Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jakuzure said goodbye to Kojurou, bowing to him before following Jingu inside the barracks she and her women slept in.
The next day, Jingu bowed to Jakuzure, who bowed back. "It was an honor to be here." "The honor is mine, Jakuzure-san." Jingu said, looking to Kojurou, who would escort her to the temple. "Will you be alright?"
((I will need a hostage situation with one Tenkai~!))

Once they reached the temple, Jakuzure stopped on the too of the steps, just before the door, turning to face Kojurou. "Arigatou, Kojurou-dono..!" She bowed to him, then blinked when the doors opened behind her.
"My dear sweet Jakuzure~" Tenkai stepped out, scythes dripping with blood. Kojurou gripped the hilt of his katana, "How did you get here!?" "I walked~ of course~"
"Its time for you to come home, little Kuzure~" "She isn't going anywhere with you!" Kojurou hissed. Tenkai looked amused, "Is that so~?" He asked
Jakuzure looked to Kojurou, eyes pleading. "K-Katakura-dono.. T-Tasukete.." She trembled with fear, covering her neck and shrinking away from Tenkai, cowering in fear.

Suddenly Jakuzure started to giggle, her mouth stretching into a grin as she burst into laughter, pulling a blade from her sleeve and driving it into Kojurou's back, then removing it and jumping back. "Tasukete~! Katakura-dono~! Tasukete~!" She mimicked herself in a mocking tone. "Do you think my acting was good enough Tenkai-sama~? I have been practicing, and it brings be great joy when people think I'm helpless and frail~!" She laughed cruelly and flicked the blood off the blade, fixing her eyes on Kojurou, a wicked grin on her face. "Or maybe all men around here are complete fools~?" She said darkly.

((.-. *rolls into the sea*))
((Oh DAMN!! I didn't see that coming! : D Nice job, m'wife!))

"Marvelous as always, Kuzure~" Tenkai praised. Kojurou fell to his knees, "O-Of course...n-no one would suspect a child to be so cruel." He wheezed, "You had us all fooled."

Jakuzure shrugged, moving back to Kojurou and taking his sword, tossing it aside. "It's a shame too, you aren't so bad looking, but hey, a jobs a job." She put the blade to Kojurou's throat. "Are we going to take him or kill him?" She asked Tenkai.
"Fine." Jakuzure sighed, but tied Kojurou's hands behind his back, jabbing him to his feet. "I personally think we should just kill him, I mean sure we'll get a pretty penny for him and we'll cause some grief but that's not fun..~"
Jakuzure kept her blade against Kojurou's back as she walked him into the temple, priestesses laid dead on the floor. "Tenkai-sama, not to complain, but you made a horrible mess."
"Oh, well~ I couldn't help myself~" He replied. Kojurou made a noise of anger as he looked around, silently begging for forgiveness for their needless deaths
Jakuzure tied Kojurou to the stone alter, returning to Tenkai's side and taking a seat against the wall. "So are we doing this for any particular reason?"

"Mm." Jakuzure put her hands behind her head, closing her eyes and waiting. Around sundown, the doors of the temple opened and Jingu stood with her naginata, a scowl on her face and murder in her eyes. "Oh, hey, it's Jango."
When Jingu saw Kojurou, her eyes blazed with anger. "Release him." She hissed, losing her typically cool composure. "Wow, that's original.." Jakuzure muttered, standing up and pulling out her dagger. "Does this one have to live as well?"
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