Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Arigatou... I'm ' a bit a pain..." He said, wincing when he shifted his leg.

"Please forgive me my lord." She said, bowing her head. "But I was given direct order to only inform, not to kill."
"Akihime-dono?" Sasuke came over and she looked, "We're heading back. Should I get Ren back to his ship?" "No, I'll help cart him back to Kai...its alright. Arigatou, Sasuke." Sasuke nodded and moved back towards Yukimura, "She's very attached to him." He noted
Yukimura had been watching the two, a pang of jealousy making his cheeks flush slightly. "Hai, but Akihime-dono is a very caring person." He said, mounting his horse. "I'll accompany them on the way back to Kai, for now let's get the injured soldiers back so we can treat their wounds."
Sasuke nodded and helped every one get ready. Akihime stayed with Ren the entire time, making sure his new wounds and his eye was healing properly
Ren rested most of the way, Yukimura hung back, glancing at Akihime from time to time, something felt off though.
Akihime kept with Ren, talking with him to keep his morale up. Sasuke followed beside Yukimura, thoughtful about Akihime's relations with Ren
((Sasuke knooooooowwwsssssssss!!))

Ren laughed weakly, smiling up at Akihime warmly, which made Yukimura frown softly.
((Sasuke knows everything!))

Akihime giggled, cheeks painting a soft pink hue, making Sasuke frown softly; knowing his master's secret affections
((He's knows when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake!))

Yukimura looked away, out at the ocean they rode by, pretending not to notice.
"Ah..!" Yukimura laughed softly. "No, I was just thinking." He said, scratching his head with a small grin.
Yukimura blushed and shook his head quickly. "Wh-What? Why? What makes you say that, Sasuke?"
Yukimura glanced over at Akihime, making sure they were out of hearing range. "I was thinking of asking her to marry me." He said, looking down at the reins.
Yukimura made a face. "I love her, but I don't know..." He looked to Akihime, who was still with Ren.
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