Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Once the arrived at the Maeda estate, Akihime was taken to be healed right away, Toshiie need not an explanation.
((To late for that~))

Yukimura sat on the steps, still looking pale with dark bags under his eyes. His chest had been healed and wrapped, but he was still in quite a bit of pain.
(( D: Shit, we really did put his heart in a blender!))

Sasuke frowned and gently placed his hand on Yukimura's shoulder, "Master, please talk."

Yukimura tensed when Sasuke put his hand on his shoulder and he slowly looked to Sasuke, eyes dull. "I'm fine." He said. "I'm just worried for Akihime."
((I feel so bad for Yukimura..))

Akihime whimpered and whined weakly as the healers tried to revive her. Sasuke tried to enter but was quickly kicked out, told that they were not done with Akihime
((Huehuehue~~ Yeah~))

Amaya appeared beside Yukimura with a cup of tea. "Maeda-dono said I should give this to you, he says it'll help." She said, and Yukimura simply nodded, taking the tea and sipping it.
Yukimura drank his tea slowly, his eyes completely vacant. "Maybe he needs a place to rest." Amaya frowned.
Sasuke nodded, "He's been stressing out over Akihime-dono for a long time...he needs to take a break." He muttered. He moved to Yukimura, "Master, why don't we find you some place to lay down? I'll retrieve you when Akihime-dono is ready for visitors..."
Yukimura nodded and stood, following Sasuke like a child so had just witnessed a traumatic experience.
Yukimura sat up, looking a little better. "Is Akihime alright?" He asked, getting out of bed. "Can I see her?"
((Imgoingtohatemyselfsomuchafterthis...~ :'3 ))

Sasuke averted his gaze, "She...She's no longer with us, Master...we couldn't save her..."
Yukimura froze, his entire body tensing. He looked like he was going to be sick and all color drained from his face. "Can I see her?" He asked quietly, grief heavy in his voice.

((*fling* Theresstillmore!!))

Sasuke nodded, "Yes...we haven't allowed them to touch her until you've said your good-byes..." He said softly, "I'm so sorry, Master..."
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