Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Thank you." Amaya said and took the supplies, setting some aside and went back to work patching Akihime up the best she could.

Yukimura grunted in pain and stumbled back, taking a swipe at Mitsunari's chest.
"I' tired..." "Stay awake, Akihime-dono, please." Sasuke pleaded. Akihime made a weak noise, "But, Sasuke..." "Do it for Master Sanada...!"

Mitsunari grunte an stumble before slashing at Yukimura again
Amaya finished and wrapped Akihime's abdomen with gauze, looking to Sasuke with a frown. "That should do it for a while, but unless she gets to a proper healer, she'll die."

Yukimura's eyes widened when Mitsunari slashed down hard, opening a large gash across his chest. He coughed up a bit of blood and dropped to one knee.
Sasuke nodded and looked to see how Yukimura was doing. His eyes widened, "Master Sanada!" Mitsunari placed his blade next to Yukimura's head, "And now, you die."
Yukimura had seemed like he had lost all hope, but suddenly he brough his spear up and stabbed the blade into Mitsunari's foot, using his spear as a lever as he kicked the silver haired man hard in the chest. "Get Akihime out of here!"
Sasuke scowled and looked to Amaya, "Go...get her to safety. I need to stay with Master Sanada." "N-No...Sasuke, please...g-get...get Yukimura-sa...sama out of here..." Akihime pleaded weakly. Sasuke nodded, "Hai."
Amaya gathered Akihime up in her arms, holding her carefully as she stood and dissapeared quickly.

Yukimura was fighting on his feet again, though he looked to be in great pain, blood dripping from his chest.
Mitsunari growled and raised his katana to cut Yukimura down but Sasuke grabbed Yukimura and melted quickly into a shadow before Mitsunari could hurt either of them. "Get back here you cowards!!" Mitsunari screeched
Yukimura panted, blood continuously running from the two deep gashes that made an x on his chest. "Is Akihime alright..?"
"Amaya has her...hold still, Master..." Sasuke reached into his pouch and pulled out the needed things to clean and heal his wound once they were to safety
Yukimura winced when he tended to his wounds, looking a little on the pale side. "Will she be alright?"
"We'll have to try." Yukimura said. "Let's gather the horses and my men and we'll head out." He said, heading off with his face set. Amaya was with the horses and Akihime, frowning softly.
Amaya looked down at Akihime. "Hai, Ojou-sama?" She asked softly, glancing up and looking for anyone approaching, friendly or not.
Akihime glanced at her slowly, "I'm c-came back...Amaya-chan...I-I was worried..." She slowly reached out, "Y-You've...always been a d...dear friend of mine..."
Amaya gently took her hand hesitantly, frowning. "Don't worry, Ojou-sama.. You're going to be okay." She said, looking up when she heard footsteps. "Akihime..!" Yukimura made his way over to Amaya and Akihime, frowning softly. "We need to get her to a healer." "Hai." Amaya stood and Yukimura mounted his horse, Amaya handing Akihime up to him. "We'll have to stop back and ask the Maeda for help." He said, kicking his horse. "He have no time to waste..!" He said and sped off.
Akihime laid weakly against Yukimura, wincing slightly because of her wounds, "G...Gomenasai...Yukimura-sama..." She muttered. Sasuke followed by him, glancing to Amaya every now and again.

((M'wife, wai is Amaya so awkwerd when it comes tu Ahkiheemay~?))
((Cuz Akihime was probably the first nice person to her, and it's weird for her since she used to deal with Mitaunari on a daily basis~))

Amaya kept close behind Sasuke, a thoughtful look on her face. Yukimura shook his head. "Don't be sorry, Akihime." He said softly.
"B-But...I have sinned and dishonored you...I have sh-shamed the Takeda...I don't...deserve to live..." She rasped. Sasuke looked back at Amaya, "Are you alright? You look real deep in thought."
"Sh, you should conserve your strength." Yukimura said. "And you have not dishonored me, Akihime." He said softly. "Hai.. I'm fine, just worried about Akihime-sama."
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