Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

The next day Jakuzure was in good enough condition to travel, and Jingu had given her a small pack to travel with, waiting for Kojurou to escort her far from the estate.
Jingu nodded, her weapon in hand just in case she needed to use it; Jakuzure scowled softly and nodded, heading off down the road.
"Yes, I agree." Jingu nodded as they walked. Jakuzure refused to say anything, staring at the ground.
Jakuzure clenched her jaw, keeping her eyes trained down. "Yeah... I figured it was either that or beheading..."
Jakuzure scoffed softly. "I kinda figured." She said, falling silent, the only noise was the clank of her wooden shoes on the ground and the soft clink of Jingu's and Kojurou's armor.
Once the lef lt the estate property, Kojurou stopped ans looked to her, "I wish it didn't have to come to feigned innocence so splendidly...if only it weren't a lie..."
Jakuzure turned, looking up at Kojurou, her cheeks pink. "Yeah, me too. But we all choose our own path." She bowed awkwardly to the both of them, then turned. "Arigatou, Katakura-dono, Jingu-dono."
Jakuzure stopped, staring down at the ground, then smiling and looking to Kojurou. "I think you have many letters to send of the criminal not to be excepted through the land." She said, but her smile was bitter.
Jakuzure turned and headed down the road alone, shoes clanking softly, and soon she was out of sight. "Shall I send for a messenger?" Jingu asked.
Jingu got on her knees before Kojurou's door, bowing. "Kojurou-dono? It's me, Jingu desu." She said. "I came because I am concerned about you."
"Please forgive my rude persistence but you do not seem fine, something is troubling you, Kojurou-dono. May I enter?" Jingu didn't budge from her spot in front of the door.
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