Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Sasuke nodded, "Agreed." He muttered. I don't think Master Sanada would be able to handle anything else happening to Akihime-dono at this point... He thought.


Yukimura indeed kept his horse at full speed the entire way, not slowing once, his eyes darting back and forth as he searched for Akihime.
The next day, when reaching Mino, Sasuke moved around Tetorigawa, looking for the stolen princess or any sign of Toshiie and/or his fiery wife, Matsu. He returned to Yukimura with a frown, "I don't see Akihime or Maeda Toshiie..."
"Well if it isn't the Tiger Cub of Kai!" Toshiie came walking up, of course only in his loin cloth, a big grin on his face. "Maeda-dono..!" "What're you doing here? On a mission from old man Takeda?" "Well no, actually we're-" "Hey! Why don't you stay for dinner, Matsu's cooking!" He grinned. "Why isn't he wearing clothing?" Amaya whispered with a frown.
"Oh." Amaya didn't ask any further, not really wanting to know. "We actually are in search of someone, a woman-" "A woman?" Toshiie blinked. "Yes, Akihime, my wife-" "You're married..!? Congratulations!" "Oh, uh, thank you.. But we are in a hurry to find to find her." "She run away from you, eh?" "Well, um, not exactly."
Sasuke chuckled softly and stepped forward, "As much as we would love to stay and have dinner with you, we really need to find Akihime-dono. She's in danger. did you happen to see her run through here?"
"Hm.." Toshiie rubbed his chin. "Actually, now that I think about it, she did, a while ago though. She seemed like she was in a hurry." He said and Yukimura frowned. "She got further than we had hoped for."
Sasuke bowed, "Arigatou. when this is all fixed and straightened out, we'll come by and have a feast with you. Let's go, Master, we need to hurry."
"Alright, I'll be expecting you!" Toshiie waved, watching as Yukimura and his men galloped off; Amaya following close behind Sasuke.
"We lost two whole days. She must've been given an incredibly fast horse." Sasuke noted, "At this rate, she'll be in Osaska before we even reach Omi."
Yukimura frowned, they couldn't keep going at the pace they were going. His men needed rest as well as the horses. They had to stop soon to have a small break. "We'll stop when we get to Omi, give the horses a break." He said.
Sasuke nodded in agreement; they did need to make haste in rescuing Akihime, but it would be pointless if the men were dead on their feet and the horses were exhausted.
After a while longer of riding, they finally arrived in Omi, and after finding a place where they could rest safely, Yukimjra dismounted and led his horse to a stream to drink from. Amaya sat in a tree, drinking her water and watching the men below.
Yukimura looked worried, frowning, but he nodded. "I'll be fine." He said, but he looked like he was about to have a break down.
Yukimura shook his head. "It's fine, don't worry about it. I only worry this may be part of a trap." He said, glancing to Amaya.
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