallen maiden[/align]

Ren, who had been down on the docks, heard his captains order and he quickly went into action, jumping into the water and swimming over to the girl and turning her over so her head was above water, holding her close to his body as he swam back to the dock. Grunting as he hauled both himself and Akihime onto the dock he laid her on her back, smoothing her hai away from her face. Her lips where blue and under further inspection, he noticed an arrow in her side. "We need'a healer!" He called, moving his head close to her mouth. He gasped; she was still breathing, but it was weak.
Motochika moved over and picked Akihime up quickly, bringing her aboard and taking her to his cabin to treat her. "Aniki, she's wounded!" One exclaimed. Motochika shot a heated glare, "I'm going to remove the arrow, you water-brained baffoon!" He growled and slammed the door. After nearly an hour, the healer was brought in to treat her, Motochika stepping out with blood on his hands.
Ren had moved to wait outside of the cabin, just in case his captain needed him. He laughed to himself before looking over as the door opened. "Cap'n!" He looked at the blood on Motochika's hands, then back up at him. "Is she okay?" He asked. "Will she live?"
"We will see, won't we?" Motochika answered, "She lost a good amount of blood, with that there is no doubt. But her heart still beats, so there is a good chance that she will live. But, only time will tell. In the mean time, let us continue with our business! Let me deal with the maiden! Now, git goin'!" "Aye-aye, Aniki!" Everyone yelled and scurried about their business.
"Hai, Cap'n!" Ren saluted Motochika and scurried off back to his job, knowing that the captain could take care of the girl who had fallen over board, but from the clothing she was wearing, she looked like she was some sort of royal.
Motochika washed the blood from his hands and continued to bark out orders, his parrot perching on his shoulder. A couple crew members tried to sneak peeks at Akihime, only to get screamed at by Motochika
Ren was checking the ropes along the ship to be sure none were weak or broken, lookin for cracks, holes or anything else that shouldn't be there, glancing up at the door to the captains quarters every so often.
((*Grammar Nazi senses tingling* Quarters. >.> ImsorryIloveyou.))

Motochika looked out into the horizon, listening to the sound of the waves and seagulls over head. One of his crewmen hesitantly moved towards him, "Ano...Aniki? Whadda we gonna do with the girl?" He asked. Motochika looked to him and made a face, "We'll have no choice but to keep her around." "But havin' a woman on board is bad luck!" "I know that, you twat! But we can't heal her and then throw her over board! Nay! We'll hafta keep her til we make port." Motochika said. He tensed when he heard a ear splitting scream and smirked, "She lives!" He said and raced to his cabin, everyone following close behind
((I'm sorry, I'm stupid! Andhowshouldwestarttheplanwiththefires?))

Ren, hearing the scream ran up along with all the other men, worry on his face. "Wha' happened?" He asked, not being tall enough to look over all the other men gathered around the door.
"Get BACK!!" Motochika yelled and everyone took a step back. Motochika cleared his throat and knocked on the door, "Maiden, are you well?" "I'm nude! Where am I!?" "May I enter?" Motochika asked. He swatted at the few who gave jealous noises. "H-Hai..." Akihime answered shyly. Motochika slipped into the room and everyone huddled around the door anxiously.
Ren tried to weasel his way into the crowd, wanting to get a better look and see how the maiden from the sea was doing. A few men, being irked that they were being pushed out of the way, made a silent pact and shoved Ren hard into the door, making him slam it open and fall to his hands and knees in the doorway. He sat there frozen in fear, staring down at the ground, cheeks red.
Motochika stared down at Ren, his back to Akihime as she pulled on a new kimono; Akihime stared down at Ren as well, face flushed. "What are you doing, you sons of bitches!?" Motochika snarled. The crew scrambled away and before Ren could try and escape, Motochika ordered him to stay; closing the door to give Akihime her continued privacy
Ren kept his head bowed low to the deck, not daring to look his captain in the eye. "C-Cap'n, wha happened, I' was a mistake!" He stumbled over his words quickly.
"Who is this, Motochika-sama?" Akihime asked, slowly moving closer. Motochika looked back before looking back at Ren, "My youngest sea barnacle." He answered. Akihime blinked, "Does this...barnacle...have a name...?"
"Hai! R-Ren desu!" He said quickly, stealing a small peek up at the woman who was asking his name. He instantly regretted it. His cheeks flared and the tips of his ears burned red as he gazed upon her stunning beauty.
Akihime blinked and smiled, "Konnichi wa, Ren-san..." She politely greeted. Motochika looked to Akihime, "May we finally ask for your name, maiden?" He asked. Akihime blinked and frowned, " actually..." She paused and rubbed her head gently, "...don't remember..."
"Ya don' remember..?" Ren repeated softly. He glanced from his captain to the woman before him. "So are ya sayin' ya don' know how ya it like this?"
"All I remember is the name 'Otani'...whether it be mine or someone I knew, I cannot recall." She said. Motochika made a face, "Otani Yoshitsugu." He said lowly. Akihime looked to him, "I think I know that name." She said. She frowned and rubbed her head again, a bump from when she hit a rock due to the river's current throbbed under her touch, "I think...that's he's my Akihime..." She muttered. Motochika made a noise, "Do you remember anything else?" He asked. Akihime closed her eyes, concentrating, "There's...a young man..." Long brown hair pulled into a ponytail, "Red clothing..." Dawned in a red vest and white pants, "I don't know his name, but....I know heart fills with a burning flame at the thought of him..."
Ren felt his heart skip from how greatly she talked of the mysterious man. He must be very important. "Maybe... A lover?" He asked, feeling a twinge of jealousy in his stomach.
((So how do you think Yukimura is holding up~?))

Ren made a face and looked back down at the deck. He didn't dare stand until Motochika said, he didn't see much when he stumbled into the cabin, but that didn't stop his ears from turning red again.
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