Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jakuzure lost consciousness when Kojurou hauled her back onto the horse, pain flaring in her stomach, but once they reached the estate, she regained consciousness somewhat.
Jakuzure let out a strangled cry of pain, but she didn't move, she couldn't even if she wanted to, she had lost all feeling in her legs.
Jakuzure was fine, and after a while of patching her up, she was somewhat stable. She looked over to Kojurou, eyes half lidded.
Jakuzure blushed faintly, watching his muscles move every time he winced. She didn't even try to look away, not caring.
"What the hell happened?" Masamune asked. Kojurou made a face, "Mitsuhide attacked us when we reached the temple...I tried to defend her, but..." Kojurou motioned to the injuries
"Why are you so bitchy? Kojurou protected you from a psychopath - or at least tried - and thats how you thank him?" Masamune asked.

((Kojurou is lying so Masamune doesn't kill her~~))
Jakuzure hesitated before answering. "I am grateful he protected me, but it wasn't worth it if he got injured in the process." She muttered.
As if on cue, Jingu entered, frowning softly and holding her bleeding hip. "Masamune-sama." She bowed to him with a wince.
"Whoa, what the hell?" "Jingu-dono, are you all right...!? What happened...!?" He gave her a look that told her to keep quiet about Jakuzure
"Tenkai... I had a bad feeling and I followed Kojurou-dono and Jakuzure-san to the temple, I sent Kojurou back and searched for survivors, but there were none." She said, catching his look.
Jingu nodded and took a seat by Kojurou, waiting for the healer to finish with him before working on her. "I'll be fine."
"Wll, when you both are done, we'll discuss what to do with the kid. I'm gonna check on Mego and Iroh..." "Hai, Masamune-sama." Kojurou said
Jingu nodded and watched him leave. "What are you going to do with her?" "I'm not dead you know." Jakuzure hissed, Jingu ignoring her.
Jakuzure paled even more. "Oichi-sama..?" She scowled. "You're lying, if you didn't kill me before, why would you kill me now..?!" Panic laced her voice. "I will leave that decision to you, Kojurou-dono." Jingu said.
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