Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Akihime gently took Yukimura's hand and laced their fingers together, the simple sign of affection making the moment so sublime, she felt she was in Paradise.
Sweat started to form on Yukimura's forehead, lust glazing his eyes as he continued to hit her special bundle.
Yukimura pulled out of her after releasing his seed deep inside her, laying beside her and pulling her close.
She smiled softly and closed her eyes, resting

Sasuke strode around the estate so he wouldn't have to hear Yukimura and Akihime making love. He sighed softly, resting his hands behind his head
Amaya sat in a tree on the outskirts of the forest, watching Sasuke. She frowned, he looked sad, should she ask if he was okay? Maybe that'd make him angry.
Amaya decided she'd ask how he was doing. Jumping down she walked over to Sasuke, careful not to be too quiet. "Ohayo." She said.
Amaya blinked, not seeming to understand. "Be rude about what?" Though she wasn't full, she had just never experienced anything of sexual nature, or seen it.
"Oh, uh..." Sasuke averted his gaze, "They were...making love...and I didn't around to hear it...cuz that's rude..." He answered awkwardly
"It's nice here, though... It's different, I'll have to admit." She said. "I am truly glad you have welcomed me to your home."
"She does have a talent for finding trouble." Amaya agreed with a small smile. She had been practicing with Akihime on their way back.
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