Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Oh, she won't kill you. She doesn't kill you when she takes you to the Netherworld. She likes it when the living suffer." Kojurou told Jakuzure, "You'll enjoy your stay, I'm sure."
Jakuzure's eyes widened and she hissed softly, biting her tongue and turning her head away from the two. "Whatever." She tried to sound like she didn't care, but it came out weakly.
She set her jaw and said nothing, glaring at the wall. Jingu remained silent as the healer stitched up the gash on her forehead, wincing in pain.
"No. You will walk through the Land of the Rising Sun without a place to call your own. I will send word to all the Waring States of your traitorous ways and none will accept you." He told her, tone steely
Jakuzure weighed her options, scowling softly. "I'd rather take my death with honor, but I guess I had no honor to begin with, so I'll walk."
"Traitor, huh?" Masamune asked, standing at the doorway. He had been hiding out around the corner and listening in, "Ya know, Kojurou doesn't usuall lie to me unless its really important."
((Oh shit!))

Jakuzure tensed and swallowed hard, slowly looking over at Masamune. Jingu stood and bowed to Masamune. "Please forgive me, Masamune-sama." She said. "I was apart of that lie as well."
"Yeah, I figured." Masamune said. He stepped closer and scowled softly, "So. What the fuck is really going on that would cause Kojurou to lie to me?"
Jakuzure said nothing, keeping her eyes fixed on the ceiling. Jingu shifted uncomfortably and looked to Jakuzure, hoping for her safety she cooperated.
Jingu spoke up, not wanting for Jakuzure to be slaughtered. "Jakuzure was in cohorts with Tenkai, and she was the one who injured Kojurou-dono."
Jakuzure felt fear creep down her spine and Jingu nodded. "Kojurou-dono already decided her fate to be wandering without a home until the day she dies."
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