Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Master Sanada!" Sasuke called. He winced at another crack and another scream. "We need to catch him before he does something stupid." He told Amaya
Amaya nodded and sped up, catching up to Yukimura quickly and knocking his feet out from under him, then clamping her hand over his mouth. "I know you want to save her, but charging in there would be suicide." She whispered.
"Hold on, Mitsunari." Yoshitsugu's voice was heard now, "I think she's trying to speak through all that pain~" There was silence before a weak sound broke through, "Yuki...m-mura...sama...o-onegai...tasukette..." Akihime's weak voice managed. There was a growl of annoyance before another harder sounding crack was heard and Akihime gave a blood curddling scream before she sobbed weakly
Yukimura's red aura engulfed him and he knocked Amaya away, jumping up and grabbing his spears. Bursting through the door he charged forward at Mitsunari at full speed, scowling heavily as he let a battle cry tear from his lungs.
Mitsunari quickly discarded the whip and blocked Yukimura's spears, "There you are, you little rat." Mitsunari hissed. Yoshitsugu smirked slightly, "How kind of you to finally join us, Yukimura~" "Y-Yukimura...sama..." Akihime was a broken heap on the floor, kimono torn and blood flowing steadily from the gashes the whip tore into the flesh of her back
Yukimura's head was buzzing and he laid all his weight on Mitsunari before he pulled back and began to attack, his spears a blurr of red.

Amaya slipped into the room while Yukimura was fighting and moved to Akihime, gently gathering her up and moving her away from the fight, wanting to take care of Akihime's back.
"Amaya...chan..." Akihime rasped, "Dai...joubu desu ka...?"

Mitsunari blocked everything without having to unsheath his blade, only for a split second a streak of purple slashed across Yukimura's chest
Amaya nodded, already going to work. "Hai, but don't worry about me, Ojou-sama." She said softly.

Yukimura ground his teeth and jumped back, holding his chest with a scowl before charging Mitsunari once more, jabbing his spears forward with unnatural speed.
Sasuke moved over to help, "You'll be ok, Akihime-dono." " help as well...? Is...Yukimura-sama-" "Master Sanada is fine, just relax." Sasuke told her

Mitsunari slashed his katana, knocking each attack away with ease, "What are you doing here, wretch? Your woman betrayed you. She should be killed for her ignorance."
"I do not blame Akihime for any of what she did! Her feelings toward me are true and as are mine! That is why I would never abandon her and why I made her my wife! I would follow her to the Underworld and back if needed!" He said, even though he was outclassed by Mitsunari, he kept fighting.
"To the Underworld, you say?" Yoshitsugu's tone was less than comforting. His beads shot out and knocked Sasuke and Amaya away from Akihime before they coiled around the princess in a crushing grip. "Akihime-dono!" Sasuke called. Akihime struggled to breath as blood dripped from the wounds on her back, "Yuki...mura...sama...!" She wheezed
Yukimura turned and his eyes widened, grinding his teeth. "Release her!" He demanded Yoshitsugu, lowering his spears. He couldn't lose Akihime again, no never again. "I offer you my mortal soul and body!" He said, dropping his spears. Amaya sat up, groaning softly. "Ojou-sama!"
"N-No...Yukimura-sama..." Akihime rasped. Yoshitsugu seemed to smirk, "And what would I do with the soul of a reckless Tiger and the body of a naive boy? No, I much rather prefer Akihime." He stated. Akihime was slowly losing consciousness, eyes fluttering. Sasuke could do nothing, if he tried, Akihime would be crushed.
"Let Akihime go safely and I'll become of whatever you wish." He offered. "What is it that you wish for?" He was frowning now, he was running out of time and so was Akihime.
"What do I wish for?" Yoshitsugu asked. He dropped Akihime and she coughed, struggling to stand. She slowly made her way towards Yukimura, "Yuki...mura...sama..." She reached out to him, hand trembling. Yoshitsugu's eyes began to glow a deep red, "I wish for you to suffer." He hissed and Mitsunari unsheathed his blade, plunging it through Akihime's back all the way through. She froze and Mitsunari removed his katana, slashing his blade and sheathing it slowly with a click. Akihime dropped to her knees and fell to the side, blood falling down the side of her mouth. Sasuke's chest tightened as he stopped breathing briefly, "Akihime-dono...!"
Yukimura's eyes widened in disbelief and he rushed to Akihime's side, gathering her up gently, putting pressure where blood was soaking from her clothing, holding her close to his chest. He was pale and looked like he was having a mental break down. "Akihime..!" He wiped the blood away from her mouth. "I won't allow for you to die here..! Not like this..!" Amaya had stood, weapon drawn with wide eyes, frowning softly.
Akihime looked up at him with dull red eyes and smiled weakly. "I-I'm not pains me to leave you..." She reached up and slowly placed her hand on his cheek, "I-I cannot stay...but...I will always be your loyal wife...whether I sit in Paradise...o-or the Underworld..." She wheezed. Sasuke could barely move. Akihime laind against Yukimura, "Gomenasai...Yukimura-sama...."
Yukimura cupped her cheek and rested his forehead against hers, fighting back tears. "Sasuke." He said. "Take care of her the best you can." He stood and moved to his ninja, kissing Akihime softly before handing her over, then turning to Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu, walking back to retrieve his spears.
Sasuke looked to Amaya, "Help me?" He asked. Akihime watched Yukimura with a weak frown, "Y-Yuki...mura...onegai..." "Don't talk, Akihime-dono." Sasuke ordered.

Mitsunari scowled, "You wish to follow her into Hell?"
Amaya nodded and sheathed her weapon, hurrying over and removing a few supplies from a small pack she had. "Lay her down, quickly, I'll see what I can do."

Yukimura picked up his spears and got into a stance, scowling heavily.
Sasuke laid her down and Akihime whined weakly in pain.

Mitsunari gripped the hilt of his katana, taking a stance, "Very well. I wiill send you personally."
Amaya muttered a soft sorry before she gently pushed Akihime onto her side and cut the kimono down to her sash. She frowned heavily. He had hit a major artery that needed to be closed up quickly. She stared to go to work, trying to stabilize Akihime's condition.

Yukimura charged forward at full speed, his red aura consuming him and his spears as he attacked Mitsunari.
Akihime whimpered in pain, fighting to stay awake. Sasuke frowned heavily as he watched, "What can I do?"

Mitsunari's own purple aura radiated off him as he blocked Yukimura's attack, "How can you still harbor feelings of love for that cur of a woman? I would have her beheaded for betraying me. And I would have, had you not tried to save her."
Amaya shook her head, setting aside some blood soaked gauze. "Do you have any more supplies?" She asked.

"Urusai!" Yukimura brought both spears down hard, thrusting his spears faster and faster, trying to run Mitsunari through.
Sasuke nodded and reached into his side pack, holding out more gauze and some healing ointments, "Here.."

Mitsunari smacked his spears away and jabbed the butt on his hilt into Yukimura's stomach
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