Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"I know a ninja who abandoned her duties for someone she cared for. What if you abandoned your master and decided to follow Akhime-dono's order instead? She's married to Master Sanada now, meaning she's a Takeda. You could very well just as easily switch sides. You're not technically abandoning your duties." He explained
Amaya frowned softly. She had followed Akihime's orders when she was younger, having to protect the adopted princess and care for her. "Fine." She said quietly.
"She's headed back to her father." She said quietly; her fingers were dislocated and bruised, wrists still cuffed to the wall.
Sasuke unlocked her wrists and helped her, "I'll help you to the healer. When your hand is fixed, we'll discuss how to get Akihime-dono back..."
Amaya nodded, keeping her weight off her left ankle. "Hai... Hopefully she didn't get to far." She said.
After Sasuke took her to the healer, she had her fingers set back in place and her hand wrapped up as well as her ankle, though still under the watchful eye of Sasuke.
Amaya sat there, gently cradling her hurt hand, waiting for Sasuke to return, glancing around nervously.
Sasuke appeared beside Yukimura and bowed, "Master, the ninja is deciding to cooperate and is willing to discuss a plan of action to get Akihime-dono from Osaka castle."
Yukimura glanced back at Sasuke. "She's suddenly just deciding to help us?" He asked, not sounding very believing.
Yukimura gave him a look like he'd rather go do anything than have the woman who took his wife away help them, but he nodded and stood. "Fine, let's go."
Amaya nodded slowly, avoiding Yukimura's glare. "I only instructed Akihime-dono to return to her home-" "Her home is here." "A-Ah, yes... Anyway.. I only instructed her to return to her father, nothing more. Yoshitsugu-sama had made it clear he wanted her home, why I do not know, I don't ask questions, I only follow orders."
"Akihime-dono has had a few hours head start. If we leave now, we may be able to catch her before she reaches Osaka castle." Sasuke stated

((The Kai Province is for seriously several days away from the Yamashiro Province where Osaka Castle is. D: You literally have to travel half way across Japan to get there...))
((Well balls!))

"We should head out right away." Yukimura said. "I'll gather some troops." He said. Amaya looked hesitant. "She will more than likely take the quickest route back home, it isn't the safest route though."
"She's right...the shortest way from here to Osaka is through Echigo in Shinano, then Tetorigawa in Mino...she would have to go through Uesugi Kenshin an Maeda Toshiie's lands before ever reaching the safety of Osaka." Sasuke explained
"Then we should head out immediately." Yukimura said, placing his spears on his back and going to ready his troops. Amaya sat on the floor, examining her wrapped ankle, something she'd much rather do than look at Yukimura.
"I'm sure Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari are waiting for you to 'break out' and return to them to report." He stated, "And, with you slightly injured, it'll make your story more convincing."
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