Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jakuzure knew she was signing her death warrant when she moved forward and pushed the baby into Kojurou's arms. "Please don't let her get hurt." She whispered, sure she was soft, but she couldn't watch the baby die, even if it meant her own death.
Kojurou nodded, "Arigatou. Masamune-sama!" "Grab the girl, too, and let's go!" "Hai!" Kojurou grabbed Jakuzure and ran for the horses with Masamune
Jakuzure held onto the saddle as they rode, feeling awkward. Just a while ago Masamune had wanted to kill her, but now he had saved her.
"When we return to Oshuu, Masamune-sama is going to want to ask you a lot of questions and may hurt you if you do not give him the answer he wants. Cooperation is key to your survival." Kojurou told her

After riding quite a ways, they arrived at Oshuu, Jakuzure looked around in awe at the large estate. "Sugoi..." She breathed.
Masamune moved off his horse, carrying Irohahime to Megohime. Kojurou climbed off his horse and gently pulled Jakuzure to the holding cells
"D-Do I really have to be locked in one of them?" Jakuzure asked Kojurou. "I wouldn't try to leave, desu.."
"H-Hai... Arigatou." Jakuzure sat down in the cell, sraightening her priestesses clothing, frowning softly.

Megohime had regained consciousness completely, her fever almost completely gone, drinking tea silently with Jingu as they waited.
Kojurou sat on the wall across from her cell, crossing his arms.

"Mego?" Masamune peeked in and stepped inside, holding Irohahime tight, "Look who I got~"
Megohime dropped her tea cup, standing up and moving over to Masamune, ignoring the pain as she took her daughter. "Irohahime.." She nuzzled the baby, who squealed in delight and grabbed handfuls of Megohime's long hair.
Megohime moved over and kissed Masamune, Jingu smiling and standing. "I'll take my leave." She said, leaving them in peace.
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