Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Sasuke gets rejected everyday~ He knows well~))

Yukimura nodded, looking thoughtful. "I do not know what to do, maybe Oyakata-sama will have words of wisdom he can share with me."
((Aw yiss~))

When they arrived at the outskirts of Kai, the town was in chaos, building were demolished, some aflame, citizens were laying dead in the streets, others cowering in hiding. Motonari's symbol on a flag were placed over town. Yukimura grid his teeth and kicked his horse, racing for the Takeda estate.
Ren tried to sit up. "Wha'... Wha' the hell..?" He scowled. Yukimura drew his weapons. "Oyakata-sama!" He jumped from his horse rushing toward the estate that was in shambles.
An explosion sounded from the rear side of the estate. Shingen was fighting off a portion of Motonari's men single handedly, "Yukimura!!"
"Hai! Oyakata-sama!" Yukimura said and raced to town, fighting many of Motonari's men along the way, searching for Akihime.

"I see my men have failed at taking out the wench." Motonari stood on a hill above Kai, scowling in disappointment. Yukimura continuing to fight on the ground before he noticed Motonari. "Akihime-dono!" He called. "Will you be alright down here alone?"
"H-Hai! I-I only wish Motochika-sama wouldn't take his time getting here from the docks!" She called and swung her open fan, blasting a large amount of soldiers back with a mighty gust of wind
Yukimura gave a nod, then hurried up the hill toward Motonari, who watching him with bored, cold eyes. "It's too late, boy." Yukimura hurried to attack, trying to take out the man who invaded his land. "You sent all your time and effort in Aki and your men are exhausted." Motonari simply stepped out of the way. "And you're no match for me or my men."
((M'wife, that post made little sense, please fix it xD ))

Akihime continued to defend the wounded, getting tired from swinging her fan. "Kuso...!" She hissed softly and dropped her fan, grabbing a fallen spear and swinging that at Motonari's men
((I'm so sorry! I'm trying to rush cuz I'm leaving soon and I'm cleaning and- *flies into the sun*))

Ren watched Akihime from where he was propped against a building, scowling in pain. "Aki-chan..." He winced, wishing he could fight beside her.
((*rolls into the sea to be eaten by the Horrorterrors*))

Akihime continued to fight, the more men she killed, five more would replace him. She was getting exhausted; she wouldn't be able to last much longer. "D-Dammit...!" She panted weakly. She looked around at the fallen and the wounded and felt her blood boil. Gripping the staff of her spear tight, she pointed it at the soldiers before her, "Try as you might, you will not slay anymore of these proud warriors! I will lay down my life for them and defend them to my last breath! So, come! Defeat me if you believe yourself capible! I am Akihime of the house of Otani! And I reclaim this land of Kai with the Spirit of the Tiger!!"
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