Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((She asked Akihime to teach her how to smile normally~ :>))

"Akihime-sama was... Well behaved, but she always had an idea of her own, she liked to learn and eventually she practiced with her tessen daily, she turned out to be quite the warrior."
"Yes, she was always free spirited." She said, smiling softly. "Even when she was younger she was selfless and kind."
"Well, no.." She shook her head, her smile dropping into a frown, a dark look crossing her face. "But that was in the past."
"Ah, sorry, Akihime said I shouldn't frown as much, she says I'm prettier when I smile." She said , slapping her cheeks lightly and smiling softly. "It feels weird though."
Amaya's cheeks flushed and she looked down, she couldn't help but smile a little more. "Thank y oh, Sasuke."
"Well, once she had wrapped her entire body in gauze so she looked like her father, it took me quite a while to get it all off ." She laughed softly.
"He actually found it more amusing than anything, Mitsunari-sama.." She shook her head." Sorry, Mitsunari, however found it very disrespectful.."
"I can imagine he would." Sasuke said.
"I, Otani Yoshitsugu, shall rain misery upon mankind! Mwahahaha!" Seven year old Akihime ran around wrapped in gauze, avoiding Amaya as much as she could. Yoshitsugu chuckled softly, "My, how adorable you are, Akihime." He said bemusedly. Twelve year old Mitsunari, however, looked livid, "How dare you disrespect your father in such a way!" He hissed. Akihime stopped and frowned, "I was just...having fun, Mitsunari-sama..." "Remove the wrapping and go to your room and beg for forgiveness!" "H-Hai..." Akihime mumbled.
"She was so upset, she was only doing it to flatter her father." Amaya shook her head, remembering how she met Akihime in her room, struggling to get out of the gauze and crying.
"I know, Ojou-sama." A ten year old girl stood behind Akihime, carefully undoing the knots on all if the gauze. "He means well... He just has a hard time expressing certain emotions." She said, moving to stand in front of Akihime, unraveling the gauze, small bruises on her arms from training. "Hai." Amaya nodded.
"Were you attached? I know you're trained not to be, but...a little girl with not a friend in the world except a ninja to care for her? If you weren't then, you certainly are now." Sasuke said.
"I have to admit that I was a little attached, she was the only friend I made and I think she felt the same way... But as I grew older, it was harder to stay by her as often as I'd like to." She said.
"I don't think he cared much, but Mitsunari said I was becoming soft with my training." She said. "So he forbade me from being friends with her."
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