Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura nodded, but he wasn't sure, staring at the ground he held the six coins around his neck, wondering if he truly deserved them.
Yukimura nodded and laid down on the ground, staring up at the sky with a soft frown of worry, putting his hands behind his head.
"Everything will be ok, Yukimura-sama," A vision of Akihime sat beside him, placing her hand on his head affectionately, "Buddah and I are watching over you, always."
Yukimura sat up quickly, looking around with startled eyes. He needed sleep, he was just seeing and hearing things. He rubbed his eyes furiously and laid back down.
Amaya rested in the tree next to Sasuke's sitting with her back against the trunk and her legs crossed, eyes closed.
Yukimura saddled his horse and after checking the girth, he mounted. "Let's move out!" He called, kicking his horse to a full gallop once again.
Yukimura rode for little over half a day, reaching Yamashiro just after sun high. Amaya searched from the trees, frowning softly. "I still don't see her.."
Yukimura nodded, dismounting his horse and leading on foot, face set in a scowl and circles under his eyes.
Sasuke vanished and appeared silently inside the walls of Osaka Castle. He searched high and low, looking for the missing princess. He stopped when he saw her bowing as low as she could to Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari; that latter of the two glaring death at her. "You have failed me for a second time. I do not take kindly to your betrayal." He hissed. Akihime trembled, "P-Please, Mitsunari-sama, forgive me! I-!" "Hold your tongue before I rip it from your throat!" Mitsunari spat and Akihime quickly silenced. Yoshitsugu moved over, smirking under his bandages, "Now, Mitsunari, we can't really blame her, can we? We made her come home before we could have her complete the alternative of our plan." He stated. Akihime dared not speak in fear of Mitsunari hurting her. Sasuke scowled softly and disappeared, returning to Yukimura, "We need to get in there now, Master."
Yukimura frowned. "How hostile is the environment?" He asked. Amaya frowned and looked up at the castle with a soft frown, chewing on her thumb.
Yukimura nodded. "Alright... That's settled, but we know nothing of the layout of the fort or which would be the best way to get to Akihime."
Sasuke's gaze landed on Amaya, "Do you know a good way? And I don't mean to rush you, but she looks like she could be in serious trouble."
Amaya tore her gaze away from the castle looking to Sasuke. "Yes I do, but something doesn't feel right." She warned. "There's a small hidden door I typically use to get in and out, it'll lead into the main hallway and we can go from there." She said.
Yukimura nodded. "Please, lead on." He said to Amaya, still untrusting. "Hai." She nodded and turned, heading quickly around to a small drop off in the ground, hidden by the undergrowth that Amaya simply peeled back to reveal a small trap door only big enough for one to fit in at a time. "Through here." She said, opening the door and dropping down inside, followed by Yukimura.
Amaya led them through a dark maze of a tunnel, knowing exactly where she was headed even though even she could barely see. Soon the light slowly became better as the three of them approached the man hallway, and by now Mitsunari's angry voice could be heard. Yukimura clenched his fist, fire in his eyes as he prepared himself for a fight that was sure to follow.
"I hope you understand the punishment for this treason." Mitsunari hissed. There was silence before a meek "Hai" was heard. Akihime sounded utterly terrifide. Sasuke slowed down so he could better focus on what was going to happen. But he didn't need to; what happened next echoed loud through every part of the castle. A crack of a whip and Akihime's ear splitting scream.
Yukimura's eyes widened with rage and horror and he charged forward without thinking, barreling past Amaya who tried to stop him. "Matte..!" She frowned and quickly followed Yukimura to where the sound of Akihime's scream had come from.
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