Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


Amaya looked up, frowning softly. "I'm not sure, not that my master has passed, I don't know where I'll be going." She said. Yukimura kneeled beside Akihime's body, looking her over with an ashen face. He clenched his fists and ground his teeth, tears falling from his eyes steadily.
Amaya looked like she was thinking it over, then she nodded. "Alright." She said. Yukimura gently picked Akihime up, she was still warm, and held her gently, clenching his jaw to quiet his crying.
Sasuke nodded slightly, "'ll be pretty dull but at least its something..." He tried to lighten the mood but knew it probably didn't work. As Akihime laid limply against him, Yukimura felt something against his neck. It was warm. Air lightly escaped from Akihime's slightly parted lips. She was breathing.
Amaya tried a small smile, but it felt weird, and she quickly stopped. Yukimura froze and looked down at Akihime, eyes wide with disbelief. He lowered his head, ear close to her lips. She was breathing.
Sasuke made a face, "Well, I tried..." He muttered. Akihime's chest barely rose and fell with her vague breathing. Her heart was just barely beating. She was alive.
"Sasuke!!" Yukimura's voice came from inside, sounding panicked. "Get the healer!" He ordered; Amaya frowned and tilted her head confusedly. "Is he hurt?" She said and stood, jumping onto the deck, going to see what was going on.
Amaya entered, looking at Yukimura cautiously as she approached him, then she noticed Akihime was breathing and her eyes widened. "Ojou-sama..!"
Sasuke's eyes widened, "Wh-What...?" He muttered. The healer bowed, "I must ask that you all leave so I may revive her." She requested politely
Yukimura didn't want to leave Akihime, but he set her down gently and stood, leaving hesitantly, followed by Amaya.
Sasuke followed behind them and placed his hand on his forehead, "Alive? But, they pronounced her dead..." He muttered to himself. Don't get him wrong, he was absolutely over-joyed. But, he didn't understand how she could be alive after the healers said she was dead
Amaya sat on the deck, chewing on her lip. Yukimura looked a little better, though he looked wrecked still.
After an hour or so, the healer stepped outside, "Akihime-dono has done the impossible and has revived succeesfully. She is awake, but barely, and wishes to see all three of you." "I think Master Sanada should see her first.." Sasuke said
Yukimura nodded and stood- Amaya made no objections- heading into the boom and moving over to Akihime. "Akihime?"
Akihime was laying on the futon, eyes half lidded as she tried to focus. She glanced over and tried to sit up when she saw who it was, "Yukimura-sama...!"
Yukimura held her down gently, taking her hand and kissing it softly. "I thought I had lost you... I did lose you.."
Akihime frowned softly and held his hand, "Gomenasai, Yukimura-sama...I saw the gates of Paradise and begged not to go. I did not want to leave you..." She said, "So, Buddah allowed me to come back and be with you until we both are ready to go to Paradise..."
Yukimura shook his head. "I'm only glad that you've returned to me." He said, resting his forehead against hers.
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