Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime's eyes hardened and she took a cautious step back, watching him carefully. "What are you doing here?" She hissed, fearing for her daughters safety. There was no way she could ever forget this man, no, she could tell exactly who he was.
Megohime felt dirty for some reason when he said it that way. "I don't want your blessings." She hissed. "Leave."
Megohime scowled and took another step away. No way was she fighting this man, first of all because she had her baby in her arms and second of all, she wasn't even armed. Turning on her heal, she set her sights on the estate. "It'll be foolish if you're here when I return."
Megohime's eyes widened, reaching out to retake her baby, legs wobbling before giving out beneath her. She dropped to her knees, blood dripping from her mouth.
Megohime tumbled down the hill and rolled to a stop at the bottom, laying limply, her blood staining the grass beneath her as she coughed up more blood. "Irohahime.." Tears came to her eyes as she started to lose consciousness. "Katakura-sama!" A young boy ran to Kojurou, looking distraught. "It's Megohime-sama!" He pointed to the base of the hill where a few people had gathered around something crumpled in the grass.
Megohime was barely alive, her face pale from having lost quite a bit of blood, and her dress stained red. "Iroh... ahime..." Sh wheezed, eyes staring past Kojurou. Her eyes teared up again. "She's... She's..." She sputtered, hacking up blood.
Jingu had seen Kojurou run past with Megohime in his arms and had hurried after him to investigate. "Megohime-dono!" She gasped when she saw Megohime's condition.
Jingu nodded and wished him luck before going to gather I few of her soldiers and heading out in search of the newborn.
Megohime was struggling, clinging to life by a thread. The healer had done all he could, and with her entire upper torso wrapped, she rested- well, more of in an unconscious state. Her face twisted in pain and her breathing labored.
"Mego!" Masamune moved over quickly and held her hand, "Mego! Hey, can you hear me!? Megohime!" "Masamune-sama, she's unconscious.." The healer muttered uneasily
Even while unconscious, tears fell down Megohime's cheeks, muttering her daughters name. Her lip quivered and her eyes rolled under her eyelids, but she didn't wake.
After hours of searching, Jingu and her women came home empty handed. She approached dKojurou and shook her head, frowning sadly. "There is no sign of the child or who took her... I'm sorry."
Jingu nodded, bowing to him before turning to leave. "We'll search again in the morning, but until then, there is nothing we can do."
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