Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Another contraction hit Megohime and she groaned. "Kojurou, go..! Masamune, you stay..!" She said through her teeth.
The healer kept a good eye on Megohime before smiling, "Megohime-dono, you're completely dilated! Now, when I say, I want you to push. Ok?" "Grip my hand as tight as you like, Mego." Masamune said
Megohime nodded, trembling. She wanted to push now, she needed to. "Just hurry up..!" She said, death-gripping Masamune's hand.
Megohime let out a cry of pain as she pushed, cursing Masamune. After a while of screaming and pain, the shrill cry of a baby was heard.
Megohime felt her heart drop and tears formed in her eyes. She was supposed to bare Masamune a son, not a daughter. "No..."
The healer frowned softly but Masamune held out his arms, "Lemme hold her." "H-Hai..." The healer gingerly handed over the baby and Masamune held her gently, "Hey there, sweetheart...look at you, spitting image of your mother..." Masamune looked to Megohime, "Look, Mego..." He smiled softly and moved closer, "Look, see? She's perfect."
Megohime looked at the small baby in Masamune's arms and she sniffled. "But it isn't a boy." She said, disappointment and shame in her eyes.
"Mego...I don't care...that just means we get to try again..." Masamune said, smile still present, "I don't care how many sons or daughters you bear me...I'll love them all the same..."
Megohime smiled softly and reached out, taking her daughter gently. "She's beautiful.." She said, wiping sweat from her forehead.
Megohime smiled softly and kissed her baby, smiling more. "What should we name her?"

Jingu approached Kojurou, holding a cup of tea. "Here," She held it out to him. "This should help calm your nerves." She said, smiling softly at him.
Megohime smiled. "I like it." She said softly. "Irohahime.." She murmured.

"How did the birthing go?" Jingu asked, concerned for Megohime.
Megohime nuzzled her daughter, smiling happily as tears of happiness fell down her cheeks.

Jingu nodded, frowning softly. "I hope the birth has gone well."
Masamune stood and moved to the door, opening it, "Kojurou. Jingu. Come on in...say hi to Irohahime." He said. The healer wrapped a blanket around Megohime and wrapped up Irohahime as well before leaving.
Jingu followed Kojurou inside, smiling softly at the newborn. "She's beautiful." "Thank you." Megohime smiled.
Kojurou stared at the tiny thing in awe. He hadn't seen a baby in a long time. "Bringin' back memories, Kojurou?" "H-Haa? G-Gomen..." Kojurou lowered his gaze and Masamune chuckled
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