Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Dammit Sasuke!!))

Yukimura turned, frowning. "Sasuke, what is it?" He asked, not moving away from Akihime, in fact , he stood in front of her.
"She's been a traitor from the start. I have to take her into custody." Sasuke stated firmly. Akihime frowned and moved closer to Yukimura, holding onto his arm
Yukimura frowned heavily. "I cannot and will not allow that, Sasuke." He said firmly. "Please leave."
((Fuck phones!))

Yukimura didn't budge. "Leave." He said again. "Akihime is my wife and she will not be held in a cell."

"Master..." "YUKIMURA!!!" Shingen's bellowing voice echoed. Sasuke vanished quickly as Shingen came charging forward. "Yukimura-sama!" Akihime shoved Yukimura aside and grunted when Shingen's fist connected with her small frame, not having enough time to stop his attack. She was sent flying back and crashing through the wall before she hit the stone wall outside. She sat sunken into the wall for a moment before falling off and hitting the ground with a thud.

"A-Akihime!" Yukimura jumped to his feet and rushed to Akihime, crouching beside her, eyes wide. He had completely forgotten all about his Master, trying to determine if he should move Akihime or not. "Get the healer!" He snapped.
Yukimura clenched his fists and turned to look at Akihime, grinding his teeth together. "Alright... But please make sure the healer gets there quickly.."
"Sasuke." "Hai." Sasuke appeared from a shadow beneath Akihime, lifting her up as he slowly came out of the jutsu. "Gomen, Master..." He muttered as he carried Akihime to the cells
Yukimura sat there in the pile of rubble, staring at the spot where Akihime had been laying, fists still clenched.
"Pick yourself up, Yukimura. You have to interrogate her when she's well again. Do not show weakness; whether she is your wife or otherwise." He told him

Yukimura stiffened, then nodded and slowly gathered himself to his feet. "Hai, Oyakata-sama." He said, heading to his room to change.

After Sasuke had made Akihime comfortable in her cell and called a healer, he sat and waited. A pat of him knew Akihime would never betray the Takeda, but his ninja training told him to be on guard nonetheless

Yukimura sat in his room, changed out of his wedding clothes and into his normal attire, waiting for any word of Akihime from Sasuke.
Yukimura stood slowly, gripping the six coins around his neck. "Hai." He said, heading towards the cells.
Sasuke disappeared to the cells and waited. Akihime sat on her knees, head lowered in shame as her hair hid her face like a rust-colored curtain
Yukimura entered and took a seat just outside the cell in front of Akihime, his eyes sad but his face set. "Otani Akihime, is it true or is it not true that you made an attempt on my life." He asked, paper and brush ready to write, his voice hollow.
Yukimura noted down everything she said. "And from how long since I've known you have you been planning to take my life?"
"...A month before you found me whilst returning to Kai..." She muttered. "What was the purpose of taking Master Sanada's life?" Sasuke asked. Akihime bit her lip, trembling, "T-To...pit the Takeda...a-and the Date against each other...a-and weaken both armies so...s-so they would be easily over taken b-by the W-Western Army...I-I was to...slay Yukimura-sama...a-and leave the Date crest at the scene...." Images of Yukimura covered in blood filled her mind, imagining if she had actually gone through with her orders. She felt utterly sick, doubling over and fighting back the bile that pooled in her throat.
Yukimura clenched his jaw, not wanting to see Akihime like this anymore, but he knew he had to press on further. "Is there anyone else in on this plan on the Date's side?" He asked.
She shook her head a swallowed the sick lump in her throat, "N-No...I was only ordered to frame the m-more than those orders were given to m-me..." "What made you refuse these orders?" Sasuke asked. Akihime hiccuped, tears streaming down her cheeks, "M-My love for Yukimura-sama forbade me from taking his me a liar if you wish, but if I did not desire his love so deeply, he would not be here today..!"
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