Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


Megohime swung her sword, practicing in the courtyard to improve her swordsmanship.
((Now that I think about it, with Mego being there for so long, they wouldn't do this xD))

Some of the soldiers watched her with mocking smiles and taunting laughter
((Newer recruits might, they haven't seen Masamune's wrath in full. •w•))

Megohime scowled and continued to swing her sword, trying to ignore the men as she swung her sword harder and harder.
((They'll learn~ Soon enough~))

Megohime gave one last swing, grinding her teeth and turning to face the men who had been watching her like a hawk ever since she had come out to train. "What about it? A woman swinging a sword isn't that hard of a concept to grasp; oh sorry, I forgot who I was speaking to."

Megohime's eyes widened slightly when they grabbed her wrists and she tried to yank them away. "Unhand me!" She hissed angrily.
((glub glub?))

"She's got a fiery temper, too!" "And a husband with an even more fiery temper." Masamune hissed at them. They froze and looked, "H-Hitto...!" "Get. Away. From my wife." Masamune snarled and they ran away with their tails between their legs

Megohime stood there with a clenched jaw, clenching her fists to stop herself from shaking. "Masamune-sama.." She muttered.
"I'm fine." She said quietly, turning away from him and swinging her sword again, resuming her training.
((She didn't shit a brick like I expected her too! XD))

"Doesn't seem like it. You aren't disrespecting Masamune-sama, are you?" The last part seemed to be faintly growled out, as if he was threatening her not to slip up again

Megohime paled and averted her eyes. "No, everything's fi-" She was cut short as an arrow quizzed through the air and impaled itself into Megohime's shoulder with such force it made her stagger before falling back.
Megohime held her bleeding shoulder, hissing out all sorts of profanity. "Son of a bitch!" She ground her teeth in pain, taking a seat once inside.

((I'm alive!))
((SPLEE!! *intense snuggles*))

Masamune summoned the healer and looked to Kojurou, "What the hell was that?" "Obviously, it was an archer attempting to either kill you and missed or attempted to kill Megohime-dono and is a terrible shot."
"They weren't a terrible shot, they hit me!" She snapped out through her teeth as the healer worked on removing the arrow.
Kojurou looked to her with a steely gaze, "They were a terrible shot if they were aiming for your heart and missed, Megohime-dono."
Megohime looked away. "You sound like you're disspointed it missed." She said quietly, wincing when the healer removed the arrow, making her hiss in pain.
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