Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Of course not." Kojurou said, frowning softly, "I would mourn you if you were felled, Megohime-dono..." "Don't be difficult, Mego..." Masamune said
Megohime ground her teeth. "Sorry." She muttered as the healer started to clean her wound. "I'll be fine.."
((*totally not used to super bitchy uncensored Megohime* I will choke a bitch...!))

Kojurou bowed to Masamune, excusing himself so he could look for the assailant. Masamune looked to Megohime, "Stay inside."
((*rolls away* Sorry!))

"I thought I'd go outside so they could finish the job." She muttered sarcastically.
((This is me restricting myself ;3;))

Jingu was already on her way out when Masamune called for her. "Is Megohime-dono alright?"
((Oh soon~ And it's gonna be at Masamune~))

"Ah.. I see, what are we going to do about the attack?" She questioned.
"I can send my warriors out to scout, but by this time they are probably long gone." Jingu said with a frown.
"Agreed." Kojurou said and looked to Masamune, "Shall we head back inside and discuss a coarse of action?" "Sure..." Masamune muttered
Megohime exited with a bandaged shoulder, scowling. "Well thank god the big bad dragon must've scared them off." She said.
Megohime shot a look over her shoulder at Masamune, making a grumbling noise and taking her seat.
((Well then time to piss Masamune off royally~))

After the meeting ended and everyone had cleared the room, Megohime sat in her spot, glancing at Masamune, well his eyepatch to be exact.
((I thought you said full bitch mode with no restraints! Dx))

Megohime looked away, making a face. "Nothing."
"Fine." Megohime turned to look him straight in the eye. "I was looking at your ugly eyepatch covering that disgusting empty eye socket; let me ask you, did you mother disown you because you were an asshole or was it all because of your eye? Speaking of which, why in gods name did you have Kojurou take it out?" She gave a bitter laugh, eyes cold. "Were you trying to make dear Oka-sama love you? Or are you really that stupid?"
((That was...less bitchy than I had expected... >.> ))

Masamune's rage flew over the handle, "How dare you!? My mother thought me an unfit leader of the Date clan and insisted I hand clan head to my brother! Do you know why he's not here, Megohime!? I had to kill him to remain leader of my clan! And I asked Kojurou to remove my eye because smallpox robbed my sight from me! I hate how the relationship between me and my mother turned out! And now," He gripped his katana, "You have stepped far out of line."
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