Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Amaya nodded and stood, following Sasuke outside where Yukimura sat on his horse, ready to lead his troops.
Amaya took the pill and swallowed it. "Thank you." She said, glancing to Yukimura who now refused to acknowledge she was there. "Are we ready to head out?" He asked Sasuke.
Amaya blinked, something in his tone made her... Blush? Why? He was just asking a question. "Hai." She said, jumping up into the tree with a small wince.
Yukimura and his men followed after the two ninja, Amaya leading the way she had sent Akihime off in.
In a couple days time, they had reached Shinano Province. Sasuke stood at the very top of a tall tree, looking around, "I don't see Uesugi, Master!" He called, "He might not know we're here!"

((He definately does now.))
((Shit. .-.))

Amaya jumped up to the branch below Sasuke, looking around with a frown. "He knows." Yukimura said, kicking his horse forward and proceeding with caution.
Sasuke moved down to Yukimura's side again, following him. In the far distance, atop a snow covered mountain, a lone figure stood and watched the small band of Takeda troops. The man scowled and unsheathed his blade, causing the snow to pick up and form a small blizzard
Yukimura walked at a slow pace, ordering his men to stand down and to not draw any weapons until he ordered.
Sasuke looked around, wondering where a certain blonde ninja was, "Amaya, stay on guard. There's a ninja that works for Uesugi and she's a tricky one."
"Hai." Amaya nodded. Yukimura dismounted his horse, leading it on foot through the village. "I'm surprised we have not been stopped yet." Yukimura noted.
Sasuke kepts alert, looking everywhere to make sure there were no blind spots for anyone to attack his master. He heard a faint whistling and threw his shurikun, knocking a kunai away from Yukimura. "She's here." He huffed
Yukimura frowned. "Kasuga-san, where is Uesugi-dono, I need to speak to him." He called, not knowing where the ninja was.
"And by that, do you mean to slay my Lord?!" Kasuga hissed, appearing a few feet away from Yukimura. Sasuke moved over, "Whoa, you got it all wrong, Kasuga.."
Yukimura straightened himself. "I Sanada Genjiro Yukimura am here on a matter of peace, I wish not to wage war or start any conflicts, I simply request and audience with Uesugi-dono..!"
"I will not allow you to speak to my Lord, Kenshin!" "It's all right, Kasuga." The blizzard calmed and Kenshin approached, Kasuga looking shocked, "L-Lord Kenshin-!" "You've done well, my most beautiful blade...I will hear what the young Cub has to say...." Kenshin told her, placing his hand on her cheek
"Uesugi-dono, I must ask if you will recall any sightings of Akihime passing through this way, it is very urgent." Yukimura asked, not wanting to wait a moment longer.
"Akihime?" Kenshin asked curiously, "Now that you mention it, she did ride past here just yesterday." "Yesterday? We're losing time, Master." Sasuke said
Yukimura bowed to him. "Thank you, if you'll excuse us and allow us to pass, time is of the essence." He said, mounting his horse.
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