Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jakuzure sat, glancing at Kojurou from time to time, her cheeks a faint pink. "A-Ano... You aren't going to kill me... Are you?"
Jakuzure shrunk back and glanced nervously at the wall. "H-Hai... Um... What exactly do you want to know..?"
"H-Hai..." Her voice came out small and she looked down. "I was only following Tenkai-sama's orders, a-and he said he was going to visit someone so I thought I could travel with him since I don't get to go out much, and well... He told me to wait once we got near the person he was going to visit, he didn't say who and I didn't see the person, but then he came back with a baby and the he said it was yours and that he was going to kill it in front of you and oh gods you're scary please don't kill me..!"
"So, he's going by Tenkai now." Masamune huffed. He moved to the exit and Kojurou watched him, "What about the girl?" "Kill her, I don't care." Masamune left briskly and Kojurou sighed, "Well, you heard him...he doesn't care." He opened the cell and gestured for her to leave, "Would you care for some tea?"
Jakuzure stood and nodded weakly. "Hai... Tea sounds good right now." She said, leaving the cell and heading to the door.
"Yes, I'll probably go to another temple..." She shook her head. "I guess it isn't anything permanent, but it'll do."
Jakuzure perked. "Really? I'll have to check it out, thank you..." She looked embarrassed. "I don't thnk we've been properly introduced, desu." She smiled softly up at Kojurou. "I'm Jakuzure."
((Maybe~ He did spare her life~))

Jakuzure bowed her head gratefully. "Arigatou." She said and took a sip.
"Oh..! I started training to become a priestess in my tender tears... So seven years." She said with a small smile.
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