Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Amaya stood and stepped closer to Akihime, taking her wrist gently before leading her towards the wall where they both sank into the wood like it was water. Motonari had watched the two out of the corner of his eye, a soft scowl on his face.
((You just got ditched, sucka! XD))

Gomenasai...Yukimura-sama... Akihime thought sorrowfully, "I have sinned in so many ways and have dishonored my husband once more..." She muttered, tears falling down her cheeks. She didn't want to cry in front of Amaya, but they had been close friends for so long; surely Amaya understood her plight
Amaya hadn't said anything else since the had left the cell, exciting a tree just outside the estate lines, looking around. She knew that she had most likely been sensed, and it wouldn't take long before they found out that Akihime was gone. She picked Akihime up and held her bridal style, leaping up into the tree's and hurrying off, but it wasn't soon before she heard the loud clanking of alarms going off behind her. They had already been found out. "Ojou-sama, I'm going to have to ask you to leave me behind." She said, jumping out of the tree and landing on the ground were a horse stood in wait. She set Akihime down and pulled her cloak off, draping it over her masters shoulders. "Please leave quickly, head home, you'll be safe there." She said.
Akihime sniffled and nodded, "H-Hai...please, be safe, Amaya-chan...and please...tell Yukimura-sama I'm sorry..." She muttered and kicked her horse into a gallop, riding off to Osaka
Amaya turned and leapt up into a tree, scanning the grounds below her, watching a few soldiers on foot rush into the forest. She frowned behind her mask and pulled out some kunai, counting each man, then her eyes fell on Yukimura, who looked beyond worried.
Amaya threw a kunai at each man, taking them out quickly and leaving Yukimura alone, and on guard, looking around for the person who had taken out his men. She then sensed Sasuke approaching as well and scowled. At least he was alone.
Sasuke felt the new presence and scowled, vanishing in a plume of black smoke and appearing under the branch Amaya was on, "Yo." He greeted, "I remember you from when we were in Aki."
Amaya scowled and took a cautious step back, a kunai ready to be thrown. "Yes, I remember you as well." She agreed.
"Where's Akihime-dono?" Sasuke asked, "Because now, not only do you have me - Sarutobi Sasuke, ninja extraordinaire - to deal with...but you also have a very livid Tiger Cub to deal with."

(("Oh, I'm not mad, I'm absolutely livid."))
((Oh goodie~!))

"If you're asking where she is, as in where she is hiding, it would be more of where has her body been hidden." She said calmly.
"Oh, dear, Master Sanada will take that the wrong way for, let's see how this'll work out for you." Sasuke rested his hands behind his head and hung upside down from the branch, "Master Sanada! This ninja from Osaka says we have to find where Akihime-dono's body is hidden!" He called loudly

((Oh, I'm so pumped. I wonder how badly Yukimura will explode after hearing that. xDD))
((Oh gods!))

Amaya stiffened and glanced down at the man in red, who met her eyes. His eyes held fire and they widened, teeth bared as he leapt high into the air, headed right for her. Amaya was told not to under estimate Yukimura, but she was honestly surprised. She hissed softly and leapt off the branch a second before Yukimura slammed into the spot she had been standing. Pulling out four more kunai, she jumped from tree to tree, being chased by one extremely angry Yukimura, just barely getting away from his attacks.
"Yep, I knew it...took it the wrong way..." Sasuke noted and swung right side up, jumping after his master and the ninja girl, "Don't beat her up too bad, she still needs to tell us where Akihime-dono is being held!"
Amaya threw her kunai, which Yukimura knocked aside easily, still hot on her heals. She had to flip, dodge and jump out of the way of Yukimura's spears, which nearly singed her hair when he swung high, knocking her mask off to reveal an impish face with sharp features. She ground her teeth and grabbed the branch over her head, lifting herself off her branch and slamming her feet into Yukimura's chest, but it was like he never even felt it. He grabbed her ankle before she could pull back and he shoved her hard, sending her over the side of the branch and falling towards the ground. She quickly righted herself, but she landed hard on her ankles and fell to the side, rolling and coming to a stop and jumping to her feet, but she winced. Her left ankle flared pain and her cheeks and arms stung from getting hit with branches on the way down. Before she could even think, Yukimura was upon her once more, thrusting his spears toward her and driving her back against a large tree, his aura nearly knocking her back it was so overwhelming.
Sasuke honestly didn't know what to do. Yukimura was a raging inferno, there was no stopping him. "Master, if you don't stop, you'll kill her! Then we'll never find Akihime!" He said, hoping it was enough to get his master to halt
Amaya had been backed against a tree, arms raised to keep her head and neck protected, but she was only reciving small cuts. Yukimura frowned when Sasuke told him he needed to stop, and even though it was against his nature to cut down a woman, so he settled with spearing the tree beside Amaya's head, panting heavily. "Take her into custody, get information out of her, use any means necessary." He said, pulling his spear out of the tree and glaring at Amaya, who didn't look like she wasn't going anywhere.
Sasuke nodded and moved to Amaya, "Please, Master Sanada is very stressed out right now...please, just come with me and cooperate." He requested calmly, almost pleadingly
Amaya looked Sasuke up and down, steely eyes staring him down, but she gave a small nod.

((And the reason she didn't just escape into the tree is cuz if she tries to do that and they attack the tree or hit where she is- since she has to focus- she can get stuck half way in the tree. :>))
Sasuke didn't bind her, as a sign of good faith, and led her to where the cells were; where he nudged her politely into her cell and locked her in. "Now then...I'm certain you didn't mean Akihime is dead. Because I saw you pulling her away from the estate." He scratched the bridge of his nose, a curious frown on his face, "Would you be kind enough as to explain why? I don't think you want Master Sanada coming in here and asking you."

(( :O DAYM!!))
((Yeah~ Not a fun thing~))

Amaya didn't say anything, her dark eyes studying the cell, a soft frown on her face, not answering Sasuke.
"She isn't dead, that is all I can say." She said, watching him leave. "She is better off how she is now than how she was not to long ago."
Sasuke stopped and moved back over, "What do you mean?" He asked. He frowned softly, " Master is going insane with all the ill will towards Akihime-dono...he nearly lost her once before no thanks to Motonari over there...I don't think he can handle loosing her again...please..." Sasuke looked desperate, "You must've known her for a long time must understand the pain of not seeing her for a long time and wondering if she was alive or not..."
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