Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Aki-chan..." Ren tried hard to push himself to his feet, wanting to assist the struggling princess, but his legs betrayed him. The loud sound of metal clashing brought his eyes up to the hill were Motonari and Yukimura fought, Yukimura panting with effort as he struggled to push Motonari back.
"Stay back, Ren-san!" Akihime ordered, slaying man after man. She grimaced when she failed to block and was slashed across her upper arm, and this gave more of an opprotunity to take more damage. She cried in pain and dropped to one knee. One of the soldiers raised his blade to dispatch her and she closed her eyes, "Gomenasai, Ren-san...Yukimura...everyone...I have failed you." She muttered. "Akihime!" "Nee-sama!" A familiar anchor smashed into the soldier and Motochika stood before her, his Elite Guard helping her to safety. "Motochika-sama?" "Sorry we took so long, we were a bit tied up!"
"Cap'n!" Ren grinned, wincing and falling back against the building. Yukimura hacked when Motonari swung his ring blade and sliced his chest, scowling faintly. "Pitiful." "Yukimura-dono...!"
Motonari easily knocked the shurikun away. Yukimura panted softly, using one of his spears to support himself. After days of traveling and the battle with the decoy, Yukimura was exhausted, he needed a miracle now. "It's over." Motonari said. "Move out of the way, ninja, this battle is between the Tiger Cub and me."
"I'm afraid I can't do that. My Master is the only one to order me around. And I can't let you beat him around any longer." Sasuke answered. "And now, your quarel is with me, Motonari!" Motochika came running up, leaving his Elite Guard to deal with the rest
Motonari scowled taking a small step back and getting ready to meet Motochika's heavy anchor. "My business is with Kai, not you." He said.
"Oh... You mean that stick of a human... Yes, I do believe my men enjoyed their time with him." He said calmly.
Motonari's eyes widened slightly, stumbling back and disconnecting his blades so they made two half circles, taking up a stance.
Motonari knocked the first shurikun away, but the second one sliced his cheek and he scowled, barely having time to block a blow from Yukimura, who put all his weight into the attack.
Sasuke used his shadow clone technique to add to the onslaught made on Motonari, Motochika spinning his anchor so fast it conducted heat
Motonari soon became overwhelmed, dropping to one knee, panting heavily, cuts covering him from head to toe.
Motonari scowled at Motochika with great hatred. "I'll have Sasuke take him into custody, but for now we need to make sure the citizens are safe."
Sasuke bound Motonari's hands and pushed him along, "You're lucky Master is such a nice guy." Motochika watched with a satisfied smirk before jogging off, "Akihime...!"
Yukimura turned, following Motochika down the hill to see if Akihime was okay. "Akihime-dono, are you alright?"
Akihime looked up, wounds treated, but she managed a weak smile, "Hai, I'm wounds don't matter now that we have Kai back...!"
Yukimura smiled softly and nodded. "And Ren-san?" "I'm fine.." Ren said, raising his hand weakly.
"I couldn't let them kill our wounded..." Akihime said. Motochika gently pat her head, "You did well, Akihime." "Arigatou, Motochika-sama.."
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