Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jakuzure scowled and moved aside, staying close to the wall. Jingu took a stance and pointed her weapon at Tenkai's chest. "I've heard enough of your poisoned tongue." She said, slashing her weapon at his chest, charging forward.
Jingu attacked with quick ferocity, aiming fatal attacks at Tenkai. Her brow was furrowed and her face set in a scowl as she drove him back.
Jingu turned in time to block Jakuzure's attack, a wide grin on the young girls face and a crazed look in her eyes. Jingu pushed Jakuzure back and attacked, but Jakuzure was fast, incredibly fast, leaving a deep gash on Jingu's hip.
Jingu ignored the pain that flared in her hip, keeping her eyes on Jakuzure, but she moved forward and aimed an attack for Jingu's stomach, making Jingu block low, but Jakuzure slashed upwards suddenly, leaving a gash across her forehead that made blood drip into her eyes and take a cautious step back, trying to blink the blood out of her eyes, but it was no good. "Can I finish her off now? I want to add her weapon to my collection."
Jingu scowled, blinded by her own blood. Exhaling through he nose she listened carefully, getting back into stance and pinpointing where Tenkai and Jakuzure were. Jakuzure twirled her blade and smirked, sliding her foot forward and dashing for Jingu, her wooden sandals clanking softly on the ground. Jingu frowned, pinpointing Jakuzure and thrusting her naginata forward. Jakuzure moved to dodge, but Jingu was already one step ahead of her. Jakuzure lurched to a stop, her face blank before paling and contorting in pain. She coughed up blood and slowly looked down, Jingu's blade was hurried deep into Jakuzure's stomach, sticking out her back. Jingu pulled her blade back and Jakuzure fell to her knees, dropping her weapon. "T-Tenkai... Sama..." She fell to her side, coughing up more blood.
Jakuzure's eyes were wide with fear and she reached a bloody hand up towards Tenkai. "N-No...!" She coughed. "I-I don't want t-to die..!" She panted and curled up a bit, holding her bleeding stomach. Jingu backed away, getting most of the blood out of her eyes, able to see now.
Tenkai moved away from her, "You have out-lived your usefulness~ Ta-ta~" He said as he disappeared into the shadows of the temple. Kojurou ground his teeth, "J...Jingu-dono...hayaku...get her a healer..."
Jingu lowered her weapon and blinked. "Hai." She moved over and picked Jakuzure up, putting the limp girl over her shoulder and moving over to Kojurou, cutting him loose. "You need a healer as well." She said, helping him stand.
Jingu helped Kojurou outside the temple where she had a horse waiting. "Take my horse and the girl, I'll make it home okay." She said.
Jingu pushed Kojurou up onto the horse. "Go..!" She ordered, placing Jakuzure in front of Kojurou and smacking the horse on the rear.
Jingu headed back inside the temple, checking for anyone that survived, and searching for Tenkai. Jakuzure hung draped on the horse, swaying slightly and letting out a soft groan of pain.
"A-And you should've... Let me d-die..." Jakuzure ground out through clenched teeth, blood soaking her clothing.
When Jakuzure hit the dirt road she let out a cry of pain, landing on her back. Her face was deathly pale and blood had stained her chin where she had coughed up her own blood. Tears stained her cheeks, and still fell from her eyes. "M-Matte..." She wheezed, wincing in pain.
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